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the people who ask that how to talk to girls kid questions are retarded.

Scientific fact. I wonder how the hell these fuckers got onto tumblr in the first place, to try and find what's trendy and fashionable.

Dude tries too hard by saying self edges, than just selvedge. Fuck it, it's selvedge home boy. It's not uncool to say selvedge, you look like a herb by sayin self edges everytime you try and describe a selvedge line.

I enjoyed dudes tumblr first time around, but every since all these wannabe fashion forward fuckers came onto tumblr just to ask 2nd grade questions for ivy league style clothing, shit's gone to the suck hole.

It's a whole lot of sack sucking with these questions.

/fin rant... been wanting to say the whole selvedge thing for a while, but I can't ask questions through my phone on tumblr.

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also lol @ thatkindofwoman

bitch post pictures of herself every day fishing for complements. i remember some blogbeef with her too, sup nico

lol reminds of cheynesaw

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