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how do you honeycomb your jeans?


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You go to a beehive. open the top of the box. make sure your wearing nothing but your jeans.

[ you don't want to get a bee caught in your top]. slide out one of the trays, rub the honeycomb against the back of your knee.

Yeah man I've tried this method for a few of my jeans and the results are amazing! It's too bad that I got a few bee stings.

Edited by super on Oct 31, 2005 at 12:50 AM

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If he can't use the search button, then you guys don't have to respond. Maybe if nobody responds he won't ask the questions. It's funny, because 4-5 times a week somebody asks a question in well worn territory, but there are always people who tell him to use the search function. Then every once in awhile (and this really bugs me) somebody will clown the people clowning the original clown... right? Ah my hypocracy runs sooooo deep!

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If he can't use the search button, then you guys don't have to respond. Maybe if nobody responds he won't ask the questions. It's funny, because 4-5 times a week somebody asks a question in well worn territory, but there are always people who tell him to use the search function. Then every once in awhile (and this really bugs me) somebody will clown the people clowning the original clown... right? Ah my hypocracy runs sooooo deep!

--- Original message by rnrswitch on Oct 31, 2005 05:50 PM

This is definitely true but I think most of us used a tad bit more common sense before posting stupid threads when we were all noobs. I mean I didn't see as many repost threads when I first started to read SF.
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If he can't use the search button, then you guys don't have to respond. Maybe if nobody responds he won't ask the questions. It's funny, because 4-5 times a week somebody asks a question in well worn territory, but there are always people who tell him to use the search function. Then every once in awhile (and this really bugs me) somebody will clown the people clowning the original clown... right? Ah my hypocracy runs sooooo deep!

--- Original message by rnrswitch on Oct 31, 2005 05:50 PM

This is definitely true but I think most of us used a tad bit more common sense before posting stupid threads when we were all noobs. I mean I didn't see as many repost threads when I first started to read SF.

--- Original message by super on Oct 31, 2005 05:57 PM

Obviously you did not notice as many reposts when you first started using, as your use was likely more infrequent, and further, more importantly, you never saw all the previous posts so you could not lable a new to you post as a repost.
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