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video games ruined my life


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Had to get off early and finish some hw.

Scrambler to lure em in, heartbeat sensor to pick em off. SUP

Good stuff tho. I've been rocking UAV/UAV Jammer to get the 1000 radar challenge and Sentry just for kicks w/ hardline. I've gotten so much "glitcher" mail since.

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  S3lf1shly3mpty said:
You guys should've heard what some of the other teams were saying about our party when I was playing against you guys. Fucking hilarious.

Good games tonight. I sucked it up...Think I might need to take a break and play something else for a while. We'll see.

what were they saying? LOL

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  Lozinski said:
Don't leave us hanging now!

haha, they were all melees. I ran from the lower street level into the center alleyways, knifing 3 guys on the way, then to the building which leads to the rooftop with banana leaves. found 3 guys standing inside heading to the rooftop, knifed them, 1 on the roof, and then 2 more ran in. got them and pavelow before someone threw a semtex in.

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i broke down and finally got Halo 3... well, i got ODST, which has halo3 bundeled in it with all the DLC, so, i paid 20E for a shit load of maps and something to distract when mw2 gets boring... still waiting for BC2...

first impressions are, people are good at it, its not as hard at all, not as smooth, but has a charm for sure. if anyone on here has it to play with me i am sure it would be more fun.

still no MW2.... i hate shooting aliens.

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it was 20$ and i needed something new... i am kinda offended at how little DLC they are offering, i want more maps NOW! not just 2... but like mad new maps, they are fucking up to me... say what you want about W@W, but they knew how to support the fans, even if most of that was inspired by nazi zombie craze.... still, MW2 is pissing me off with no DLC.

halo is not as smooth, and kinda gay, but also i was BEASTING people in it from my mw2 skillz, its harder when you play in some rooms, but its new maps, thats all i need... for now.

anyone who wants to get diggy on it with me pm or XBL request me.... props.

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