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  DÃœM said:
I think royale is uploading a pretty whatever video of me scraping by an Oni. I'd appreciate any tips you guys can give from it though (bad habits, stupid decisions, etc)

seems like sometimes after hard knockdowns you're jumping back or keeping at mid range instead of dashiing in/staying close. resetting the pace using ibuki gives you a disadvantage imo. and you gotta do more kunai mixups

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yeah I'm trying to get the vortex timing down again. I keep going for tc to neckbreaker or tsumuji sfter kunai and catching dp. I had it pretty good awhile back where I was confident trying it on you guys often and it was working on jebeebus and christos a bit. I've been mixing people up with different shit online (dash through cr.jab which can link to mk but i can barely do it, neutral jump mk to tc to knockdown, etc. ) today and irs wirking pretty well.

basically i was getting to be so predictable that my knockdown game wasnt working so I was backing off.

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daigo is going to play marvel 3 at nor cal regionals

im copping an american flag and waving that shit in the crowd every time he plays

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I seriously cannot ever block anything he does

especially jump fierce even if I know it's coming

fuck you mass


mass is pretty free to troll me with sim. he seems to exploit every hole in my game (real shitty mixup, susceptibility to simple crossups, impatience)

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I only went to sim cuz I'm tired

you saw me miss mad links with cody

I've lost like 1500 pp cuz of cody):

but you did get me nervous

I panic from rush down

but I think I'm getting better at dealing with it

just need to be more patient

I'm also trying not to jump as much only backwards

still pussy about getting hrown though

3rd strike habit

and can't rollout of a throw in sf4 which is gay

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yeah, was fun though. when you kept jumping at me with gief I tried to cancel the second hit of my aa b.mp into command dash and it worked on the first try. I was too excited to utilize it though. I had a free raida or dp from that.

I've got my really basic ibuki combos down atleast. I gotta spend time practicing new kunai shit.

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