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Bib-Overalls & Dungarees


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  • 4 weeks later...

Pikebrothers worn for 5 weeks straight to work.

no holes,no rips,all seams still intact,apart from the knees no real visible fading.fucking unbelieveable strong.best workpant ever!


in the background you see my workmate Lars welding holes in the petroltank of his '54 Panhead Bottleneckframe.well,not that he wants to,but sometimes the sheetmetal of old parts appears to be on the thinner side...


At least he is doing it in style,sporting a Carrhart overall in black cottonduck:



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just had a call from "Panhead-Lars" that he got me a Dickies Bib-Overall for 30,-€ .He told me some time ago that he knows a person who presents Dickies in northern europe.thats a fucking good price here,for my Carrhart I had to pay 90,-€ from the US ,the Overall alone at Gemplers was 39,-$ but had to pay UPS and customs! will have a closer look tomorrow but i dont think they will get any wear in the future,the Pikebros doing so well,no need to change into a lightweight!

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  • 2 weeks later...

after finishing work today a had a colleague from our camera workshop making some more professinell pics of me. i got asked from Pikebros who are lurking here aswell,if i could do some pics of me with the overall on,as they want to put it on their site.so we did a lot of pics,but i think we have work on it a bit more.technically they are very good but somehow i like the pics i did myself with a tripod and selfshutter more.

here is one from my colleague:


my ones,crosspost from waywt:



Let me know what you think.the overalls themselfs are a class of its own,they somehow refuse to fade compared to the repros we like here.i think they are made as real workwear,they are standing my abuses better than any workpants i had before.I got an offer from Pikebros to have them replaced when they are done.maybe i will spend my working life dressed in style without paying too much for it.;)

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thanks airfrog,i know the most people on this board arent into bibs and to be honest i wouldnt wear them in my leisuretime.well,iam not too sure now,depends how they coming out after a year,for now they look and holding up so well and it is a great pleasure to wear such a pair to work.our company is quiet big and my workmate Lars in his black cottonduck carhartts and me are often getting comments about it.most times positive ones,but we got also questions why we dress different to the standard company outfit,cause the higher up persons wants a uniform look .so far we got around telling them that workwear supplied by the company doesnt suits our needs which is true.hope we can get around this in the future.

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the pikebros overalls are really nice. have a real classic vibe to them. and you wear them like they're supposed to be worn. props to you sir.

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Anybody else into vintage denim dungarees? Here's a couple photos of a cool pair of 30's-40's dungarees made by the JC Penny's brand Pay Day. The denim is a pretty hefty weight for dungarees and show a lot of wear by the original owner. The suspender buttons were long ago removed which is a bummer but with a belt they fit just fine.





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they look great grant. its a real pity the suspender buttons are gone. they remind me a bit of my 1930s lee reros, wich really have more dungaree typ

back pockets.

by the way ordered the lee friscos yesterday from warehouse. will take till november they said, wich is a bummer

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warehouse has an english order form. they mailed me today and it seems that the friscos will come out in november. so i have a preorder. i hope its not going to be a problem. they really have some great lee stuff coming up as well as some cant bust em repros as it seems.

the sizing is not so clear yet, but i asked them to put up the sizing info on their page and they did!

did you get the magazine? hope you will like it too

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Guest sneekylyric078

anyone have pics of well worn hickory stripe bib overalls? I'm thinking of picking up a pair of hickory stripe Key Industries bib overalls for halloween but i figured i might as well try and get some good wear on them.

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Pikebrothers update:






my first repair after 8 weeks of solid wear.got stuck at the ambush with the hammerloop


8 weeks are done now,no wash,looks like pressure air is doing the job,they are dirty but dont smell! as long as my coleaguess dont moan i will wear them as long as possible without cleaning.

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Not sure where to put this, so thought I'd post it here. Fardin turned me onto this great book published in Japan that's chock full of detailed photos of original work wear (including overalls, chore jackets and other denim) as well as current Japanese reproductions. Perfect for any vintage work wear junkie!


While you're at the bookstore you may want to pick up the October issue of Free and Easy. Denim porn at it finest!


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Ha,great! ordered the oct. issue last sat at our japanese bookstore,should be arrive this week.speaking of Free&Easy,whilst doing the pics at Riders Room ( check the World of Denimshops thread) I pulled out a brandnew,still wrapped "Mr Bootsman 2008" issue from the shelf,which I bought immediately.

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  • 2 months later...

Can't wait to see how these turn out. I've been wanting a pair of those Pike Bros. overalls since I found out about them through your posts on here. Need a pair of denim bibs so I can keep the duck ones for clearing brush, yardwork etc. I get the "you look like a farmer haha." comments but hell with them, I love bibs (comfortable) and I did farm for about 10 years or so growing up so it's all good and I love them for riding the motorcycle in cool weather.

Thanks for posting the updates.

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cheers man,they are in the machine right now.i dont espect great fades,my main aim is to get all the grease and dirt out.when new i could wear them for 12 weeks,after the first wash they got filthy a lot faster.lets see how long i will stand the dirt after this one.i can imagine wearing these after work aswell now,they somehow grown on me.

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DADADADAAAAAA! here they are,clean and dry,ready to wear:



no major fades as expected,but i got rid of nearly all of the dirt.there is also some nice roping going on,tender whiskers appeared and i also noticed a little "traintracking",even though its sanforized denim.best of all is the very small loss of indigo,which i expected aswell as these are really slowfaders.as mentioned somewhere at the beginning of this thread i got these for my job only,but they looking so good now that i wore them today first time in the public:





i am back at work on monday,cant wait to give them some more use and abuse!;)

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