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i dont think i can drop morrigan. Shes super mobile, fast and that drill attack is the ultimate combo opener

that plus her shadow double makes her insanely effective. Shes my main character

Might drop Hulk if i can get my dorm game proper

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  DÃœM said:
character synergy is very important

dont just pick 3 characters you like

well, i picked 3 characters i liked and just worked really hard at the game to make them work. i agree team synergy is important but it isn't impossible for 3 chars you like to make a good team.

hulk sucks tbh, he's terrible at getting in especially against someone with ranged attacks for example taskmaster + doom assist, morrigan's drill is super predictable too, just like tron's jumping/spin shit that everyone spams

yeah personally i dont really like hulk but his damage output is good and he has that gamma crush invincible super and a good anti air assist, one of the few legit anti air assists actually

and lol, morrigan's drill isn't 'predictable' in the right hands, her dashes inherently make her airborn so she has plenty of mixups and instant overheads/superarmor breakers with that drill to start combos. i just have a feeling that zubin is doing drill -> cr.L x 4 -> s.S which is a terrible way to start a combo as it scales your already terrible damage to shiet.

and tron's jump H is harder to block than you expect because it has deceptive range and the ability to cross up easily.. and it leads to a dead character

tldr; stop it slimes

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berndog, it's unlikely that zubin (or me or 90% of this thread) is going to spend the time you have developing a team strategy.

I think it'd be best to pick an intuitive team that he can build on.

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no no! i use cr.L,M,H, cr.S and then repeat once in the air! Just like you taught me lol

then hulk comes out, get my hits in. Smash to the ground and then do the gamma wave special

I cant figure dormamu into the mixc and thats definitely effecting my game.

Like when i saw your vids, you started a combo and took it all 3 characters deep. When i do that, (say with mo, hulk and akuma) all i can do is the lame LMH combo and switch to the next character

How important is it to have an assist that keeps the combos running/popping your character off the ground?

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well OTGs are great ways to extend your combos for more damage or to setup resets. for example, wesker can only get maybe 500k off of an extended bread and butter (that's like 2 relaunches using assists) so at the very end of the combo, he'll OTG gunshot you and pop you up, then he has 4 mixups to get you with. either he follows you into the air and throws you down again for another combo, he starts an air combo if you expect him to grab you to hit you out of it, he'll teleport behind you, or he'll fake and wait for you to hit the ground then command grab you into another combo.

characters with low damage output and no OTG capability like chun li need someone like wesker or whoever else can OTG. on your team, purification from dormammu and gamma wave from hulk can do it as well. OTGs are also useful if your combos involve more than one ground bounce, which I think hulk does

some other tips to get more damage -- after you finish a combo with morrigan and they're put into a hard knockdown state (usually after pressing S after an aerial rave, the camera shoots down withthem etc) you can do her shoryuken super to get some OTG hits in. it's also invincible on startup.

hulk in the corner after a combo can charge up a gamma wave and then super cancel into gamma crush for huge damage. if you're out of the corner, after your combo dash up and do gamma wave special or gamma cahrge forward once and do gamma wave for more hits.

dormammu imo as an assist is kinda balls. dark hole is an ok lockdown assist but your characters have slow aerial mobility (yes even morrigan) to benefit much from it. someone like magneto benefits a lot from a dormammu assist and vice versa.

if i were you, using your team, i would just build meter with morrigan and hulk. hulk dying alone gives you at least a bar or maybe two for dormammu to work with. dormammu sitting on bar with level 3 xfactor is ridiculous and can change the game like crazy. look out for unsafe things and punish with chaotic flame, or chip out opponents with no options using the stalker flame + pillars to chip them out. if you have the life lead, flame carpet and back off. power up between pauses and keep them out.

if they're impatient and try to jump in on you, flame carpet, then crouch M or s.S. those beat everything.

i dont play your team so i cant really see the potential in it, but it's not impossible. maybe give morrigan dark harmonizer so if you DHC out youcan use her assist to build meter for dormammu.

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  Zubin said:
no no! i use cr.L,M,H, cr.S and then repeat once in the air! Just like you taught me lol

then hulk comes out, get my hits in. Smash to the ground and then do the gamma wave special

I cant figure dormamu into the mixc and thats definitely effecting my game.

Like when i saw your vids, you started a combo and took it all 3 characters deep. When i do that, (say with mo, hulk and akuma) all i can do is the lame LMH combo and switch to the next character

How important is it to have an assist that keeps the combos running/popping your character off the ground?

for what it's worth, i think dorm/morrigan might work but you might want to reconsider how your team works. i'd maybe put hulk on point with morrigan meter builder and dorm dark hole last. dorm alpha would help hulk getting in, and morrigan meter builder would build meter for dorm. depending on the situation, if you keep spamming meter builder when morrigan comes in you can use it for her level three which combos easily from air combo or you can save it for dorm anchor. level 3 xf dorm with a full stick of butter is really good. Medium teleport to fierce or trijump fierce/whatever in conjunction with carpet/ball super very often catches defensive players.

if that doesn't work, i suggest dropping morrigan for magneto lol. he builds meter AND does damage.

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I complain about playing royale. royale complains about mass. berndog laughs.

it's pretty disheartening how well both of your tactics work on me. though, mass does play each character somewhat differently. royale plays everyone the same. I just play my one character incorrectly.

I think last time I played mass I understood what to do. I just can't do it.


chill and look for limbs to focus through. raida predicable limbs. I think I can neckbreaker misplaced snipers, not sure of the timing/spacing. ex nb on fireballs. obviously there are option selects for teleport. vortex the fuck out of sims wakeup. don't let him breathe once you finally get in.

with all this said, I can't even block teleports correctly.

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playing your broken sim over and over gets old fast, nothing but teleports and getting touched the whole way across the screen, no thanks.

yea that jumping overhead punch from across the screen is sooo annoying. bison's standing roundhouse beats it tho >:]. there was this one time when he ate that like 3 times in a row haha prolly gets old fast for you cuz u always stay on the opposite side of the screen lul!

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pretty sure light shoryu beats yoga sniper too. i think royale is just frustrated cuz he tends to play lame/defensive anyway, so to get outlamed by a lame character is probably new to him

i hope youre not spamming hadous with akuma cuz hes got mean mixups and rushdown. it'd be a waste

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ryu's c.mp beats limbs

shoryu beats everything

bunch of normals beat limbs

some sweeps, not sure which ones

chun's does

of course royale spams fireballs

he only switches to gouki for his air fireball and random demons

anyways my dhalsim isn't that lame

would prob be better if it was

ryu's super punishes sniper even on hit

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wanna play your sim again soon, mass. these losses have veen my worst lately.

royale's mixup is throw then focus or neutral jump then throw. pretty consistently. never goes for safe jumps or crossups (except with gen he'll use that crossup combo that knocks down) or demon flips with akuma.

christos' makoto pressure is real frustrating too.

I feel like my vortex is getting better. I was able to vortex a handful people to stun in ranked matches recently. I still have a bad habit of throwing after crossup kunai though.

sf discussion in this thread goes un circles. ive prob made this post 5 times before.

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