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if your chest is sore, don't work out your chest, same goes for every muscle group.

ive found that 5 day splits work for me best. hit the weights hard on each muscle then stay off it for a week

*nice meetin up with u yesterday hailxenu. i gotta hit up that mma training spot soon!

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is it true to keep you rmuscles "guessing"?

like for instance

i do 20 pushups.. say everyday

like isnt it better to mix up your arm and chest workouts

so ur muscles dont get used to the strain.

am i mistaken?

true.i usually switch my workout routine every couple weeks or so.

your muscles get used to the movements, you wanna mix in different movements when working out your chest...

but what? mix up your arm and chest work outs? i do my triceps with chest...thats about it...not sure what you mean really

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and not sure what youre trying to achieve but 20 pushups a day isnt gonna do you any good but waste a minute of your day.

haha i had a feeling that number 20 would come up

it was just an example

lets pretend that post i put 50. or 75

i dont wanna sound so macho?

and if i put 10.

could u imagine response?


it was all for the sake of finding out if muscle memory really matters when working out ur upper

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haha i had a feeling that number 20 would come up

it was just an example

lets pretend that post i put 50. or 75

i dont wanna sound so macho?

and if i put 10.

could u imagine response?


it was all for the sake of finding out if muscle memory really matters when working out ur upper


well in any case, think of it this way, do a single movement 100 times every day...by the second week, 100 is gonna feel like nothing. you either wanna change your movement or do 200 to feel like you're doing something.

As for mixing different muscle groups? say you're raising your arms 100 times a day everyday. raising your legs while raising yoru arms isnt gonna do anything for your arms...

now if you're doing pushups or benching, your secondary muscle is triceps...thus you're already getting a tricep work out so finish off yoru chest workout then hit triceps if you have time. I personally dont specifically do triceps after a chest work out and just leave hit triceps hard 4 days later when i do biceps/triceps.

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a good thing would be: monday-back/bi, tuesday-HIIT, wednesday-chest/tri, thursday-HIIT, friday-shoulders/legs, and sunday-HIIT to give your legs a break on saturday. that's a good schedule, couple it with a nice diet and you'll be on your way to achieve the physique you want.

So, I want to change up my gym routine to a split similar to this. Any suggestions for particular exercises? Anything that I should change? Here's what I'm thinking so far.

Monday - Chest/tri


-Butterfly (?) machine


-Arm extensions

Tuesday - HIIT

-15 min. jog

-1 min sprint, 1 minute walk

-Repeat 5 times

Wednesday - Back/bi



-Barbell curls

-Dumbbell Curls

-Preacher Curls

Thursday - HIIT

-15 min. jog

-1 min sprint, 1 minute walk

-Repeat 5 times

Friday - Shoulders/abs/legs

-Lateral raises

-Side bends

-Some ab machine

-Weighted incline sit ups

-Leg extensions

Sunday - HIIT

-15 min. jog

-1 min sprint, 1 minute walk

-Repeat 5 times

Obviously I'm missing a lot of stuff here. Help me, homies.

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Ok. I was on a squat/deadlift/bench/row routine for about a month with some HIIT in the mix. Decided to change up my routine, so my brother sends me these dvds for the P90X workout. I googled that shit and thought it was kinda cheesy/infomercially. But fuck, I just did the first day routine and I am putty.

Literally 1 hour of different types of pullups and pushups. Then another 15 minutes of pilates style ab workouts. Shit is no joke. I'm digging it, anyone else try it before?

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First of all, i'd like to note to everyone who are trying to do HIIT, do it right cuz if you don't its pointless.

The point of HIIT is get your heart rate up VERY high. First couple times I did HIIT, I puked. thats how hard you have to hit it. Sprinting for a minute and jogging for 15, etc isn't gonna cut it. Hit 20 minute HIIT, 3 minute SPRINT, GET THAT HEART RATE UP, 2 minute slow jog, repeat.

Mr Calvin Oscar, I added some workout routines you should mos def add.

So, I want to change up my gym routine to a split similar to this. Any suggestions for particular exercises? Anything that I should change? Here's what I'm thinking so far.

Monday - Chest/tri


-incline db

decline (machine if it makes it easier)

-Butterfly (?) machine

- cable flies, high/med/low


-Arm extensions

burn off with some close grip bench

Tuesday - HIIT

-15 min. jog

-1 min sprint, 1 minute walk

-Repeat 5 times

this is ridiculous. your sprint better be extreme for a minute.

cut down jog warmup to 5 minutes, sprint for 1-3 minutes, cut the walk. you wanna slow yoru heart rate down but you wanna keep it pumping a bit, slow jog for a good minute or two. then hit sprint as soon as your heart rate slows down enough.

HIIT is exactly that, high intensity. you better hit those sprints hard or else its pointless.

Wednesday - Back/bi



lat pulldowns

seated rows

pull ups

db bentover rows

-Barbell curls

-Dumbbell Curls

-Preacher Curls

Thursday - HIIT

-15 min. jog

-1 min sprint, 1 minute walk

-Repeat 5 times

you're jogging enough for it to be considered a normal cardio session for many people. if you really wanna do HIIT, follwow this:

5 minute jog

3 minute sprint

2 minute jog

3 minute sprint

2 minute jog

2 minute sprint

1 minute jog

2 minute sprint

1 minute jog

1 minute sprint

walk it off.

again, hit those sprints hard.

