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How do you relax


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So sufu, I find myself feeling extremely stressed all too often. I've tried meditation, and i typically run 3 miles every day, but I still feel like there's too much going on in my life. Should I try to simplify my life? Let all of the truth out? Be nicer / kinder? What do you guys find is the best way to relax without the help of drugs, jacking off, or alcohol? How do you all relax?

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RPGs always relax me. Playing old snes rpgs from my childhood always make me happy and calm. When i was young, i'd play them forever when bad shit happened to keep cool.

Do you worry bout' stupid shit? I know some friends who always think of the negatives and what could go wrong, or worrying about their future. For me, shit's gonna get done, and i just have to handle my biz. Can't get hung up on little things. I try to find small things that make me happy and just be confident that i'll figure out the little problems. Everytime a good, classic simpsons episode comes on syndication it makes me really content.

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Guest Phrost

sorry kunk, supertalk may increase your neurotic, pill-popping, hypochridiac shop-aholic tendencies. ask your doctor for the raf simons x eastpak collaboration.

i find that doing things i enjoyed when i was a kid relaxes me. i loved watching cartoons, playing with the girl next door. i just started drawing again too.

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without the help of drugs, jacking off, or alcohol?


actually probably a good thing you said that or this would turn into the mj theak part 2. But anyways... it's all a mindset thing, I often try to sort through everything going on in my life that's getting to me and asking myself item by item if it will still bug me in 6 mo or a year. If it still would it obviously needs to be dealt with on a different level but for everything else, dropping the little stuff has made my life much better all around.

that being said, I smoke a lot of weed, love drinking, and jack off/fuck ever day.

edit: kunk, send some xanax bars my way if you ever get tired of them

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Guest jmatsu

bjs, getting salad tossed, hk foot massage, swedish massage, booze, watch movie, hate in superfuture, sauna, neg rep a nigga, kill ants, flatulence, make doodoo

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i am a mental train wreck more often than not. can't relax after boning. at the beach. anywhere. i also worry about getting diseases constantly. so i just gave in and said fuck it and went on anxiety meds. now i'm only half a disaster.

Sounds like i practically wrote this. Good to know meds are an option in the end.

Do you worry bout' stupid shit? I know some friends who always think of the negatives and what could go wrong, or worrying about their future. For me, shit's gonna get done, and i just have to handle my biz. Can't get hung up on little things. I try to find small things that make me happy and just be confident that i'll figure out the little problems. Everytime a good, classic simpsons episode comes on syndication it makes me really content.

This is what i need to work on mostly. Thanks for the advice

sorry kunk, supertalk may increase your neurotic, pill-popping, hypochridiac shop-aholic tendencies. ask your doctor for the raf simons x eastpak collaboration.

colette already sold out of crinkly long jawn and it makes me anxious that i will need to rip bags out of lil asian hands at barneys one day in an upcoming week.


not really.

Already have the 10. Ha.

I think i'm gonna try to reprioritize my life. Be more kind and shit. Hopefully i feel better about myself and happier. I should do a sufu giveaway. I'll be sure to update this shit when i reach enlightenment (or xanax coma) or any state better than this.

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i am a mental train wreck more often than not. can't relax after boning. at the beach. anywhere. i also worry about getting diseases constantly. so i just gave in and said fuck it and went on anxiety meds. now i'm only half a disaster.

I probably don't qualify for Xanex or any anxiety pill for that matter but what the fuck

First and only time I ever did Xanies I was at a buddies house in Royal Oak (MI) and felt SO groggy and tired after I did them that I got up and drove back to Canada, only to decide that I was way too jacked to cross the border

Shit made me pass out in duty free with my lights on in my car and music bumping

I was awoken by the EMS shaking my car cuz they thought I was dead

I was greeted by the Windsor Po Po on the other side, got the breathalizer and all that and they couldn't figure out why I was so mangled, i could barely keep my eyes open

I drove home and proceeded to fall asleep for 14 hours and it was the best and deepest sleep of my life

To this day I don't understand how people take Xanex to feel normal.

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I like taking my dog someplace secluded and walking her around. Find some rivers and wade through them with her. If you don't have any pets then just do it by yourself, walking relaxes me much more than running.

Also I relax by cleaning and organizing all my shit. I clean out my drawers, throw out old shit I know longer want or need, do some laundry and will sometimes clean the entire house just so that I can have peace of mind.

When it comes to day to day stuff like asshole drivers or rude people I just make a conscious effort not to let it get to me. I just sort of rationalize it that everyone has their off/ bad days and can be rude or careless. This sort of thing can go a long way for me.

Hopefully something here will help you out.

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If I'm angry or annoyed, I usually just smoke a cigarette and calms me down for a while.

If I'm just trying to kick back and relax, I play call of duty if I'm alone, and hit the streets and walk around if I'm with people.

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I'll tell you how, bro. go on cheggit or empornium, or find a torrent site that has 'hypnography: erotic hypnosis for men', or 'jackpot: no hands'. what it essentially does is put you in a heavily relaxed state. feels almost like you're floating. runs for almost half an hour so it really gets you calm and collected. the bonus is, both these audio files cause you to orgasm, hands free. it's like masturbating with your mind. can't say it worked for me, but I got pretty close, and the feeling of deep relaxation was worth the download on its own.

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xanax/clonapen is not a long term solution and is REALY habit forming. i took a regular old SSRI type deal and cam off 2 months ago. am going back on as things as small as no more raf crinkle packs can literally keep me up at night.

I probably don't qualify for Xanex or any anxiety pill for that matter but what the fuck

First and only time I ever did Xanies I was at a buddies house in Royal Oak (MI) and felt SO groggy and tired after I did them that I got up and drove back to Canada, only to decide that I was way too jacked to cross the border

Shit made me pass out in duty free with my lights on in my car and music bumping

I was awoken by the EMS shaking my car cuz they thought I was dead

I was greeted by the Windsor Po Po on the other side, got the breathalizer and all that and they couldn't figure out why I was so mangled, i could barely keep my eyes open

I drove home and proceeded to fall asleep for 14 hours and it was the best and deepest sleep of my life

To this day I don't understand how people take Xanex to feel normal.

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I like drinking when I'm on Xanax, have done it multiple times. But you really walk the fine line of feeling good and blacking out, which sucks because I like to actually try to remember good nights.

Klonopin is a whole other deal. I took a small amount of that, drank a fair bit and slept for the next 12 hours once I passed out. I woke up to a crazy guy in my living room fixing my cable box wearing a hard hat with a flashlight and a tool vest. Needless to say, there might not be anymore Klonopin experiences for me in the future.

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Don't think I'm ever going to relax until I can afford to buy a farm in Vermont, grow my own food and run around naked shooting objects of various sizes and distrances with a bow and arrow.

All day. Er day.

You guys are invited, but we may have to put on kilts or something if it becomes a man party.

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just sitting watching tv and zoning out by not thinking about shit that usually always bothers me. Naps help when theres time. drawing or painting always calms me down when its my own work.

(I know thread said no alcohol) but

I really enjoy sitting on my porch and having a beer or two in the summer.

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