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  mis said:
Im gonna be in NY this weekend:

Food: Jean george, bouchon bakery, Shake shack, Craft, Chikalicious, Per se, Momofuku

Am I missing anything that I will regret if this is the last time i ever visit ny?



bouchon - everything is way too sweet

chikalicious - meh, the counter is a nice idea, but its just meh

craft - check out the other localvore spots like cookshop, hearth, blue hill, back forty instead

momofuku - ko is shit, Ssam and milk bar are alright

check out Kyo Ya, Aureole, Lady M, Scarpetta, Ilaboratio del Gelato

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I actually targetted craft mainly because I heard good things about their desserts.

Def. Checking out Aureole and Lady M. Kyo Ya and Laboratio del gelato sound cool but they are out of the way for me.

Also adding to the list: Cafe Boulud

Where to kop macarons like a lil bitch? Madeleine? La Maison?

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if you were going to check out chikalicious or momofuku you can check out kyo ya and lab, they're not that far. Luxee is worth checking out for deserts.

heard madeleine is good. I've only tried kee's, maison, luxee, bouchon. macaron cafe. I really hate. I like macaron's because they are the least sweet and have the texture that personally like which is softer. Kee's texture reminds me of Pez. Luxee's are too crunchy.

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  mis said:
Im gonna be in NY this weekend:

Food: Jean george, bouchon bakery, Shake shack, Craft, Chikalicious, Per se, Momofuku

Am I missing anything that I will regret if this is the last time i ever visit ny?


no offense but it looks like you got your restaurant list from zagat's

jean-georges - ok if someone else chose it and is paying, otherwise not the most interesting/unique of restaurants

bouchon bakery - not worth getting on a train for

shake shack - not worth standing in line for. hill country (tx bbq) is a much better option in the neighborhood or the burger joint in the midtown hotel i can't remember (or a million other "high-end" burger places)

craft - this isn't the 90s anymore

per se - not much to say here, you know what you're getting (and what it costs)

momofuku - noodle bar is great, ssam bar has fallen off big time (final nail in the coffin is when they decided to no longer serve ssam except by special order), ko is interesting but not awesome.

cafe boulud - probably my favorite of the boulud joints, actually, but you can walk away feeling ripped off sometimes

add to your list:

one of the bbq places, RUB (burnt ends) or hill country (beef shoulder, chicken) will do

one of the bouley places according to your desired price point/formality. i would go to bouley over jean-georges or daniel any day of the week

del posto either the main dining room or taverna - i'm a huge mark ladner fan

pinche or la esquina upstairs (either the taco stand or sit down)

wd-50 on a flier, it can be awesome or terrible but never dull

one of the coal-fired pizza places like lombardi's

i should warn you that i stopped enjoying eating out in the city about 3 years ago so this may not be the coolest and up-to-date list but i still enjoy going to them and they don't tend to be overrun by trendies or tourists

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Ok my revised list after plans look more solid now:

Jean georges @ Nougatine

Cafe Boulud

Momofuku Noodle bar


Per Se

Le Bernardin

Lady M


madeleine/La Maison

Shake shack(I know. But i cant tell people Ive been to NY and not tried it, maybe i'll go during off peak hours? Is there such a thing?)

Chikalicious if time permits

I got one more slot for dinner in Times square area. Anyone know of a good Asian restaurant in the area?

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that list is pretty od - you may want to pare down at the high/formal/rich end unless you're here for 2 weeks and/or that's your normal diet.

times sq is tough, i think it's come on a couple threads in this section if you want to do a forum search for virgil's and esca (which were my two main recs)

shake shack offpeak during the summer would be weekdays not during lunch or dinner time (meaning between 2-5 or after 9) or if it's raining heavily.

assuming the new boulud place is bar boulud, it's decent - probably better as a lunch or light dinner place. the head cheese is the dogs' though. btw the blue ribbon near twc is a decent option with surprisingly good sushi if you're around there.

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There's new Shake Shack location in the upper west side that isnt packed, but you're better off getting a burger elsewhere like a random bar.

Times Sq Asian

Aburiya Kinnosuke

Rio & You, get the specials from Japan

Sushiden, only at the counter or if you speak japanese


Sushi Yasuda

Soba Totto

Yakitori Totto

Skip Lombardi's grab a slice at Pizza Suprema,

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I'll make this short, I am moving to NYC soon. Going to go to school at Hunter for fine arts. I have been to NY twice but you know, it's huge. And I know that unless you LIVE somewhere you really don't get the feel for it. Basically, I am an artist, I do want to be in a "hip" area. Yes, I hate saying that. God. Anyway, I am ignorant to all of this so please forgive me, but I have "heard" that Williamsburg is a nice place...but I have also heard that it is "played out" and full of people who "care more about their hair than art". I have also heard that Chinatown, and the Lower East Side are kinda cool. If anybody can fill me in that would be great. Size of place doesn't matter. I'm not really talking price or any of that, I do thrive off of "energy" and "real" happenings. Not phony stuff, not tourist stuff. I like to have a good drink every once in a while, good cheap food, but basically I nice place where you know...it's cool.


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seriously though fuck everybody looking for an "authentic" neighborhood in new york. your bullshit quest to find a neighborhood that hasn't "sold out" yet and the fact that there are thousands of dumbasses just like you looking for the exact same thing means that tons of poor families have to leave their home just so you can do coke and make fun of "fake" neighborhoods.

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I'm fairly certain neighborhood's can't be "authentic"

neighborhood's are where you live

you can be "authentic"

and you living space in itself can be "authentic" like yourself

but a neighborhood is a neighborhood, regardless of "authenticity" or not.

did I use "authentic" enough in there?

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to be honest it doesn't matter where you live so much as where you hang out. if you're looking for something affordable i'd recommend brooklyn, which includes williamsburg, bushwick a bunch of good places, it's really not about where you live so much as how you live. that being said if money is no object, LES is a good spot.

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All this authentic talk...please.

I don't have money. At all. If I could find a place less than 1000 in a decent area, I don't care how big it is really,

thatd be nice. I don't care about being around "hipsters". In fact, I hate em.

The reason why I ask is because I have a feeling Brooklyn is nothing but a bunch

of hipsters. And young kids.

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