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Vintage Denim?


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Well, depends on whether it's emulsion or oil paint.

Oil paint won't move, emulsion can be scrubbed off with washing up liquid and/or brush cleaner, and elbow grease, but you will get pale patches. It's worth trying it on one spot, to see how it looks, but you'll still have marks there.

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I don't think you can remove paint from jeans that's been on them forever...

Either paint them totally white or just wear them as is.

Or sell them and buy a pair that's not painted.

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  tropicalbird said:
Paint thinner might work, but how do you get rid of the thinner itself?

Paint thinner lifts out the indigo; I've used it to get spills off my work Lees, when the oil paint is fresh, and even then it leaves a mark. It won't do much for dried paint, any kind.

I've a feeling Simple Green, an American special cleaner, will lift dried emulsion; methylated spirits might do it, too. Both will require less abrasion then Fairly Liquid (which will require much soaking), but whatever happens you will get more mottling.

If I were to try it, i'd try and lift those lighter streaks, which come off easier and look ugly, and probably leave the spots, which will be harder to move and anyway look pretty cool.

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You could try putting high tack tape on the paint stains, rubb, leave on for 10 minutes or so and then rip off, Chances are you will take most of the paint off.

Then again, they do look nice enough with the stains...I'd leave 'm on ^^

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Saw these at my favorite vintage store. Any help in figuring out what year they are from would be much appreciated. Any chance they are fakes?





No tag left and no code on the back of the top button, at least not that was legible, just two small nicks. Stitching on yolk and across the top of waistband was rusty orange and on the pockets, arcs and lower waistband was lemon. They were in amazing condition, looked to have only been very lightly worn, no whiskers or combs of any kind.

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Ok, so they did have hidden rivets on the back pockets but I don't have photos of them. They were 'E' and the red tab was single sided. These folks know that they are worth more money than I have to spend and have them priced 'not to sell'.

Crazy thing is though they found these and what looks to be an original 506 in regular old thrift stores here in California and probably paid less than $20 each for them.

I'll see if I can get them to send me a pick of the inside and out of pocket rivets. They are really nice folks and want to know as much about them as possible. A true value (or as close as possible) would also be nice.

Thanks guys.

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  wywh said:
I lost respect, that's all I can say!

Why personalise it? Maybe you could contribute your thoughts rather than criticising others?

Used value are what the market will bear; I've seen comparable jeans go for $2k to recently, IIRC, $4,500. I've found odd slumps i the market recently as buyers change, but I wouldn't be surprised if a pair in a good size fetches more - atho I'd have thought a 32 measured waist would fetch better $$$ than the typical big waist, small leg that's common in older vintage.

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  wywh said:
Nice dark denim....this jeans look more like late 40s or early 50s to me, probably previously with leather patch. My eyes might be wrong but I'll buy it for any sensible asking price.
  wywh said:
I lost respect, that's all I can say!

dude, don't be butt hurt cause you can't drop 2k.

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so awesome dude^ so nice to get to see stuff like that.

Found this deadstock Big Smith pleated jacket sz 44 today. I am trying to place it, the collar seems big, but the pleating makes me think 60's, anyone care to shed any light? (forgive the instagram photos... out of town and forgot my slr.)





it has a union made label in both the right and left hand pockets.

Thanks for any info/evaluations guys.

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  Paul T said:
Why personalise it? Maybe you could contribute your thoughts rather than criticising others?

Used value are what the market will bear; I've seen comparable jeans go for $2k to recently, IIRC, $4,500. I've found odd slumps i the market recently as buyers change, but I wouldn't be surprised if a pair in a good size fetches more - atho I'd have thought a 32 measured waist would fetch better $$$ than the typical big waist, small leg that's common in older vintage.

No Paul/Dr_Heech, I'm not talking about the potential price - that can be very subjective.

But I'm expecting, with your caliber, most of you should immediately spots the jeans are genuine and not from 60s era, even without knowing there are hidden rivets - just based on those pics.

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