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Name that film...

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u got a source for this? i found it in german on rapidshare but would rather see it in english obviously

I saw it on IFC @ 4am once... I've been trying to find the soundtrack since because it's so fucking good. Haven't come across a working torrent in English nor the OST torrent yet. Will let you know. DUM is in on the search too.

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I saw it on IFC @ 4am once... I've been trying to find the soundtrack since because it's so fucking good. Haven't come across a working torrent in English nor the OST torrent yet. Will let you know. DUM is in on the search too.

I have the soundtrack list of songs if you don't already have it. PM me if you need it.

I can't seem to find the soundtrack anywhere either though, just the individual songs. Apparently it wasn't even released in the US, so it goes.

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I have the soundtrack list of songs if you don't already have it. PM me if you need it.

I can't seem to find the soundtrack anywhere either though, just the individual songs. Apparently it wasn't even released in the US, so it goes.

I've got the list too. Lot of those tracks are hard to find. I bet I could look harder, but I'm lazy.

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What did you think?

was soooo dope

story coulda used some more, but visuals, style, and aesthetics were all there.

yeah could've been a bit more but it just looked really fucking cool. I need to buy the DVD or something and see it with better quality.

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