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The nicest 501 STFs? pics?


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There are a few pictures on superfuture if you do a little searching of decent looking 501s. I think you will find that the jeans look really well when they haven't been washed, but after the first or maybe second wash the denim gets real fuzzy and the contrast is not all that great, but nevertheless they are a good starting jeans. If I was you I would wear them and while wearing them save your pennies to get a pair of one of the cadillacs of denim, such as studio dartisans, sugar cane, nudies, APC, etc.

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definitely not lvc, I actually do not remember if they were stf's or not. I had picked them up on Ebay and flipped them. They are in the evoloution of jeans thread. There is a thread somewhere in Superdenim of someone who had worn theirs for two months and starched them often (If I remember correctly) who looked really good. I think his photos had expired but if you pm him he might be nice enough to email you the pictures.

Good Luck and please post pics after a couple of months...

honey, you're my religion

Even though you haven't yet expanded

To include a heaven after

Even though I have demanded it

Edited by LIVENUDEGIRLS on Apr 4, 2006 at 07:42 PM

Edited by LIVENUDEGIRLS on Apr 4, 2006 at 07:43 PM

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here's a pair of stf's that i practiced handsanding on



not nearly the best, but most certainly wearable. and they only took 3 days of wear and 3 washes to complete, so i can't really complain. excuse the lighting, they're actually pretty well balanced.

Edited by melee on Apr 4, 2006 at 09:57 PM

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these were my first too. Bought waist true to size (30) and length slightly longer (34). 4 months, after 1 tepid soak with me in them, 1 overnight cold soak, and finally 1 really warm soak. Starching every week or so.



By the way, does anyone still soak in the tub while wearing their jeans? This hasnt really done anything for me.

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My LVC repros just arrived today.

They are really nice - I cold soaked them in the bath for about 40 mins.

Not sure if they really shrank much?

Drained the water from the bath, put the jeans on and have been wearing them since. They are now bone dry and they have the sickest honeycombing already. Very, very thin honeycombs.

Don't know whether I will wash them in warm water ever yet.

Might just cold wash them forever to minimise shrinkage, cos Im kind of happy with the fit.

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definitely not lvc, I actually do not remember if they were stf's or not. I had picked them up on Ebay and flipped them. They are in the evoloution of jeans thread. There is a thread somewhere in Superdenim of someone who had worn theirs for two months and starched them often (If I remember correctly) who looked really good. I think his photos had expired but if you pm him he might be nice enough to email you the pictures.

Good Luck and please post pics after a couple of months...

--- Original message by LIVENUDEGIRLS on Apr 4, 2006 07:37 PM

I guess you're talking about Chungy?
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outdoor501 (2).JPG

outdoor501 (6).JPG

outdoor501 (4).JPG

had them for 3 months... but i dont wear them everyday

i dont like how they fit anymore, too big in thighs and ass... i just wear them for playing basketball so i can beat the F out of them

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