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Do Not Deal With User Montreal

Guest Montreal

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Jesus. You guys have your panties in a bunch over a pair of jeans.

btbam – do what you gotta do

montreal – shut the fuck up and talk to btbam

everybody else – let's go to supertrash and look and naked girls, shall we?

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I paid over 1 Gs for my ripped diors mate. Didn't u know ripped 'damaged' jeans are back in fashunz now? YESIRE! They are 'officially' back in fashunz!!

You got a ripped jeans, and not even paying of 1/4 of what I paid, what a bargain!

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Montreal you put shame on the otherwise generally cool people who live in Montreal. Stop shitting up the name of great city, the Québécois here should neg your whiney ass back into the red it deserves! Shut the fuck up, you bought a pair of jeans, way below retail, you were sent the jeans, some intelligent customs worker jammed them through the X-ray Scanner, you get a damaged package, refuse to do fuck all about it, whinge to a legit dude who is obviously trying to put an end to this, then create a bitch thread on here, shit up the Melbourne thread, pst whack shit about Australia, delete it, get called up on your faggotness, deny it, get owned with a screen print, bitch your self back into another corner and think you had some mad internet victory. You are a malaka!

end result you get sweet scissor/x ray fadezzzz

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fucking idiot i hope your ass gets banned. deleting and denying the post that you clearly made says enough about your character.

we're not defending btbam because we're friends but for those who have dealt with him in the past one way or another know that he's a genuine person that means nothing but good.

you come in here whining about the damaged goods that is clearly not btbam's fault expecting some sympathy and when you dont get it, you come into our thread and lash out some mad ass call about aus being inmates and crooks. White powdered inbred i feel sorry for you.

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  Montreal said:
This thread is awesome. It actually gave those of you without lives something to do for the evening - virtually slap each other on the ass, give me rep (both positive and negative, and assume that I actually give a fuck), someone got a new signature, etc. Glad that I could bring you outcast's of society together for a common cause.
  DJI said:
that's some next level maturity right there man, looks like you let me off easy with:

reputation_neg.gifDo Not Deal With User... 05-20-09 01:07 PM Montreal loser

btw who fucking repped you for being a bitch?

You have almost 600 posts. You utilize the rep system. You delete posts and deny you did it. What are you yammering about? You deserve to lose your money for the most classic internet stupidity. It's like calling someone a bro while you wear Ed Hardy to lift weights.

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Guest Montreal

Why is everyone so hung up on this rep thing? What difference does it make if I have +1000000 or -1000000? Is this like an e-my dick is bigger than yours kinda thing?

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  Montreal said:
Why is everyone so hung up on this rep thing? What difference does it make if I have +1000000 or -1000000? Is this like an e-my dick is bigger than yours kinda thing?

You've been here for 4 years and you're just starting to reflect on the nature/purpose of rep?

In your case it functions as a time capsule of sorts, allowing future generations of members to instantly recognize that you're a bitch, without having to get into specifics.

P.S. I'm just sore about my tiny e-dick and your comments about my mother's reproductive organs.

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  Montreal said:

yo this sounds vaguely familiar..

IIRC it didn't turn out so well.

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