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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/23 in Posts

  1. Bought another pair of 800x because it is by far my most favorite pair. It’s the only pair of jeans that I have ever bought twice.
    18 points
  2. 15 points
  3. The 220a is a love at first trial for me. Let me wonder the 221 will be as good. Anyone know how they fit differently? (pls excuse for the junk food)
    13 points
  4. First wash yesterday at about two months of wear This is the longest I've gone without a wash in what feels like a decade Denim is darker than photographed, on the greyer side which I really like. Got them one wash and after this first cold wash they've shrunk up about an inch
    10 points
  5. Museum date the other day. Cleveland's Natural History Museum is under renovation so we only got to see a couple dinosaurs in the lobby area, and then went to Crawford Auto Museum.
    9 points
  6. Selective breeding of animals for pets doesn't sit too well with me..(Crufts makes me fucking cringe, that woman who makes her Border Collie dance on it's hind legs while all the tweed wearing Barbara Woodhouse types clap.. should be f'kin shot) I appreciate the breeds were separated for reasons of ability but most folks who want a dog nowadays don't need a working animal they just need a companion but they're choosing it for the way it looks (like doggy eugenics) we should let our pets be instead of prostituting them.. let our doggies fall in love with who they choose, let them eat bowls of spaghetti together.. if all of our pets were crossbreeds they would be much healthier.. there would be less animal suffering, less puppy farms, less criminals stealing them, they wouldn't cost £3000 and we wouldn't have to pay vet bills to correct the pain which our meddling caused... The pug isn't even recognised as a dog breed anymore by the kennel club because we've fucked it up so much.. i see a chap walking one nr us.. it can't breath and one of it's eyeballs is outside the socket.. obviously bred with it's skull so small it's eyes don't even fit in it's head.. well done humans! In the interest of balance.. all cat owners are bastards too!
    4 points
  7. ^^ and mice too We had a cat when we were growing up. Lovely, lively tabby moggy me Dad brought home from the pub when he took my little sister after school. Lots of stuff came from that pub. She was a prolific hunter (the cat, not my sister). Often we'd come home from school and she'd have a row of dead mice lined up neatly on the window sill while looking up at us all proud. She also loved to lay in wait, catch the bird / mouse, then torture it by letting it escape then catching it again, then repeat. We'd do all we could to help the poor animals but alas, most often, it was too late. In contrast, my mother later got a fancy persian cat. Polar opposite. More Garfield that one. Sitting snoozing and eating all day. But, unlike Garfield, not much fun.
    3 points
  8. Just got my warehouse back from indigoproof. Here are some before and after pics. before
    3 points
  9. There's a rip-roaring trade in breeding rare and desirable dogs in socio-economic deprived areas. A couple of litters a year of X pups at a £grand+ a pup, of undeclared income, is a popular money-spinning passtime.
    3 points
  10. Same with Len ..cept he eats the mice ..he'll eat the entire thing.. crunching and swallowing the head whole but he always leaves a bit of dangly entraily inards What the heck is that bit they won't eat.. surely it can't be that much worse than any other part of the mouse
    2 points
  11. That kind of humour gives me paws for thought
    2 points
  12. I agree with this (especially as I am one) and am thinking of having ACOAB tattooed across my knuckles.
    2 points
  13. @Double 0 Soul come on Neal, l was only kidding. Didn't pick you out to be a sensitive type, especially after the cat comment. Maybe l should remember to put in the appropriate emoji eh? 😜 Anyway l work in an environment constantly surrounded by dog walkers and find myself in silent agreement what most have said here. I don't have anything else to add other than the fact that l like animals but not necessarily the person who is attached to the other end of the lead.
    2 points
  14. ..and peanut buttering the wrong toast? .. oh well, don’t say I never tried when we’ve reverted back to one post /fortnight.
    2 points
  15. From the other day but since it's Halloween here's my Travis Bickle costume I wore to a party this weekend featuring my Left Fields. Happy Halloween to yall!
    2 points
  16. Went to a crystal maze / escape room place , the room was tilted at 45 degrees .... felt like i had a few too many Tee from local shop 2 friends started Conners Jordan 1 Chicago ..... grumpy ninja Sneaking suit Jordan 3's
    2 points
  17. Doing my best to save the patch but it's wanting to shrivel into nothing
    2 points
  18. Thr embroidery and textures are wild.
    2 points
  19. 1001XX still going strong List of repairs now includes front left pocket bag + pocket opening, rear right pocket, right side of crotch (both panels), & lots of replaced stitching; next on the list will be front right pocket opening, rear left pocket, and button holes Saturation and contrast are about right, but the color balance is way off in most of the photos; they aren’t nearly so gray looking in person. The closest to true are the photos looking up the legs from the hems and the full back shot.
