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Today was pizza day-

Start out with some fresh dough


Then add some satay peanut sauce (from Trader Joe's)


Throw on some green onions and roasted red peppers


Add some chicken


Cover it all with some mozzarella cheese


Then after it bakes for a while, add some chopped peanuts and a few more green onions to finish it off


Finally, slice it and it's ready to serve


Of course, I should have been a bit more careful before I carried food from the kitchen to the living room; I use too much flour...


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Robbie, I'm suprised anyone here knows about TCU! Also pretty much more than half the school doesn't know there's a polo team haha

Saintkeat, you're just leaving it in snakeskin??

HoustonChris, pizza looks good. Interesting sauce choice.

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This Japan earthquake/tsunami is no joke...10,000 missing in just one town! They're now digging for those buried alive. It won't surprise me if the death toll hits six figures.

I texted the Red Cross at 90999 and made a $10 donation, I'd love for other sufu'ers to do the same.

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  FabGeek said:
Robbie, I'm suprised anyone here knows about TCU! Also pretty much more than half the school doesn't know there's a polo team haha

Saintkeat, you're just leaving it in snakeskin??

HoustonChris, pizza looks good. Interesting sauce choice.

its a nylon sleeving that really isn't even necessary. insulation is enough for headphone cables. more hardcore sleeving that protects against rough abrasion and chemicals is completely overkill, plus it takes away flexibility and therefore portability.

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  morse9443 said:
This Japan earthquake/tsunami is no joke...10,000 missing in just one town! They're now digging for those buried alive. It won't surprise me if the death toll hits six figures.

I texted the Red Cross at 90999 and made a $10 donation, I'd love for other sufu'ers to do the same.

For sure, I just donated £18 too...

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  saintkeat said:
its a nylon sleeving that really isn't even necessary. insulation is enough for headphone cables. more hardcore sleeving that protects against rough abrasion and chemicals is completely overkill, plus it takes away flexibility and therefore portability.

yeah we call it snakeskin in the avionics world hehe. Interesting concept though.

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  morse9443 said:
This Japan earthquake/tsunami is no joke...10,000 missing in just one town! They're now digging for those buried alive. It won't surprise me if the death toll hits six figures.

I texted the Red Cross at 90999 and made a $10 donation, I'd love for other sufu'ers to do the same.

Dude you couldn't be more right about this. I think as a community, we should all put buying more "stuff" on hold and give that money to those who truly need help. I guess that can always be said about our materialism, but now especially is a time when I feel we could do a lot of good in the wake of this disaster.

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  morse9443 said:
This Japan earthquake/tsunami is no joke...10,000 missing in just one town! They're now digging for those buried alive. It won't surprise me if the death toll hits six figures.

I texted the Red Cross at 90999 and made a $10 donation, I'd love for other sufu'ers to do the same.

did the same to my local red cross. it must be one of the most massive tragedies/natural disasters that happened in our time. it is a sad sad thing to happen.

some nice pictures max, what a strong juxtaposition of the tragedy of how calm and safe the sea can be and the destructiveness of mother nature.

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Lately pretty much all my days have been full of trying to keep the greenhouses up when not rooting cuttings or germinating seeds. Have been meaning to take some more pictures this season just haven't taken the time. Liked this one I snapped on my phone. Snows about 8 feet deep in the center. Had to wear snowshoes to stay on top. Pain in the ass shoveling snow when you have no place to put it.


*all shoveling was done while wear samurai jeans:)

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went for a bit of a wander yesterday and found some signs of spring on the way


then had it in my mind that i'd go see about getting an ipad 2, i went the day before but the line was stupid. had to wait to change trains


then went up to the high line!


it's an elevated park where the rail lines used to run into factories in the meat packing district of the city


then on the way to the subway I found a collision of the real world and cartoons


a little waywt


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apologies up front for the scatterbrained nature of this post, but i wanted to post up something...

been spending most of my downtime talking with my fixer in Beijing, trying to find a good apartment, researching different areas of the city, figuring out where i want to put down roots for the next 2 years. finding storage for all my shit here that I can't ship, looking into a new macbook pro to bring along, etc. hanging out with friends I won't see for 2 years...Rosetta stone mandarin for dummies, trying to sell 2 cars, break my lease, start packing up, yelling at Direct TV about canceling my 2 year contract...the list grows.

but the good news is I added a short tele to my bag. 85mm f/1.8

the future stable of lenses will be reduced to just a 35mm, 50mm, and 85mm. selling my 17-40mm f/4L to fund a 35mm f/1.4L

took an E.D.C. of my shooting gear today...


here's the new guy.


a few shots from walking around, haven't had time to really shoot it, plus its been pretty gloomy around here lately.




Eternal's are on the floor. I'm in sweatpants nursing a hell of a hangover waiting to begin filling out my brackets for the madness...


thats all for today folks. hopefully I can get out and shoot soon.

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my denimz and me went to indian wells for BNP Paribas Open yesterday, saw some bros

saw a jared allen lookalike


Berdych was playing a practice match against Gasquet :o



Murray, losing to Donald Young -_-


Tsonga v. Malisse


hit up the tennis warehouse booth, rallied a little bit


went to a joint called Burgers and Beer after

friend got an avacado burger


got a lava burger, bad picture


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Birthday weekend for my kid.

Saturday: Took her out on a picnic for just the two of us. Since everyone else was out of town and my lady was at work.


Got tangled up in the balloons. Took her a while to figure out what was going on. Didn't help that the wind kept making it worse, as soon as she figured one part out! But then the blue balloon popped. So, it was easier.

She got scared of my cousin, so I had to blow out her birthday candles for her. Bought her ice cream cupcakes instead, because the cakes were either too small or too big.


Went to the Academy of Sciences today for her birthday, since my lady was at work yesterday.


She doesn't look too happy posing with me...


Fake ass dart frogs.


Durka Durka.




Some other little girl posing, haha.






The "pin down live birds until they die" exhibit.

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bored and broke today, took my son to the park and then listened to my sister on the phone balling because her 1st love's mom won't let her see him anymore :(


cw1 by txvdub, on Flickr


ducky by txvdub, on Flickr


signs of death by txvdub, on Flickr


cw9 by txvdub, on Flickr


only in texas. by txvdub, on Flickr


cw10 by txvdub, on Flickr


cw11 by txvdub, on Flickr

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Ok, today is my birthday, so I went into the city with my parents. I meant to go mainly to Self-Edge, and BiG but wound up going to a ton more places. We walked a ton, pretty much went from the top of Manhattan to the tip of Manhattan. Anyways, I will let the pics speak of what we did.

Well, first off we left... Bye!


Then, we arrived at the train station waited 15 minutes... then it came!


Bored on the train.


After we got off the train, we walked a bit, and went into the law area near where the world trade center used to be.



Marked my territory.


Took the subway to Fraunces Tavern.



Got a Cheesburger (bad choice, have felt sick for the past 6 hours).


God, they had such a selection of beer (not even close to half of what is there, that is just 2/3 of the tap beer).


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After we walked around and walked past the stock exchange.


Passed the Bklyn Bridge


Walked back towards where the world trade center used to be.


Finally 6 hours later after visiting blue in green, we were able to get to Self Edge, where I dropped off my S500's to get hemmed!


Walked some more and got a knish from Yonah Shimmel or however you spell it.


Marked my territory again on the way back.


Home :(


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