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video games ruined my life


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The scope is pretty useless if youre not playing hardcore. I usually just unload full clips into people if i have the pistol out just to make sure i get the kill. The python will beast people up close though.

I usually only have the pistol on a class if i'm sniping and then i will just pick up someone elses gun to replace it most of the time..

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probably way late, but i think i'm enjoying this more than mw2. my only major gripes are the connection issues and i suppose the unbalance of teams. i guess the second gripe isn't really treyarch's fault, but on the game from the vid i just posted i went 50-8 in domination with a bunch a captures and we still got crushed by fiddy

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  Solix said:
Why did Treyarch even bother bringing back the Uzi if they were going to nerf it so badly? The sights suck, highlighted by it's shitty random recoil, and it has no positives aside from an above smg average clip size

i did the 75 kill challenge with it the other day and i was thoroughly disgusted, that was probably me second favorite smg from mw2 and it is now useless

btw, the killstreaks not stacking has effectively reduced the average mw2 player to nothing in this game, the talent curve is totally different from the noobiness of mw2

on a lighter note, theater mode is a lot of fun, made a couple of more clips, my hatchet saves my life too often


then these are just some quad and triple sprays



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I just borrowed Black Ops from a friend today and discovered that I suck REAL bad at video games. It takes me like 30 seconds to kill one guy because I can't aim, and meanwhile I'm getting shot up like 50 times by bad guys. I think i'm gonna stick with Mario Kart and Wii Resort and other games made for the elderly.

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Prestige mode time, just so i could see what those extra game lists are like... no big deal, need to be a level 10 to get in HC room tho, that blows.

The uzi nerf is SO LAME, i loved the silenced UZI from the last two games with slight of hand, so beast.... The MAC is pretty good, but does not give the same fix, perhaps with rapid fire it will be good, but then you need warlord to equip the silncer and rapid and you lose the SOH goodness. So stupid.

Worst post ever.

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