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@kindofyoung yea she was cute, same age too. 


So a few years back I was taking the uptown 6 train, really early on an autumn morning, listening to this fairly new thing I've been exposed to known as K-Pop. The train is suddenly going on a surprisingly smooth, and quiet ride. The only guy sitting near me is black. My volume is a little over half way up from maximum, and so the guy sitting near me can hear it. Suddenly the chorus to Sorry Sorry - Super Junior, starts playing, and he looks at me.  :unsure:

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when ever you droppin a deuce somewhere on campus that isn't in your dorm bathroom (I commute so I don't even live in a res hall)


you got two kinds of people that come in not needing to simply take a piss: the kind that come into the bathroom and see the stall(s) be taken and immediately dip to go find an open one on another floor / in another building


and the people who stand there for a few minutes outside the stall waiting hoping you about to be done before giving up and dipping


I mean come on you making me nervous standing right there while I'm trying to take a shit especially if we're the only two people in the bathroom in a situation where there's only one stall

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real talk, I've had people enter bathrooms with a single stall and wait there like 3 feet outside of stall until I finish. Enjoy huffing my shit air and warm toilet seat ya creep.

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There were construction workers renovating the facade of my building all day yesterday. When I got home from the gym and took a nice long shower I forgot that they were out there and that the blinds in my bedroom window were open. Since my roommates weren't home I had a chance to freeball it back to my room to change. When I walked in there was a worker right at my window working on the wall to the side, and I immediately turned and went back for my towel.

He wasn't looking at me when I walked in but I think he got a glimpse of my ass when I went back to the bathroom cause when I came back in with my towel and closed the blinds he refused to look at me even thought we were only separated by a half inch of glass.

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  On 10/10/2014 at 4:10 AM, SSchadenfreude said:

was riding with my pal and his family.  was sitting in the backseat with his kid (he was driving his wife beside him). wasn't a short drive and i was bored.  so i caught a fart and in my hand and shoved it in my friend's kid's face.  fuckin kid threw up in the car. he started crying and screaming. needless to say shit was pretty awkward when my friend asked me what happened. 



I laughed at this shit but....



Went drinking with a friend and got really wasted. She slept over and woke up next morning super hungover. She wasn't using the blanket at the time and i farted something super hot and silent. Few seconds pass, she creeps under the covers, catches a whiff and throws up. Good thing it was just water. 


Would be extremely awkward if this was a stranger, but shes really close to me so i walked away with a few shreds of dignity. 

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on the plan ride i farted under my blanket discreetly.  been a couple mins and i don't smell anything so im like aii cool but then i shift position a little bit and and this rancid stank snuck out.  the dude next to me glanced at me real quick and started fanning himself with his pillow while i continued to watch my game of thrones

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Coworker dropped something on my leg and she was worried. She then asked if I wanted her to kiss it to make it feel better without realizing what she just said. 


Also, I was eating at a ramen spot then the waitress spilled something on my thigh and grabbed tissues to almost patting me

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  On 10/28/2014 at 11:11 PM, November20 said:

Coworker dropped something on my leg and she was worried. She then asked if I wanted her to kiss it to make it feel better without realizing what she just said. 


Also, I was eating at a ramen spot then the waitress spilled something on my thigh and grabbed tissues to almost patting me


similar thing happened to me. waitress spilled some cold tea near my crotch region and went straight ahead dabbing the area saying sorry continuously during the process


she kept going despite me saying it's alright and I can handle it myself












I was having dinner with my parents when they were visiting and they silently watched in the background. I don't know why but this made it seem 100x worse than what it actually was.

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My girl and I went to a birthday party of a friend and wrote a card that said something like 

"Congratulations to your fabulous escape from the uterus and through the narrowness of the vagina. Well done!"

One of the guests was 8 months pregnant and the birthday girl read the card out loud. Was kinda weird.

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We wanted to talk about how to separate family from freelance. How to keep everyone happy, and still get the job done. No hurt feelings in business, its just business.


I called the meeting so I could lay out how to give a brief and a timeline, so everyones expectations are met. Simple stuff no doubt.

Instead of a two way conversation, they laid into me  on how my files were incorrect and late. There was no set timeline to even meet. So from there I got pushed into a corner, and shit got heated. Verbal sparring. Finger pointing. 


" When i ask my co-workers (who are all her sisters) to do something they do it right then"

"Im not your family, you dont get to boss me around (meant to say  'im not one of your sisters', shit was heated and i slipped up). I apologize immediately and say thats not what i meant, i tripped over words in the heat of the argument. sorryX3.


Brother gets furious. Rageface.zip. FUCK YOU! DONT EVER TALK TO MY WIFE LIKE THAT HOW DARE YOU ECT!!!... WE'RE LEAVING. gets up, sister in law sobbing I CANT DO THIS I CANT DO THIS.


bro is leaving says " sorry i said fuck you", sister in law wont accept apology, storms out door.


TL;DR - Freelance and inlaws do no mix.

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ur dealer probably wouldn't think twice about the text

had a woman call me slut, whore, accuse me

of husband stealing when i walked out of my building and passed her as she was going in

the building I work in has a cute French cafe next to it and the owner was outside

this is after hearing from her husband that she had him thrown in jail, and that she has been committed twice in the past six months to psych ward

but of course the owner knows none of this

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sent a big client from Kuwait (with an Arabic sounding name) an email beginning with "Hello Osama", and his name wasn't Osama at all.


it was a simple mistake because I had sent a similar email to another client from Kuwait (from a partner company, this dude's name actually was Osama) and just copy pasted it with some changes, but I forgot to change the name.


its not that bad but it still feels awkward

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