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do the majority of you guys carry around a knife on a daily basis? what do you possibly need a knife for.. excluding those who use it at work etc.. or is it for protection? I guess some of you do live in america... (no hate)

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  aak said:
do the majority of you guys carry around a knife on a daily basis? what do you possibly need a knife for.. excluding those who use it at work etc.. or is it for protection? I guess some of you do live in america... (no hate)

Yes, most of us are probably from the US. I've been just carrying my Juice S2 and a Kershaw TwoCan on my keys and leaving a larger blade at home because my routine normally only consists of school.

Dont know why you phrase your question "what do you possibly need a knife for" as Im sure even you can think of a way to use a knife. You sound as if you believe a knife isnt useful for any purposes.

I dont mean any harm, but just want to express that there is nothing wrong with carrying a knife, which is why state laws allow citizens to do so; it is merely a tool.

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nah I totally understand that practicalities of a knife, I was just wondering the reasoning behind why most of you carry one... not having a go.

didn't realise you were legally allowed to carry one. down here you'd be pinned with possession of an unlawful weapon

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  aak said:
do the majority of you guys carry around a knife on a daily basis? what do you possibly need a knife for.. excluding those who use it at work etc.. or is it for protection? I guess some of you do live in america... (no hate)

As said before, most of us carry for a utility purpose. Carrying a knife for defense can be dangerous if you haven't been properly trained in how to use it.

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  35percent said:
As said before, most of us carry for a utility purpose. Carrying a knife for defense can be dangerous if you haven't been properly trained in how to use it.

so can opening boxes.:P

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I carry a knife because they are useful to have. I find that I use it almost daily to open packages of stuff at work and at home. It's nice to be able to cut fruit or food for sharing. A cutting tool was probably the first tool that mankind invented, and even though civilization has advance far past the stone age, we still deal with many of the same problems in the course of our daily lives.

As for the stigma of carrying, I think as long as you let people (friends) know that you have no intention of using it for harm, then that should be fine.

I can't imagine that I would pull a knife in self-defense because I could punch someone much faster than it would take to deploy and use a knife. And truthfully, if someone wanted to jump me from behind, there's not much a knife or a gun for that matter could do to protect me.

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Most people around me have no idea I carry 3 knives on me. My 4" military is IWB (inside waist band), my crkt peck is on my keychain in my backpocket, and my leatherman is in a leather case on my left hip, and most people don't really consider that a weapon. I have a huge background in Boy Scouts, camping, survival training, and EMS and a knife is more of a tool than a weapon for me.

My friend is very anti-gun, and said she is scared around guns. I asked her if she was scared when she was near a police officer, and she said no, even though they have a very visible sidearm. Some people just don't think rationally :)

Also, we aren't running around with our knives and flipping our balisongs (butterfly) knives to intimidate people.

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Boston's municipal regs. ban all blades > 2.5". So who can recommend me a nice, sub 2.5" bladed, one hand opening folder? Currently have a Buck Nobleman Ti that my wife put in my Xmas stocking a couple years ago. It's decent, but not that nice.

I'm thinking a Spyderco Dragonfly with G10 scales. Anything else I should consider? Leafstorm would work but kinda pricey...

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  aak said:
do the majority of you guys carry around a knife on a daily basis? what do you possibly need a knife for.. excluding those who use it at work etc.. or is it for protection? I guess some of you do live in america... (no hate)

I used to get this question all the time from my friends until I gave them knives and now they all carry them. You start to feel naked and unprepared without it.

I pull out the knife for damn near everything. Think of all those times you tear or cut something, I use a knife for that. My roommates all have dull knives in the house so I use my knife for cooking and eating as well. I don't have a letter opener either so it comes in handy.

Ever go hiking? a knife is awesome for whittling and making just about anything. I use it for cutting safety wire, electrical tape, duct tape, rope, etc.

Also, when you start spinning a knife on BART, nobody wants to sit next to you which is nice. Self-Defense is a joke if you're untrained with a knife.

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I've been looking at a spyderco native, s30v steel, but has frn and the blade design isn't for everyone. Cutting edge is 2 5/8ths, blade is 3"

Might want to look at some of the knives listed here.


Would anyone be interested in a passaround knife? If the knife is $60, 5 people put in $12 and keep it for like 2 weeks, then ship it off. At the end there is a drawing and one of the 5 people gets to keep it. We'd have to agree on a knife and pricepoint depending on how many people were interested and legality of where you were (if you care)

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  Mugnut said:
Boston's municipal regs. ban all blades > 2.5". So who can recommend me a nice, sub 2.5" bladed, one hand opening folder? Currently have a Buck Nobleman Ti that my wife put in my Xmas stocking a couple years ago. It's decent, but not that nice.

I'm thinking a Spyderco Dragonfly with G10 scales. Anything else I should consider? Leafstorm would work but kinda pricey...

I just posted a few weeks ago because I was looking for a knife with the same specs for NYC. I looked at the Dragonfly, Ladybug and a few others, but I ended up going with the Boker Keycom, Great little knife, blade is 1.5 inches and it fits in your pocket perfectly. And you can get it for around $20-$25 shipped in the US. I highly recommend it.


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Sorry to continue on the sort of why carry a knife topic, but after reading your guy's comments i thought of something funny.

None of my friends carry knives and when I use one they make a huge deal out of it, etc. But there are those select few times where theyre like, "i kinda want a knife. hey man can i have a knife?"

Just wanted to share that because like others have said, there are a lot of people who are afraid or wary against knives because so often there is a negative stigma cast on them. But when you experience the use of a knife as a tool you start to understand why it is useful and that knowledge is power.

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  f50fan said:
None of my friends carry knives and when I use one they make a huge deal out of it, etc. But there are those select few times where theyre like, "i kinda want a knife. hey man can i have a knife?"

you're kinda describing like 70% of the people in this thread

or swap knife for flashlight

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AW is chinese, I think, so your best bet would to order from AW on CPF marketplace or from places ilke 4sevens, lighthound, etc.

Don't forget the proper charger for it..



the trade-off with these is basically added brightness with reduced runtime and increased thermal complications

if you want a general purpose light that will last you a long time, pop in some eneloops

if you don't mind recharging every so often and want a pocket rocket just in case, go with the 14500s

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i like being known as the knife guy. my friends and parents know i always have a knife on me and that makes me useful when something needs to be cut, punctured, sliced, diced, stabbed, shanked, etc... it sucks when i somehow forget a knife because then the person who asks to use a knife goes "aw, really? that's not like you, kenneth." :(

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everyone has their own views and uses for a knife, I just struggle to think of a time during my day to day life where I was out and needed a knife. fishing, camping, any activity where it may be resourceful, yeah fair enough. completely understand the attraction and beauty of knives, just wouldn't carry one daily... anyways sorry to digress!

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