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Sufu is dead


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if you wrote all that and claim not to give a fuck then shit I'd hate to imagine what the response would be like if you do..

I love you. Always have. I just wish I could make you as happy as you make me. Forever yours.

new francis vs. orion thread. check it out.

I really want this thread to happen. I haven't really looked at sufu for the past few days unless it was to view the supermarket so I missed all of this malarky as it unfolded. So make the thread and we shall have the bro-down of the new century.

what's up francis?

What's up, man? Been a while. Not much here, about to start playing some Fall Out 3 for the first time I think.

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Edit# 4,762 (4.0 is wack):

Just so you all know, psychopath-turned-poopsmith's apprentice-Orion left out some of the original conversation and, because he's lost his marbles, organized it rather poorly. The whole thing was a hoot and I thought I'd organize it in a more aesthetically pleasing and sensible way for your play-sure. He also edited it to a very small degree which is just silly. Here it is in all of its original chronological glory-hole:

supermessage: Neg rep...

post_old.gif 12-07-08, 03:13 PM clear.gifOrion vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);


Neg rep...

I still laugh about how you didn't understand that my post was a joke. Not the neg rep I gave you, as it was due for being such a douchebag, but the post regarding your terrible grammar and puctuation. I've come across a few of your other posts and they re-affirm my opinion of you. You offer nothing interesting or original to this forum, and I would expect the same from your real world personality, or lack thereof. Chances are if we met I would give you little to no consideration and definitley wouldn't remember you later. Most likely you would be bussing my table or pouring me a cup of coffee anyhow. So feel free to neg rep or comment, I don't really care. Go ahead to post back "fag", as you seem to like doing, but remember that you are the one constantly thinking about another man, and not me. In fact, until I clicked on your name next to the neg rep you gave, I didn't really remember who you were. I still don't get the "anime" reference either. I'm guessing it was a poor attempt at being clever, of which you failed. If you get 2 responses from me it's because SF 4.0 is terrible and deleted my PM instead of sent it.

originally posted by Francis Xavier

originally posted by Orion I still laugh about how you didn't understand that my post was a joke. Not the neg rep I gave you, as it was due for being such a douchebag, but the post regarding your terrible grammar and puctuation. I've come across a few of your other posts and they re-affirm my opinion of you. You offer nothing interesting or original to this forum, and I would expect the same from your real world personality, or lack thereof. Chances are if we met I would give you little to no consideration and definitley wouldn't remember you later. Most likely you would be bussing my table or pouring me a cup of coffee anyhow (Man, Orion! you must be such a high-roller!!!!! Have you tried Styleforum.net?). So feel free to neg rep or comment, I don't really care. Go ahead to post back "fag", as you seem to like doing, but remember that you are the one constantly thinking about another man, and not me. In fact, until I clicked on your name next to the neg rep you gave, I didn't really remember who you were. I still don't get the "anime" reference either. I'm guessing it was a poor attempt at being clever, of which you failed. If you get 2 responses from me it's because SF 4.0 is terrible and deleted my PM instead of sent it.

Unusually stern words coming from one so unaffected and secure. I didn't mean to offend the delicate sensibilities of such a learned maverick of the English language. Do me a favor and beat me up, maybe some of that refined sense of humor that you claim to have will rub off on me and make me sooooo much more intelligent and my contributions to this highbrow forum much more relevant. :)

PS- Creepy!

originally posted by Orion

I'm not offended, nor are my sensabilities. I'm not a maverick either, it's just not my MO to call names, even on the internet. It just seems childish, but to each his own. My sense of humor isn't all that refined, it just seemed pretty obvious to me and a few other people that it was a joke and that you took it really seriously. My other reply "Ha, last laugh", was in respect to your first reply before you edited it. You know which one I'm talking about. If not, it was the one with "HAHAHAHA" over and over and over again before you realized it was excessive and edited it. You don't have to worry about me beating you up, I left that behind when I graduated High School, and you will also when you graduate hopefully. As far as my influence "rubbing off" on you, it probably isn't neccessary. If you just look back at most of your posts and really think about what you write I'm sure you'll be embarassed. If not now, when you grow up. It's all good anyway, I'm sure there are things on the forum that we'll agree on or disagree on. Being friends or not with you really isn't a priority for me, and I don't see it becoming one. And the only "creepy" thing is that you keep thinking about me.

originally posted by Francis Xavier

I can't help but wonder why you're insisting that my thoughts consist of you and... whatever it is that you're implying. Something sexual perhaps? I certainly hope not. We don't need to page Dr Freud to inspect the paper thin walls of the last bastion of a man who responds and attacks with oversized blocks of indulgence to... Ahem... Compensate. Compensation... Hmmm... That might explain the sexual nature of your attacks, insinuations regarding my sexuality, and your insisting upon my fascination with you! Pure faggotry alone cannot explain such entertaining behavior. :)

