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sick headphones


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low-end bass is one of the most damaging things for ears... and coupled with the fact that headphones (even surface ones) are not good for ears, to begin with... these headphones would be a bad idea.

I think what you mean is that loud volumes are bad for ears and cause hearing loss/damage. (correct me if you are referring to something else though, I might be misunderstanding you)

Headphones can be easy to misuse, particularly in loud environments.

But headphones at safe volumes are no more damaging than speakers at safe volume, live music at safe volume (though when does that happen...), etcetera.

In ear headphones like many of the products Ultimate Ears makes are arguably better and safer since they will isolate the user from surrounding noises, making perceived volume of music louder.

I don't know anyone with the super.fi 5s linked, but I do know a guy with the UE 10s and he says they are great. Good idea if you have the money and appreciate high fidelity audio gear.

I am pretty into audio gear, especially headphones by the way.. I feel obligated to defend UE here.

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I think what you mean is that loud volumes are bad for ears and cause hearing loss/damage. (correct me if you are referring to something else though, I might be misunderstanding you)

Headphones can be easy to misuse, particularly in loud environments.

But headphones at safe volumes are no more damaging than speakers at safe volume, live music at safe volume (though when does that happen...), etcetera.

In ear headphones like many of the products Ultimate Ears makes are arguably better and safer since they will isolate the user from surrounding noises, making perceived volume of music louder.

I don't know anyone with the super.fi 5s linked, but I do know a guy with the UE 10s and he says they are great. Good idea if you have the money and appreciate high fidelity audio gear.

I am pretty into audio gear, especially headphones by the way.. I feel obligated to defend UE here.

exactly, why have music turned on when all I hear is bitches talking about how they got drunk and found hairy russian men poking their dicks at them face in the subway.

+rep you

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what kind of headphones you use, inaya

well I was just saying what I said before because I used to dj when I was young, for a few years and I got tinnitus (which I still have to this day). despite my assumptions on getting it from simply being around loud music a lot, it actually turned out to be because of wearing shitty headphones in loud music... and just wearing them in general for long periods of time. I wasn't trying to be preachy, just... I was unaware that some headphones did so much damage til it was too late D:

anyway I generally use sony mdr 700 (studio) headphones. they're too big for me even on the smallest setting, haha... but they are the easiest on my ears, meanwhile being of good sound quality.

and agreeing with habia - I didn't only mean bass, but since the OP mentioned bass, that's why I said. but low end bass is indeed damaging to a degree... however, I'm willing to bet it was more the midrange bass and hats that really ruined my ears, personally.

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well I was just saying what I said before because I used to dj when I was young, for a few years and I got tinnitus (which I still have to this day). despite my assumptions on getting it from simply being around loud music a lot, it actually turned out to be because of wearing shitty headphones in loud music... and just wearing them in general for long periods of time. I wasn't trying to be preachy, just... I was unaware that some headphones did so much damage til it was too late D:

anyway I generally use sony mdr 700 (studio) headphones. they're too big for me even on the smallest setting, haha... but they are the easiest on my ears, meanwhile being of good sound quality.

and agreeing with habia - I didn't only mean bass, but since the OP mentioned bass, that's why I said. but low end bass is indeed damaging to a degree... however, I'm willing to bet it was more the midrange bass and hats that really ruined my ears, personally.

also good point, I feel bad for those punk rockers in the subway rocking those headphones so loud I can hear their slipknot seep through his nose.

is it better in terms of ear safety to go with headphones instead if IEMs?

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holy fuck a thread was started to hype in-ear subwoofers. i dont know anything about sound levels damaging ears but my common sense tells me that it's a really shitty idea to jam two subs directly into your hearing canal.

i wish i could neg aitsuka again, what a stupid dickhole.

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I have tinnitus from playing the drums for 7 years, and most headphones are not loud enough for my broken ears to enjoy. I'm like moneytuff, too. I lose or break my shit too easily to make nice headphones a practical investment. I have a pair of Shure E2c's that are great, but I need to get them replaced by the warranty since the left bud shorted out.

I listen to music way too loudly, I think.

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