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hey, does anyone have any idea of which market is the best to set up at in Sydney ??? (it'd mostly be my gf's stuff and a few of my pass alongs / shoes)

it's the gf's idea as she needs to make some funds for NYC .. i'm just tagging along cause i need to make some room :-)

thanks for the heads up!

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hmm.......by the sound of it, has to be something "leather", and perhaps a "jacket"?

haha.. very predictable. huh? :o .. i dont think its a surprise for anyone...

dont worry chin! its not hi-collar gloved jacket, i will reserve that for you if i come to know they are available for sale! :P

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tbh, i am not quite a big fan of fencing anymore. not after luke posted his fit pic all over the internet - blogs and ccp group in facebook. its great pic but really do he really have to...

/shrug, it happens Rob, what to do? I assume Luke = venus in furs? It fits the theme of his blog and since its a public blog it's inevitable that people would repost it all over, unless you mean that he pimped the shit out of that pic on forums outside of sufu and sz.

if it's not the jacket you sold two months ago, not a fencing, not a high collar glove jacket... hmmm what else is left? overlock?

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/shrug, it happens Rob, what to do? I assume Luke = venus in furs? It fits the theme of his blog and since its a public blog it's inevitable that people would repost it all over, unless you mean that he pimped the shit out of that pic on forums outside of sufu and sz.

if it's not the jacket you sold two months ago, not a fencing, not a high collar glove jacket... hmmm what else is left? overlock?

Luke is a great guy, spoken to him several times.. and that fencing is really for him. I understand if other posted his pic, but he seems to be taking himself to another level. So. : \

:( seems like I am being stamped with ccp all over. I need to start looking at something else.

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haha, you gotta wear what you love Rob. I wouldn't stop wearing _7 just because I've been marked as the julius guy...

overlock fo show, such a versatile and classic piece that you could literally wear forever (unless you got fat of course lulz).

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no more alluding to jawn coppage without spilling the beans, such a tease. :P

look forward to seeing your new work Chin, always so amazing. :cool:

got too excited.. and got carried away. :(

no cufflinks i am afraid, but there is a cute toe ring if u liked :P

so maybe in the future you migth produce cufflink yeah? I like the oxidized effect.. and i think the oxidation effect on cufflinks would stay longer compare to rings.

Anyway looking forward

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april fools day anyone. :rolleyes:

lulz completely different jacket benny...

lol I thought the leather looked very different in the second pic. For some reason the 317BLM4 must have went completely over my head coz I didn't remember seeing that at all so I assumed the cowl neck was the only jacket it could be...

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