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BS United Oni Denim Pics


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I like them a lot. I'm in a rush. Someone just asked me to post pics and that's the best I can do w/ the limited time. More than anything, just wanted to show you the slubiness on the denim. Quite tedious to take pics of yourself. Sorry.

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if you could photoshop the pic so that it looks like you are riding an electric pegasus, i'd be much obliged.

we appreciate the pics, we are excited to see more.


Using chain stitch, your train of jeans is fading wind.

Edited by denimdestroyedmylife on May 31, 2006 at 05:55 AM

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I just got my Oni blues in and the denim feel is crazy. I'll be posting pictures and measurements tomorrow when the jeans are done drying, i'll try to capture the slubbiness in the pictures. Heres a little description that came with the jeans :

Oni Denim - Shrink-to-fit - You have never seen or felt denim like this before. Our master weaver has finally made it possible to create this denim using only one shuttle. While so many other shuttles broke during the process, only one shuttle could endure to produce the super loose tension in the thread length necessary for our denim. The roughness of the thread length, its unevenness to the touch, is reminiscent of vintage hand woven denim. Our denim fades in a unique way, beginning with a top most layer of fine points above the threads, then a layer of lines along the threads, ending with the gradual presentation of the denim surface. The look of this denim is unlike any other and its quality and beauty make it worth owning.

here's a little sneak preview:


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Got a little bored so decided to take some pictures. I wish i had a way to put the high res pictures online, it's hard to really show how slubby and rough the jeans are. The Oni's are surprisingly slimmer than i expected and mid rise, a more modern cut than most japanese jeans. The width at the knees is around 9" and tapers down to 8.5" at the hem. The inseam is a little shy of 35". This is all after a hot overnight soak. There's a ton of leg twist on the left leg, around 90 degrees. The outseam lines up with the middle of my shoe. Really satisfied with the buy, xcoldricex was extremely helpful.





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just by comparing it from the distressed ones i saw when i was in the 45rpm store. the salesman was actually wearing a one wash he's had for 2 years and the fading was fabulous.

i can't say anything about the onis though since i haven't seen one that's been worn over a long period of time.

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Thanks for the comments everyone. I was really overwhelmed with the denim when i got it in the mail, i didn't expect them to be as nice as they are. Right now i have APC's, Canes, RRL, and Helmut Langs. I've had 21 oz. studio d'artisans and Italian Diors and i'd have to say these are my favorite so far. I've got decent wear on my Canes (3 months) and i keep wearing the Onis, i need to lock the Oni's up for a few more months so i can focus on the Canes haha. Thanks for the advice about the buy John, it really helped me make up my mind

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while I agree that the denim on those jeans is stunning, I HATE the back pocket. It looks like a retarded child attempted to sew on a Levis arcuate with a My First Sony sewing machine.

but otherwise they look great icon_smile_big.gif

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I don't think they fit you very well to be honest. The denim looks great and all, but I think you really need to be wearing a straight leg or subtle boot cut.

--- Original message by wild_whiskey on Jun 4, 2006 04:42 PM

Why do you say that? I was thinking that the fit looked really good - slim without being tight.
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Quote: while I agree that the denim on those jeans is stunning, I HATE the back pocket. It looks like a retarded child attempted to sew on a Levis arcuate with a My First Sony sewing machine.

I have mixed feelings about those back pockets, too. But I've heard they're hand-sewn, and it somehow makes it a little interesting to me. But nonetheless, Crisis, I'd love to see you really break into that pair. I've never seen any aging report from the Onis before.

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I don't think they fit you very well to be honest. The denim looks great and all, but I think you really need to be wearing a straight leg or subtle boot cut.

--- Original message by wild_whiskey on Jun 4, 2006 04:42 PM

Why do you say that? I was thinking that the fit looked really good - slim without being tight.

--- Original message by Sanctimonious Kid on Jun 4, 2006 04:50 PM

Maybe they look different being worn, but the butt looks dumpy, the thighs are too loose for the degree of tapering and the folds on the bottom are just too much. It gets super-baggy, tight, loose, then tight again.

They probably look better in person.

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