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Nudie Jeans


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yeah, but sizing down 3...what do you expect?!

I can't even understand how people size down 3 with the nudies. I bought a size down on RRDS and it's perfect for me after months of wear. To me, it's still too tight for my balls when I sit down.

size down 3.. talk about losing your manhood..

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Thinking to buy Grim Tim, dont know should i get the organic or selvage. Whats the difference? Also if I wear 30/32 on organic, what should I get for selvage? They do not stock any selvage locally in Brisbane. So I can only try the organic.

Where can I buy selvage online shipped to Australia cheap? Cheapest I can find is from: http://www.oipolloi.com/store/NudieJeansCo-GrimTimSelvageDryStretchIndigo-3290.html

Thanks heaps

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^ whats with the hate? A lot of people go for extended period of time w/out wash. It's nothing new.

Right, but there's a difference between a few months with no wash and THIRTEEN MONTHS.

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Hey Kiya, Does Self Edge just carry jeans from Nudie, or do you stock shirts and jackets and other stuff from them?

We only carry the jeans, we find the collection pieces to be more expensive than the Japanese brands' shirts/jackets that we carry..

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We only carry the jeans, we find the collection pieces to be more expensive than the Japanese brands' shirts/jackets that we carry..

interesting. i would think that the japanese stuff would be more expensive and better quality .. are the other pieces of Nudie clothing better quality than their jeans??

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there isn't anythng shitty about having a selvage outseam. and if you think you're doing 'your part' for the planet by buying organic jeans, think again.

as for dude who went 13 months without watering his jeans, no hate, but its simply not sanitary, and considered in general to be a noob trait. nudies wash-out fast, but a HOT soak every few months will get you the contrasty fade without compromising your genital health. and all the sweat(salt water), dead skin grime, and major germage aint good for anything, esp. you jeans, and your likelyhood of getting some good dome. would you eat a chick who hadn't washed her jeans in a year? me either, and i eat pussy like a cannibalistic cat!

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yeah. I mean I can understand not washing your jeans a lot of course, obviously your going to find it a lot harder to get nice fading if your washing the fuckers every day. But at the same time, your jeans arn't painted blue with food colouring, the indigo aint coming off that easy. Washing those Nudies once or twice will actually acentuate the fading. It's just not hygenic.

Theres lots of debate about washing techniques and how often to wash. Ryu has shown some of the best jeans i've ever seen on this forum, and he washed his jeans quite frequently. I actually think it helps fading, because after washing, the jeans are stiffer which I think helps the fading process. When jeans have not been washed for 13 months, they become quite oily and loose their rigid form, and they're actually more prone to ripping, as the fabric is moist almost (yeah thats a fucking disgusting word I know).

That said, more knowlegable people than me go for much longer periods with no wash. Do your own thing dude, get the jeans looking interesting. But be warned!


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I started wearing these Average Joes quite a while ago, but I was not able to wear my jeans over the summer due to work. So here they are after around 7 months of real wear, and one wash last week. I bike to and from school daily in these. They're not progressing as fast and nicely as I thought it would, but I thought I'd like to share and to post some pictures in this thread, hope you guys enjoy:








I'll post some fit pictures later on, but let me know if you want different angles on the jeans.

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