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Stronghold World Tour


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so the day, the jeans arrived happened to also be the day my older brother got home. he has lost about 6 inches in the past 5 months and has no pants that fit him. so he saw these and put them on before i even saw the package. this was great for me because what i didn't know when i signed up for this is that i would be trying to break in a pair of jeans from my new denim production endevor at the same time these stronghold jeans arrived in my hands. the jeans arrived halfway through a mural project i had been working on with my brother in winstead,ct. the mural is of L.T.Stone, the man that put winstead on the map. and we are putting him on the side of a huge old building in the center of town. my uncle own this building where he opperated a motor boat repair shop but the building has a lot of history. it was built in the 1880's on a foundation that is believed to be older made of 60 foot long american chesnut timbers almost 2 foot by 2 foot. the factory used to make the world's premier casket hinges and was once a saw mill and it was powered by the river. we are discussing the possibilities of manufacturing my newest denim prodect in this building and eventually bringing back the waterwheel and gearing up some looms and sewing machines. this is a ways off.

hgere are some images of my brother painting in the pants. (hope you guys don't mind paint marks, its just that i thought it would be good to get the pants involved with some messy projects, something that will help build a more dynamic story. when i got them it looked and felt like they had been washed by everyone and worn by noone.)





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so after this project finished up it was off to zeno mountain farm camp in lincoln,vt. ( http://www.zenomountainfarm.org/) this is a magical place in the mountains. here are some images of the treehouses they had built there






before there were treehouses there were canvas tents and there is now only one left which me and my brother lived in with our campers. it is called the dog house and we were in the process of siding it with scrap lumber



the days there were intense with more singing,dancing, shouting, and laughing than you could ever imagine in a day of camp. we spent a lot of time working on the two local fourth of july parades. here are some images of the parade which my brother proudly led in the stronghold jeans.



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our theme was 1969





this is a kuboda we diguised to look like a hippie bus, mu brother and i did the painting


we even had cops to oppress our hippies


this girl is named mom and she was from the city, lived in a shitty group home and had never been to a place like vt so when she saw how many wildflowers there were she got so excited to be covered in them for the parade this is how i covered her in flowers.






yellow sub


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and after the parade we went swimming at a pond and my brother did the ropeswing for som e iconic stronghold denim shots



and finaly that close up ass shot


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I usually wear jeans with a 34" waist and these fit just fine, albeit a little slim in the thighs. The denim stretches a lot.

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  • 1 month later...


The stripes have finally returned! Thanks klue! I saw all the cool stuff that came along with them, ill get pics of all of it soon enough

Here's a throw back picture from when the stripes were brand new..


I'm gunna do another month in these and then I want to send them out again for round 2. Im gunna need some new people. theyre W31. Let me know if your down to do a leg.

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The stripes have finally returned! Thanks klue! I saw all the cool stuff that came along with them, ill get pics of all of it soon enough

Here's a throw back picture from when the stripes were brand new..


I'm gunna do another month in these and then I want to send them out again for round 2. Im gunna need some new people. theyre W31. Let me know if your down to do a leg.

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