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the cinnabon thread.


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my chicken salad tastes like shit after looking at these pics...

mochalotta chill to wash them cinnabons down, plz

yo chicken salad is GODLIKE

i love buying the "bombay chicken salad" they have at my local safeway, its chicken, green onion, rasins, and some other goodies in a really tasty curry sauce, its aboslutly GODLIKE on a good bun, i want some now dammit

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i think cinnabon is too sweet.


i didnt want to be the first one to say it but yeah.

i always get stomach sick when i eat this

Am i allowed to make a corn bread thread?

corn bread is good eating though, unless it has actual kernels of corn in it, for some reason that bugs me.

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Why did Foodporn2000 (Lab) get banned?

bring back Foodporn2000

Cinnabon is good, but i usually opt for auntie anne's pretzels at the mall since they're less messy to eat. I hate when my fingers/face get all dirty eating food like cinnabon (same with messy wings). I haven't had cinnabon in awhile though, as i usually will just go to the store to buy that pillsbury cylindar thing.

Does anyone like the orange one better than white icing? My ex roomate was obsessed with it. I'm on the fence though

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hate when my fingers/face get all dirty eating food like cinnabon (same with messy wings).

deserves neg rep.

when I was little there was a chubby girl who lived down the street from us. she had one of those fat cute faces, but I never liked her because she always said her sister's name samantha in an annoying way. Samaaaaaaaaaantha. Samaaaaaaaaaantha. Samaaaaaaaaaaantha.

Anyway, one time my parents had a barbeque and her family came over.

When I saw her dogging some grilled chicken she was attacking it. and had the sauce all over her face, her hands, her shirt.

It was some carnal shit, primal, and the most beautiful sight I had I ever seen.

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I'm an assistant manager at a Cinnabon bakery. I'm a cinnavet. Got 4.5 years of experience. Get at me!

BTW Mochalatta and Caramelatta are no longer for sale once our stock runs out. Get that shit while you can.

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get fat.


I wanted this to be good, I really did. But that sauce shit tastes like straight ass.

On the rare occasions I'm in the mall I almost always cave and go grab a cinnabon. Or at union station. Solves most of life's problems. Meeting the gf's family for the first time? Bring a box of cinnabons. Have a tough presentation coming up? Box of cinnabons. Funeral? Fuck being sad and shit, have some cinnabons.

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last time I had a cinnabon it was at a mall in dubai

chalk another one for uncle sam

for the guy that works in cinnabon, please convince corporate to open up some cinnabons in europe. if you do I will thank you with +rep.

yeah dude we dont even got krispy kreme

fix it

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