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Summer Olympics


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  weirdnjfan1 said:
Yeah, I agree with this totally. I was just talking about this with my father a few nights ago, and we still can't figure out where the hell China came from in gymnastics. It's always been the rivalry between the US and Russia. Now over the past couple of years, it seems that there's been a new rivalry between the US and China. Where did this come from and I guess that China is the new Russia when it comes to gymnastics.


We hardly ever place in gymnastics as a significant shower. In fact 1996 was the ONLY time we've gotten gold as a team. It has for the last 20 years (or more) been dominated by Russia, Romania, (other crazy former USSR countries) China and Japan (at least mens?). Look at China's rich history of gymnastics man. Geez. My point was that I hoped we'd move forward and improve after 1996 but we've been slowly just regressing... I guess the guys did good by getting a bronze after loosing the Hamms to injury...

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my biggest regret of life:


i used to be ranked gymnasts in 5th grade. a lot of my co-teammates went on to junior olympics, and one of my coaches at that time (when he was 17/18) is the capitain of the U.s gym team.

i could've been them. fuck my life

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speaking about underbites...

this girl (right) won an international contest to sing for the olympics but was swapped last minute for a cuter girl with no bucked tooth (left)... the chinese straight up milli-vanilli'd us.



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  masuerte said:
I know that in the end the U.S. will kick ass in overall and most gold medals for olympics. But it hurts to see us get rocked in gymnastics every time. 1996 was a great year and I wish it can happen again.

One sport I do enjoy watching China destroy everyone in their path without breaking a sweat though is Badminton and it is hardly every shown.

Dude - they lost the prelims to Korea in baseball. I come to work and the first thing I hear is "my country beat your country" etc etc bullshit bullshit and all I could say was "medal count" and "we ain't got no professionals playing in that shit".

Watch China wreck shop in ping pong though.

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  masuerte said:
I love ping pong but where the hell am I gonna watch that shit :(

I doubt NBC will show anything but a passing 30 minute piece.

I just discovered last night that you can stream some of the events live at http://www.nbcolympics.com/

It tried to make me install something and then wouldn't work anyway, though. Maybe you'll have better luck.

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  pragmatics said:
I just discovered last night that you can stream some of the events live at http://www.nbcolympics.com/

It tried to make me install something and then wouldn't work anyway, though. Maybe you'll have better luck.


12 channels of live streams. No hassle.

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"I've spoken all week about how much I've enjoyed the Olympic experience, how much I love the spirit of it, how much I love the other athletes, what they've sacrificed," Blake said, after his 4-6, 7-5, 11-9 loss to Fernando Gonzalez, a 12th-seeded Chilean. "That's a disappointing way to exit the tournament when you not only lose the match, but you lose a little faith in your fellow competitor."

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Guest umhaha84

I hate f'ing chinese, they got no manner,,,

woman's archery was fucking joke, it was between korea and china to take gold,,,

Audiences were hollering and making noises, whenever it was korea's turn.


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  umhaha84 said:
I hate f'ing chinese, they got no manner,,,

woman's archery was fucking joke, it was between korea and china to take gold,,,

Audiences were hollering and making noises, whenever it was korea's turn.


that might be because the korean tv station broadcast the pre-opening ceremony while they are not suppose to

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