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Dior Homme Denim


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  cjbreed said:
fit looks better in this pic but they are still a little loose for my taste. one thing is that to me stacking only looks good on slim/skinny jeans. but if you like them then that's what matters...

Yeah I think I just need to figure the right shoes to wear them with. They don't stack on lower profile shoes, but on high-tops they stack up a lot.

I like stacking with even wide hems, I normally wear straight-legs like Samurai s5000vx and I like a little stacking even with that.

Anyway thanks for the feedback ya'll. I think I'm gonna keep them un-tapered for now and see how it goes for a couple weeks

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I had a question about dior reference numbers, the tag that hangs down on garments.

So I was browsing some raw dior jeans on ebay, and what is strange is alot of them would have the same reference number for example: 8h3110530184 - 504

but the last 3 digits would be different. I've seen 504, 507, and 509. What do these numbers mean?

I've also seen some where it had additional stuff after Pantalon jeans Bas 19, but couldnt make out what it said in the pictures.

Please help thanks!

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  Asn said:
I had a question about dior reference numbers, the tag that hangs down on garments.

So I was browsing some raw dior jeans on ebay, and what is strange is alot of them would have the same reference number for example: 8h3110530184 - 504

but the last 3 digits would be different. I've seen 504, 507, and 509. What do these numbers mean?

I've also seen some where it had additional stuff after Pantalon jeans Bas 19, but couldnt make out what it said in the pictures.

Please help thanks!

there is nothing special about the last 3 digits of the new reference numbers. it's simply as follows:

501 for size 26

502 for size 27



505 for size 30

on and on

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  Kodiak said:
i think the first digit is the color, my blacks are size 26 and say 901

yeah now I got it.

The first of the last 3 digits are color i.e. 5 is for blue and 9 is for black.

The 3rd of the last 3 digits are for sizing

1 for size 26

2 for size 27

3 for size 28

4 for size 29

5 for size 30


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  JohnnyRed said:
Damn really? why is the fit that bad? I'm actually starting to like it as is, without taper. Here's a full pic:


You really think I should sell these?

this is one of the worst fits ive seen on sufu....im tempted to post in worst WAYWT threak

but ya dude, step your shoe game up....wtf is with them jank ass vans

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  xh0llyw00dxx said:
Yes, that seems to be true.

I knew what the old numbers were, it's posted in the FAQ.

Beginning to decode the new ones:

8h3110530184 - 504 for example

8 is the year (08)

H is f/w

311 seems to now mean jeans

0520184 is still a mystery, probably wash, cut, fabric

5 is color (blue)

04 is size (29)


One last question, I purchased some jeans from the LA store and noticed that it had tag said Pantalon Jeans Bas, whereas these pictures of serveral raws in 19cms spell jeans in lower case. Is that normal?

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  PandaDenim said:
Christ, if you bought it in the Dior store on Rodeo Drive you SHOULD BE FINE.

... sorry but it's true.

No, the one i'm looking at on EBAY has it in lower case and the rest in caps, which is why im curious when the one I bought at Rodeo caps all first letters. I need to stick to buying from the store.

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  scotty2 said:
ya i saw them the ones for $179 rite? it kinda look like raw but i can't tell. if it doesn't say it is its probally not.

ow, that sucks.

btw there is no dry/raw information about any other diors as well..

can someone make sure if it is dry or not??

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