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which ones? if they were with you they're probably too long/boring from running out the clock every round LOL

Only way to out-troll the troll bro.

Edit: and the last two weren't long and boring. Vortex baby. Also, I believe only like 3 rounds ran out of time out of all the ones we had.

EDIT 2: i was kidding about the vortex. i got you for like one round with some shenanigans.

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ya upload matches with vortex, I'm pretty inconsistent with it. some days I got it and somedays I don't. I need a better understanding of the timing.

I noticed sako was doing b.mp after he landed and then going into it but I havent really tried that

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I had serious lag with royale yesterday too, worse than usual. is christos the only other ps3 ae sufu player on our coast?

always a little laggy against mass and royale and I'm wireless which does not help.

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dropping combos like craaazy

lag is prob on my end. it's even laggy in spectator but it could be just me getting it laggy.

that neckbreaker into drano's ultra was :(

I think ibuki can neckbreaker the follow up to that stomp shit where he bison turns purple. I only did it once in there, but I think I read that somewhere.

edit: yup nb on that shit works pretty easy, just timing.

ggs bros

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yeah it is, if you hit the button again for the sweeps. if you dont hit it it's pretty safe on block, but if you do hit it on block they can ultra or srk through that last hit.

I have a bad habit of not hitting the sweeps though.

that cr. mp with nb buffered is sick, hit you guys a bunch. I just gotta learn the spacing. if you block obviously you can punish the nb, it's mostly fir when you're far trying to poke me or use some fast move across the screen.

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  christos said:

Also Dranoelsy, solid Bison. You can't handle my mirror match though :)

mirror matches are trippy as fuqq lol two dic's jumpin around (||)

im glad he still got all his shit from 4 cause i never played ssf4 before til this morning. i dont know shit about these new characters yet x[. royale's shotos are trolls. dhalsim is tight. berndawg where u at mane

~~~~~~ggz bros~~~~~~

ps - lagg gave me a headache ~_~

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mass' sim I have the most trouble with of anyone on here. I can't block for shit and my rushdown hass too many holes.

sucks jebeebus isnt on ps3 anymore. his cammy was scary.

berndogs Abel is fun to play, but he's all about marvel now.

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