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  1. Today
  2. My Daddy Day fit and a Father's Day gift from my son. Happy Belated Fathers Day folks! Future Monsters x Ebbets Field cap Bandana and vintage ring bolo Suede fringed vest 1970s NYU tee Vintage belt w/fancy buckle Turquoise blanket pin Sized up STF 501 1950s Nocona pee wee My Fathers Day gift from my boy: a perfectly sun faded OG 1977 Star Wars promo tee.
  3. Nothing has shrunk as much on additional washes as my 1003xx, and I got them one wash!
  4. Love the cars! I'm really into older cars, I recently picked up a mid 90s Oldsmobile wagon with low mileage in great condition, and just love it. Not nearly as old school as these cars of course, but the design dates from the mid-80s. I'd love to own a big ridiculous cozy mid-60s to mid-70s land yacht like the one in the first pic someday. I really like Oldsmobile, Buick, Mercury, the mid-level luxury American cars.
  5. Hit me up if it doesn't work out might need to clear some closet space
  6. (not so) fun fact: Nearly every single person talking shit in that post is from Indonesia or Singapore, every single one...
  7. 😆 by the way, was it ever revealed which mill Ooe is using?
  8. Nice, you know what to do now................Fitpics
  9. Talan


    Warehouse 1001xx shrink additionally on following washes.
  10. Damn, that sort of response is really disappointing to see.
  11. DeadHype


    EU, Germany: https://a.plus/collections/acronym
  12. Almost every brands list the length shrinkage is 6-7cm, but I have used Samurai, Ooe Yufukaten OA01XX-0522, Warehouse 800xx, I notice hardly the inseam shrinks 5-6cm. My Samurai 0500XX shrank from 85cm to 80cm, OA01-0522 5-6cm only, Warehouse 800 5cm only. Maybe someone having experience in banner denim can guide us.
  13. I have never had a raw pair in the banner denim sorry, but Hinoya has said on the product page expect 6-7cm shrinkage in the inseam. I imagine that to be fairly accurate!
  14. That IG post from Ruedi really triggered "some" people... https://www.instagram.com/p/C8PwvG9tCXl/?img_index=1
  15. how much inseam length of Warehouse 1001xx shrinks initial hot wash and later on washes? 5cm or 6cm or 7cm possible?
  16. Yesterday
  17. https://www.tenderstores.com/product/type-747-rowers-cardigan/?variation=25514 it is all three things you mention in one garment. I have it and like it quite a bit.
  18. I have Freewheelers Derrickman in raw white hbt... not denim but white... a colour that goes well with denim imo
  19. prices dropped J90-ss, schwarzrot, large added 9/10 fullset 500€
  20. Yup. ^^^Looks great, vIGGiou riou!
  21. @shredwin_206 I’d be honored to. I’m down in Georgia right now visiting family, but I’ll shoot you a message later this week when I have a clearer head & we can talk some shop.
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