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What are your jeans doing today?


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So... I started my day yesterday in preperation of going into the city! I met with one of my friends (cause I don't know my way around)


Arrived at penn


...and you know you're in the city now.


then we started walking... a lot.


My friend is actually a comedian/actor. He is trying to land gigs, but he has performed stand-up at some places and this was his old place he used to perform at.


...still going to where our destination is..


Well our destination was chelsea pier.


I didn't take a picture of the outside but this is kinda what we were doing... just looking out at the hudson I think is the river. Sorry my geography is horrible.


Well then we decided that was enough and wanted to see the rest of the city, so we started walking again. This time we were deciding where to go but I got reallllly really hungry. So in turn we decided to get a bite. Long story short we went to the place (little hole in the wall), but a TOTAL ripoff. Never order sparkling, or bottled water in the city. You are guaranteed to be paying a high amount if you do so otherwise. Well, back to my day. I didn't take pictures of the place (cause it sucked), but after we finished and payed the tab we started walking towards central park. No we did not go there next though.



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We eventually reached another location... almost there!


Random lady


Here we are!


Some birds taking a bath


Then we decided to start making our way to a new location


Oh, look! Our ****ed up nation is in over $141 worth of debt! Yay!


As we were walking these japanese people had an anime? convention thing, so as I was passing by I took a snapshot of this woman.


...continuing back to our adventure


Went to NBC/iceskating portion, no pictures there, but I maganed to snag this one.


Continued to 30 rock!


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Explored part of the building...hoping to not get caught by security.


But it had to end :( so we continued, but made our way to times square or broadway whichever you prefer.


So we spotted elmo and his blue friend (cookie monster?), but I had to take a picture of this! So I told my friend to stand by them and I'll take a picture. Well the whole day we were hustled for money. No seriously, after I took the picture the guy in the blue costume said to my friend to give him and his friend a dollar each lol. Not to mention he looked pretty uncomfortable between the two guys.


We still were walking around times square when I spotted this kid. I was interested in what he was doing so I stood by and watched..


Turns out he made this awesome graffiti art.


Then we said by to times square (not really).


Then we walked all the way to central park to realize that the marathon had just ended or sorta ended so we were waiting for all the people to clear out but it was taking to long and I wanted to go to adorama to check out their store... well that didn't happen either. I thought they were about 15 blocks away when it turns out I read their address wrong and they were about 60 blocks away. So in desperate attempt to find a taxi we failed. I said screw it and we went back to times square hahaha! This time we decided to go to the marriot because he wanted me to go there for whatever reason.

Well.. remember how I said that I refuse to buy sparkling or bottled water in the city anymore? Because this $6.50 bottle of water was the result of my stupidity. We sat down and ordered a small snack -fried pickles that is - and those were $5. Cool. Well if I wanted to sit at the same table I had to purchase something as well so I got a bottle of water thinking it was one of those poland spring ones so I was cool with that... until I got the check and it was $6.50. Crap.

Might as well snag a picture of it...


And my failed attempt at food porn


since I paid $6.50 for a god damn bottle of water I figured I might as well be allowed to ride the elevator to the 45th floor!


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that isn't the view from the elevator but I was at the top floor. I have a video to go along with it but I have to upload it first.

We left the hotel and started heading towards penn... on the way we had a little fun and this is what is someones reaction to when they first see the city


....and we kept going



anyways we had a bit more time before he had to catch a train at penn station so we started making our way towards penn. I was meeting the parents for dinner though, but we took a detour through macys!






Well that was pretty much the end of the day. Since it was still early though and SENY was open I tried making it there so I walked down all the way to 3rd avenue and started to make a left then my mom called me and asked where I was. I told her and she said how far I was haha since I was all the way at 3rd and 33. Well... I tried, but I was pissed I didn't get to go to SENY. We ate mediterranean food for dinner though (it was good)... but it didn't agree with me so I have decided to not put up those food pictures.

Anyways hopefully you guys will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed going into the city :)

Oh, and of course the empire state!


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i went to stockholm in search of this:


started the day at gamla stan, saw the sun for the first time in scandinavia.


didnt do anything for the temperature tho!


was stayin at this place, thoroughly recommended, equal parts olde worlde charm and scandi efficiency. family-friendly too. its right in the heart of the old town, close to everything:


had breakfast at this tiny hole-in-the-wall:


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then on i go to blue highway/unionville! not too far, maybe a 30-minute walk?


was still closed:


so i went to the corner pub and had me some spicy svenska indian pale ale. very noice. tho much too dear for my 3rd world pocket! (62 krona=9.33 dollars):


they had run out of the cotton duck jacket. they were workin on this tho:


its made out of old sail cloth with really nice black flecks on the white canvas fabric. really thick too. and still the pretty shawl collar.

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the rivets had leather backing to prevent water from seeping thru the canvas/the metal rivets from cutting thru the cotton fabric too quick. those are the burr rivets and the hand-tool they use to fasten them (they just hammer them in):


men at work (irony intended):


this workshop is in the shop.

these are douglas and hampus, blue highway's partners in crime:


as it turned out i cdnt really afford anything with my crappy rupiahs. but douglas and hampus said they might send me their world tour jeans to be subjected to jakarta's dirt and pollution:


they were very nice they even gave me a free souvenir, a bandanna clip:


tack douglas and hampus! :)

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by rapunzel, November 12, 2011 - No reason given
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it is futile to follow riff, but here goes nothin' .... x-post from the roy world tour thread.

I awoke and ran to the post office before church. Our local post office is small, and only open for an hour on Saturdays. If I didn't pick them up I wouldn't have gotten the glorious jeans until Monday afternoon.


so had the jeans tucked safely away to change into after church this morning.

My wife and I lead out in a group for our kids after church a couple times a month. It's a ton of fun. Changed into the ROY's and we did some crazy fun crafts and activities.



A fit somewhere near Odessa,NE. Lauren and I drove home from Kearney to Elwood.


Kearney,NE is dead center between Boston,MA and San Fransisco,CA. I don't know about Beatle's leg of the trip, but this might be farthest the jeans have been from the Ocean?




some local color


weird abandoned roadside attraction


Ton of agriculture here in ...



More pictures to come. We're headed out to dinner.... I GOT A NEW JOB, no more cafeteria work for me!

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(please excuse shoddy iphone pics...does anyone every apologize from crappy SLR or point and shoot pics?)

The Roy's and I woke up early in the AM to be BACK at my church for a board meeting.


When you live in 'El Sticks' (elwood,NE) you do a lot of driving. 52 miles to Kearney :( but there is some beautiful country in the Platte Valley area:


Yeah, typical BORED meeting fare:


After the meeting we had a work bee. Cleaned out 6 closets, the basement, and under the baptistry. 90% of the stuff went to the city dump, but I managed to find some gems I brought home: (note the two boxes of Archie comics... the randoms stuff you find in churches.


On sundays I've been helping a guy from Church clean up around his house and his property. So the Roy's got to do some scrapping in addition to the church junkin' :


My friend is 82. 82, he's the coolest MF on the planet. I will try to get more pictures next weekend if I go help him again. I was able to snap this one, but it's always awkward shooting pics with a phone while your working. Like I said though, coolest guy. At 82 he's every bit as quick and strong as me. He said something that stuck with me " Too many people get old and rust out instead of wearing out." Anyhow, made a little money too :D


So i hit up the Goodwill to find this AWESOME point blanket. I'd been wanting a Hudson bay point blanket for quite sometime, was able to find this great deal!


pardon the mess (and the crappy pic) but heres the fit for 11/13.

one more find to come!

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