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I hate my job


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inspired by the fact that i just got an earfull about my outfit today... that i've worn essentially once every week or two since it got cold out. only today is it a problem, because i unbuttoned a few buttons and rolled my pants up to air out in this motherfucking hot ass office so i could stop sweating.

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I'm under paid and over qualified for my student-worker position at my University's Tech Support group.

They have me installing updates to computers on-site because they don't have the computers set up to have updates pushed to them from a remote server.

So I just sit here for hours while they update and do nothing. fuck.

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damn, normally i vent in random thoughts, but this thread will suffice. I hate my job and i hate san jose. Im actually putting in my 2 weeks notice on monday in favor of moving back to monterey, hittingup the beach every day, smoking weed, photography and writing.

I know it sounds stupid as hell but ever since i graduated ive been working. I never got to do the fun stuff others my age were doing, including traveling. I saved up a little money to subsist on....i already got all the jawnz i could need in the foreseeable future so im gonna lay low and become one with the earth (read: lazy asshole)

i need to figure out what i wanna do and where i wanna go with it. It sucks being 24 and not really having a passion to pursue. Im gonna find that passion. Im gonna use Walden as my guide.

im gonna get lost and find myself.

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I know it sounds stupid as hell but ever since i graduated ive been working. I never got to do the fun stuff others my age were doing, including traveling.

same boat, except i will most likely get lucky and take a layoff in a few weeks, so i can still get paid while i do whatever the fuck i want for awhile :cool: i'm glad to be getting out of the place i'm currently at, they're beyond fucked as far as management goes.

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how about being in a company you loved and respected. Then as time went by it went downhill and is now a joke.

I get a promotion to a position i don't want and being promised that i will get my chance to do what i want when the time comes. its been almost 3 years since that promise!

being so close yet so far.. .. ( insert thread title )

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how about being in a company you loved and respected. Then as time went by it went downhill and is now a joke.

I get a promotion to a position i don't want and being promised that i will get my chance to do what i want when the time comes. its been almost 3 years since that promise!

being so close yet so far.. .. ( insert thread title )

you got played brah

going to get a job at L&L Hawaiian BBQ. BAWLLIN

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