If so, the delusional, barely coherent ramblings that you keep sending me are becoming more transparent with each episode and I encourage you to continue for my own play-sure.

originally posted by Orion

You can help but wonder. You think about me enough to randomly give me a rep because I was on your mind. I can see that you are trying to be creative, and that's fine, but if you re-read what you wrote you'll see that it is pretty incoherent. I'm sure it sounded good when you wrote it, but it's really not that effective at making a point. The compensation thing is just weak. The "fag" remarks are lame as well, and show the shallowness of your charachter. You aren't witty or smart, and the point you should understand is that you aren't an important person to me, and I would guess many other people. Now, you asked me to continue in conversation with you at the end of your reply, so you obviously are interested in me far more than I am interested in you. If you need to converse more, I'll be back in an hour or so and look forward to another poorly written and conceived reply. Or don't write back. It makes no difference to me.

originally posted by Francis Xavier


I should never have fucked you...

originally posted by Orion

"I never should have fucked with you.."

Fixed it for you

originally posted by Francis Xavier

Oh Daddy! You sunk my battleship!

originally posted by Orion

And with that, shall we consider this finished?

originally posted by Francis Xavier

Finished? What are you, a two pump chump? I god, you get me so hot. I want you so bad I can smeeeelll iiiiit! DADDDDDDY!

originally posted by Orion

Don't temp me to post this convo in "Really Stupid PM's You've Received" and make you really look like my bitch. You knew you were owned when you surrendered, but you should have known from the start.

originally posted by Francis Xavier




originally posted by Orion

You've had plenty of time to think of something clever. I'm sure you could have even asked your mom or dad for help. You have nothing left. We're done here.

originally posted by Francis Xavier

OH NO! You're already finished? How unsatisfying. I haven't gone yet!

originally posted by Orion

You were finished before you began, and the only unsatisfying thing you feel is knowing that there is nothing more to you then a weak apparition of a boy, who just got made a fool of. As far as having "gone", I'm guessing the best you're gonna get is your hand still. Just try not to think of me.

As you can see, Orion messaged me first for neg-repping him back (and very randomly at that). Needless to say, I was elated at the opportunity to egg him on. He took every single reply dead-seriously while insisting that none of this means anything to him. It, however, has come to mean everything to me.


LOOK. I've never felt this way before. I live in Baltimore. I know its a long drive, but I'm willing to make it. I want it. I need it. I want to anal-birth your babies. I only hope that my prince messages me again, for I grow lonely as superfuture downgrades.




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You are right, I posted my sent messages, not your edited ones. Thank you for telling the entire story. You did do a better job of organizing the conversation. Unfortunately, I've been to Baltimore once and don't plan on coming back, even though Camden Yards is beautiful. I clearly am a "psychopath poopsmith apprentice" as our conversation clearly shows. I'd hate to take you away from your video games any longer, so if you need anything else feel free and I'll try to get back to you.

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the question that begs to be answered is...

who gives a fuck?

Anyone who replied does I guess. This thread wasn't terribly interesting anyway, and it's not anymore interesting now with Fran & my back and forth. If you or ProfMonnitoff have anything at all better to talk about in this thread, by all means. I'm actually surprised this thread even continues to exist...

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You are right, I posted my sent messages, not your edited ones (Stop Fibbing, O'Ryan!:rolleyes: ). Thank you for telling the entire story. You did do a better job of organizing the conversation. Unfortunately, I've been to Baltimore once and don't plan on coming back, even though Camden Yards is beautiful. I clearly am a "psychopath poopsmith apprentice" as our conversation clearly shows. I'd hate to take you away from your video games any longer, so if you need anything else feel free and I'll try to get back to you.


youre both idiots and none of this is clever and please stop it

Oh, Monnitoff is here! Hey, it's Monnitoff!


the question that begs to be answered is...

who gives a fuck?


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Ugh, I can't handle more than 5 minutes on this site anymore. The whole thing breaks so many fundamental rules of web design such as not having giant frames taking up half the page and making it readable on low res screens. Worse is the fact that despite being on a widescreen system the site isn't using half of it because rather than using percentage widths some cretin decided to use pixels.

Maybe it's just me getting irrationally angry because it's Friday night and I have the lurgy.

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why the FUCK do i have to reload the current page every fucking time i want to see a thread that's changed that I've already been into? this new sufu eats balls. maybe i'll indulge myself in styleforum for a while and wait for the bugs to be worked out.

this is really the only thing that bothers me. i can get past the design, but this is just ridiculous, and shouldn't be difficult to fix.

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