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What are your jeans doing today?


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I know, I know ( I am old, too) :) I only bust it out when we have heavy snow (3-4x a winter). Otherwise, it takes me 3 hours to break my back shoveling my long driveway and three sidewalks.

3 hours justifies it ,but over here those blowers are a fucking nightmare,esp. the one for leaves.when fall comes you cant run away from the painfully noise they make.sometimes i could turn into a murder!

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ate an amazing meal at this place...in the f-ing attic. being 6'5" really didn't help during this meal. mixed bag of great tempura, and lots of random animal nasty bits and innards that i was eager to try. enough Asahi and sake to make it a good night!

if you want some good eats in tokyo, go to satou steakhouse (near kichijoji station) and get the matsuzaka steak.

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good to see a new person on this thread. already repped you on your fit. cute pup too


the youth of the world still believes........and as every miss america dreams of it, i must say i would love it as well.

no pics tonight, work friends are taking me out for a welcome back to the cold cold north midwest in downtown MPLS. so that's what my jeans are doing tonight. maybe i'll get a beer pic for you almostnice!

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Got alotta snow. Usually wouldn't be a big deal, but heavy rain in the forecast could turn lightish snow into roof collapsing snow.

Walking out to my farmstand. Catching up on Howard.


Sketchy ladder up.


Hour or two in with away to go but,


atleast I have a good view of the lake.




Gotta keep my gear dry.






Cleared off the the greenhouses....

2 of 14


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wife did a nightshift so it was my turn to care fo familyneeds today.

threw the brats into the trailer and went to our local drugstore.


inside they climbed both into a shoppingcart and managed to tip it over,which resulted in a major crisis with lots of crying (them) and bluster (me).to cool it down i had to make them quiet with cheep sweets.

on the way backed i stopped at this playground to do some ass-fade work on my Denime 66xx:




dont worry,son,its all good.





they asked for more,but it was -10°C so i had enough and dragged them home.

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