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  derek_ said:
anybody fluent/lingual in french or japanese able to help me out with this dinner menu?



Ok, quick and dirty :

Jabugo Ham

Lobster (from Maine, in salad and prepared when you order)

Chesnut (w. caramelised foie gras, velouté and celery)

Eggplant (cannelonis w. tomatoes, Iberia ham and parmesan)


Flank steak (not sure anglos know “bavette”, accompanied with pastoral salad and mashed potatoes with truffles)


Fig (fresh with white cheese froth and grapefruit marinated w.Campari)

Café express (comes with dessert)

10% for service not included in price.

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  derek_ said:
anybody fluent/lingual in french or japanese able to help me out with this dinner menu?

i'm going to take a stab with it with my beginners french.

le jambon de jabugo - spanish ham

le homard - lobster from maine with fresh salad

la chataigne - caramalised foie gras with veloute sauce in chestnut soup (or celery broth i think? not too sure with this one).

l'aubergine - eggplant and pasta cooked with preserved tomatoes, topped with spanish ham and parmesan

le saint-pierre - specially grilled mushrooms cooked in butter topped with gravy. vegetables drizzled in olive oil on the side.

la bavette de boeuf - beef (steak?) with salad on the side and mash potatos with truffles.

pre dessert - puredeseru? pre-dessert?

la figue - fresh figs with cheese mousse and grapefruit campari

le cafe express - various small sweets

alot of it is how the food is prepared. having zero knowledge in cooking i'm not too familiar with some of the terms used. let me know if i got them right!

edit: ah fuck fumma beat me to it. oh well good practice.

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Writing the menu in french for a Japanese restaurant (even though it's a Robuchon, fuck you Joel) is pure wankery and I say that as someone who prefers french menus when applicable as my culinary English is not that good.

The eggplants are going to be killer...

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so I take it my jeans are fucked? eh I'll just buy another pair while they're still available, probably turn the pair with a mark on them into shorts.

  jbone said:
definitely interested still...

this heat is unbearable in boots/shoes

JV, nice photo's..... more please :)

fuck, with these 30+ degree days I'd seriously consider a pair of mandals too. been wearing havaianas again, gotta step my shit up...

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  calvinc said:
would you guys wear leggings by itself without any outer pants? damir dorma legging for instance

would feel a lil awkward if bulge wasn't covered but id still rock the DD knit leggings

  fenrost said:
the augusta is in my size.. if no one here wanna go for it.. i will..

fen, you need to ease up on the spending man lulz...

you're a bad influence

btw, photo you took of your sneakers was the best photo i've seen of them yet! really tempting me into ordering

  TTT said:
I'm moving to Sydney end of Jan, sydney-siders! Fuck Yeah!

nice arj.. whats with all you perth dudes moving across? next bt will be setting up store in Sydney :D

  Ivans On High said:
Word. Augusta sneaks. Don't know if I can show pics though.

lucky prick... white?

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i wore the sneaks few days ago, maybe this belongs to a stranger's reaction post..

a dude came up to me asked me if my shoes are melting! lol.. . then told him they are like that, then he ask where i got em etc etc.. which later he said "what a wicked shoes, i want one".. hahahaha. :o

these sneakers look normal when stand still.. but once you walk in them, that's where you get crazy reaction. haha

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  fenrost said:
i wore the sneaks few days ago, maybe this belongs to a stranger's reaction post..

a dude came up to me asked me if my shoes are melting! lol.. . then told him they are like that, then he ask where i got em etc etc.. which later he said "what a wicked shoes, i want one".. hahahaha. :o

these sneakers look normal when stand still.. but once you walk in them, that's where you get crazy reaction. haha

haha he can join the queue then.. thought you were overhyping them in the beginning, but they've grown on me more and more

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