    2 points
  20. ^ such a cute thing as well Ours would sometimes eat its prey. My mother used to scream on the few occasions the cat had snuck a mouse or bird in and you could hear it cracking bones behind the sofa... nothing pleasant ever came of those episodes... or even when it brought a canary in and the feathers were everywhere... it even hid a mouse in one of our shoes... other than that she was a nice cat... honest...
    1 point
  21. @obama an excellent fit, indeed. I have the 220 and 221, both size 31. The 221 has a slightly lower rise, but otherwise not too different in the top block. The thighs are a bit narrower, and there is a notable taper from about the knee down. I think they would fit you similarly well in the same size as the 220a.
    1 point
  22. https://www.thebureaubelfast.com/shop/15285/ng1ps-black
    1 point
  23. It's good that you're taking the lead mate 🐶
    1 point
  24. Awww OO... keep 'em coming... your posts are a treat
    1 point
  25. It is welcome Neal, I just think you’re barking up the wrong tree 🐶
    1 point
  26. Yes, they do make very nice scarves. I bought a few from the factory outlet, back in the day, before that shut down and prices doubled. My favorite scarves are from Johnstons of Elgin, royal tartan in cashmere, and a black cashmere scarf from Lanvin that I bought from a ladies shop, and removed the colorful tag. Last tip may not be useful, but the first one is still available. I believe they make scarves for several fashion labels as well, and possibly for Husbands (very similar scarves, same quality). Tartan cashmere
    1 point
  27. Showing edits to clients so went with MF, orSlow, FW and RW Bonus action/deets shot
    1 point
  28. Fs Sugar Cane 2021 Jeans Denim Made In Japan Sc42021 W33L30. £100 shipped in U.K.
    1 point
  29. … and the matching belt
    1 point
  30. Just started breaking these in. The usual fit pics to follow…
    1 point
  31. Warehouse sweatshirt Ranger Vintage (cheapo taobao jeans, ww2 model in ecru) Russell mocs
    1 point
  32. Thanks for your appreciation. @Abarth_Swag @KMRGR Always happy to help.
    1 point
  33. Shout out to @Wklcarl for hooking me up with a grail jacket in perfect condition. Such a pleasure to deal with, he makes this community so vibrant and alive.
    1 point
  34. From a few weeks ago. Every September Birmingham runs a heritage week, opening up historic sites, guided walks etc. We participate most years. One of the events we did this time was a guided tour while playing Birmingham Bingo (which we won!) We started at The Roundhouse on the Central Canal area (more canals than Venice) We came off the canals to look round Baskerville House , named after John Baskerville, the famous printer and paper maker and designer of the Baskerville font. Poor fella was never actually buried correctly and ended up having his corpse paraded round brumwith people paying to see his body.... until people started getting ill from coming into contact with it! Then into Victoria Square to see the original Town Hall (right of the picture) the council house (rear centre) and Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (rear left) last photo'd stop was of the Hall of Memory, after that we had to cross through Broad Street which is a mile of hen and stag do's and 80s themed discos serving ridiculous drink promotions from 6pm onwards. No stopping for photos amongst that carnage!
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Rototo / Freewheelers S516XX and 601XX / Freewheelers Powerwear / Duke belt / Nike
    1 point
  37. RMFB (ignore the white sticker/label) Fullcount Sugarcane Redwing
    1 point
  38. Trying out possible selfie spots @ the new digs Ooe / Okolehao / Tezomeya / Tightly Stitched / SC40300 / White’s
    1 point
  39. Just wanted to take some better detail photos of the Rockets before I finally decide to wash and start to wear them.
    1 point
  40. It's been a while... Old hat, FW,FW,Trophy, Chippewa.
    1 point
  41. Damn, these are hot. I was a little afraid XL would be too big on me, turns out it fits just right. Also made in Czech Republic for the people who care.
    1 point
  42. Not denim but I had 3 pairs of socks repaired recently, pretty stoked with the results.
    1 point
  43. Converse Timeline, with thanks to our man @Flash
    1 point
  44. So after waiting @ 15 years for Nike to re-release the original Air Max 1 in the original colourway I instantly copped them on release. (After boring the wife about them for years I had to) I actually had a pair stashed in a box for a rainy day but took them out around 8 years ago and the suede had literally rotted off.... Anyway , when they arrived loved them but could have swore they had a red section on the front grip...blamed it on memory fade. Turns out they did on the pair released a few weeks later! Cue 2nd pair purchased in a month.
    1 point
  45. Some updates to the LB 40s jeans, worn for about 3 months so far. Denim is starting to show some signs of life, really enjoying them so far. There's a nice grain starting to develop. My complaints are minimal, the selvedge ID is a little wide and I wish the front pocket openings were a little bigger.
    1 point

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