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Stronghold World Tour


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Round 2 List so far..

1. Medine

2. Illumin8em

3. Therelativity

I would like at least one or two more people.. PM me if interested.

Tiro, your name was thrown out there. Let me know if your down..

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I went around my city yesterday to snap some pics for you guys..

Here we go..




Thats the tallest building in elgin In the background!



This parking lot had free nikes laying around..






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Every year for home coming, each class of both the rival schools in town paint the windows of the stores and shops downtown, im not sure why they painted pirates of the carribean on a salon, but its just what they do..



There's the tallest building again!


When I was walking around yesterday, I saw Bob Marley sticking his head out an apartment window. For all of you who didn't know, Bob Marley is alive and kickin and living it up in Elgin, IL..



Well, thats all for now, I'll probly send the stripes out this weekend since im busy with school & all right now..

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I totally dropped the ball on the Stronghold world tour shirts.

I'm in Chicago now but when I get back to Texas I'll get them done and shipped off ASAP.

In honor of the blue and white stripes (& Beatle becoming a denim mod) we'll do white shirts with blue prints.

When you get yours be sure to post a pic of you in it here :)

I'll post a new proof in a few minutes.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Was worried they were lost, but today in my p.o. box there was a package. The stripes have arrived! along with a notification from my bank that my account was over drawn. Turns out someone relieved me of all of my money over the weekend and didn't even leave an me I.O.U. The amount makes them a felon 6x over, so this is going to be an interesting time. I hope December weather in Appalachia makes an exception for the tour, or else the Stripes are in for a muddy dreary month.

The Contents


Be true your work, your word ,and your friend

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They all just went out by USPS

the proof...


also the knuckleheads that work for me pulled too many shirts and printed

a bunch of size S, L & XL that I don't need now (mostly size L)


If anyone wants one I will sell ya one for $12.50 shipped anywhere in the US ($15 anywhere in the world)

PM me if you want one and I'll get you the paypal info.

When you get yours please post photos in here of you wearing the T


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Gave a little workshop on ragtime guitar last Sunday. Wasn't able to take photos, but a friend borrowing my camera was nice enough to give the Stripes a cameo in her documentation of the night





After this night, i realized the button holes had to be fixed/tightened if I was going to being wearing the pants. They had become so stretched out that I couldn't sit down and get back up without at least two of the four buttons coming undone. So, I gave them to a lady friend, hip to all that jazz, and she returned them to me today. They now button with a maiden like resistance.

(i will have more details when I am less detained)


I had a second round of Pulmonary tests run today.... and tonight

How do they expect me to sleep when i feel this sexy?

2 set of tubes in the nose, 15 electro receptors taped (legs arms, belly, chest, cheeks, chin, or glued (e.g. in my beard and luxurious mane of hair). I will say though, the 5x10x3 contraption suspended from my neck by misaligned velcro straps was quite relaxing





as scary as this photo may be, i could have made it worse. let me know if it is too offensive and I will remove it promptly


i will do better in the days to come. the sun came out for the first time in a week, and the temperature made it out of the teens so good times.

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  erk said:
hope everythings alright. sleep apnea?

Not sure, I only sleep a few hours a night, and have been doing so since, well as long as I can remember. No matter when i fall asleep I wake in a few hours ready to run a marathon, and eat a full course meal. I had had some test run some months ago, and due to results was instructed to stop my workouts e.g. lifting, boxing and so on. I took the time to try and gain as much bulk as I could, as gaining weight naturally is something that has always been impossible for me (I know boohoo, but having an accelerated metabolism has haunted me in certain endeavors since i was young). In the past 6 months I have lost most my muscle mass, and only distributed weight round my midsection (as can be seen in above photo). When I went back in a few weeks ago, I was set up for this sleep test and more. They theorize things are interrelated.

thanks for the thoughts

enough about that

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I had my niece for a day, and fortunately it as the first day out above freezing so we went exploring a place she wanted to check out over the summer but was unwelcome. Those who are unafraid of winter should be familiar with these such hand-offs made by those too brittle to enjoy that which "Unclothes the earth, and freezes up frail life"

She had an assignment for the next day in school to send an email to herself so that she could learn how to open and reply to it. So I made a little gif (my first attempt) of the part of our adventure that I thought to take photos of. It looked way better before compression, and kinda killed me once i finished and saw what it would look like.

I cannot believe public schools are teaching computer skills this early, she is only in 1st grade.


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This is what we were standing over.


and we continued across


We both love cattails


there was somehting banging at the ice right here. very tough to refrain from finding out what it was


sun started to set


5256966908_3b783afdfc_z.jpg 5256970380_fbcd8dbef3_z.jpg



It was just the local country club, but having been run off of it so many times when I was a child, it is great times enjoying the grandeur of the greens all to yourselves

She is a cool kid, and is continually assuring me that I am at least 17yrs old

After we came home I found out that the camera too only black/blank photos every other photo. Anyone ever had this happpen? I contribute it to the cold as it seem to be working fine now. Oh, and I am having a heck of a time with compression on these, and the blurry results. Anyone have any advice?

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how are you compressing? I just you paint as its quick and easy. You should be able to keep your images just a tad larger and that would help a little with blurriness.

Great update! keep it up and good luck with the sleep issues

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