Friday - Shoulders/abs/legs

military press (barbell or db)

-Lateral raises

front raises

barbell upright rows

-Side bends

-Some ab machine

-Weighted incline sit ups

-Leg extensions

do your squats! it does wonders to your overall physique (and no it won't make your legs huge) - atleast do leg presses

seated leg curls

Sunday - HIIT

-15 min. jog

-1 min sprint, 1 minute walk

-Repeat 5 times

Obviously I'm missing a lot of stuff here. Help me, homies.

I just made this split for myself

day1: bicep/chest


day3: legs

day4: rest

im already seeing results and gaining mass after barely 2 weeks

i've seen people do bicep/chest and tricep/back, back to back...

i'm wondering what brought you to decide on this routine?

from my experience, my biceps are too shot on day 2 to get a proper back workout. after chest, my triceps are pretty fucked for a proper lift on day 2, etc. I would recommend just doing chest/tri and back/bi

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Ok. I was on a squat/deadlift/bench/row routine for about a month with some HIIT in the mix. Decided to change up my routine, so my brother sends me these dvds for the P90X workout. I googled that shit and thought it was kinda cheesy/infomercially. But fuck, I just did the first day routine and I am putty.

Literally 1 hour of different types of pullups and pushups. Then another 15 minutes of pilates style ab workouts. Shit is no joke. I'm digging it, anyone else try it before?

P90x is fucking killer. shit will get you burnt out fast. I personally think its somewhat gimmicky and I'd rather shed weight the traditional way by doing some lifting and a proper diet...but if you're into this kinda stuff, thumbs up to you.

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gah,coworker got me started on a new back/bi routine today.

I've never been so exhausted in my life.

-warmup with widegrip pullups

-seated rows 4x8, 10 each side db bentover rows in between each Seated row set.

- lat pulldowns 4x8, go up in weights every set.

- deadlift - sets of weighed hyperextension (til failure) between each set of deadlift.

- standing reverse cable flys, 10 lever incline row between each set.

no rest time in between each set. go from one work out to another.

shit made me wanna cry by the end of my work out.

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The traditional way of doing HIIT is 30 seconds of all out sprinting and 30 seconds of jogging, repeated however many times as you'd like, personally I do 10.

P90x is good depending on what you want. If you want to be lean then it's a good way to go, but if you want to be muscular it's not so great.

Doing chest/bi with tri/back the day after doesn't make much sense depending on the amount of rest you have in between them. Switch up leg day as your second day, unless there's a two day rest between chest/bi day and tri/back day. What made you choose to do that split? Some people do it but I think it's weird, most back exercises use your biceps and most chest exercises use your triceps, so it never made sense to me.

Mr Calvin Oscar, what goals are you trying to achieve, size or strength?

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gah,coworker got me started on a new back/bi routine today.

I've never been so exhausted in my life.

-warmup with widegrip pullups

-seated rows 4x8, 10 each side db bentover rows in between each Seated row set.

- lat pulldowns 4x8, go up in weights every set.

- deadlift - sets of weighed hyperextension (til failure) between each set of deadlift.

- standing reverse cable flys, 10 lever incline row between each set.

no rest time in between each set. go from one work out to another.

shit made me wanna cry by the end of my work out.

Be careful with supersets, I did them once and was sore for quite awhile. Didn't really enjoy the feeling lol.

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Yeah this is the second time working out with this guy and he blasts through each work out.

last time I did chest with him and I ended up tweakin my shoulder alittle. But yeah, I welcome soreness now! The worst was the first day I got back into doing doing legs. I did a pretty heavy first leg work out and evertyhing from my toes up to my ass was unbearable. I couldn't lay flat to sleep cuz the inside of my thighs were in so much pain.

I'm learning to know my limits with things now but soreness is a great feeling for me :)

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The traditional way of doing HIIT is 30 seconds of all out sprinting and 30 seconds of jogging, repeated however many times as you'd like, personally I do 10.

P90x is good depending on what you want. If you want to be lean then it's a good way to go, but if you want to be muscular it's not so great.

Doing chest/bi with tri/back the day after doesn't make much sense depending on the amount of rest you have in between them. Switch up leg day as your second day, unless there's a two day rest between chest/bi day and tri/back day. What made you choose to do that split? Some people do it but I think it's weird, most back exercises use your biceps and most chest exercises use your triceps, so it never made sense to me.

Mr Calvin Oscar, what goals are you trying to achieve, size or strength?

Yeah, right now i do chest/tri and back/bi, back to back and i'm thinking of putting in legs in between. hitting your upper body hard two days in a row can be pretty hard.

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First of all, i'd like to note to everyone who are trying to do HIIT, do it right cuz if you don't its pointless.

The point of HIIT is get your heart rate up VERY high. First couple times I did HIIT, I puked. thats how hard you have to hit it. Sprinting for a minute and jogging for 15, etc isn't gonna cut it. Hit 20 minute HIIT, 3 minute SPRINT, GET THAT HEART RATE UP, 2 minute slow jog, repeat.

Mr Calvin Oscar, I added some workout routines you should mos def add.

Sorry, I should have been more clear:

-15 min jog

-1 min sprint

-1 min walk

-1 min sprint

-1 min walk

-1 min sprint

-1 min walk

-1 min sprint

-1 min walk

-1 min sprint

-1 min walk

Do you still think I should change this? Longer sprints and longer jogs (instead of walks)?

Thanks for the additions, btw.

The traditional way of doing HIIT is 30 seconds of all out sprinting and 30 seconds of jogging, repeated however many times as you'd like, personally I do 10.

Mr Calvin Oscar, what goals are you trying to achieve, size or strength?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean here. Does strength not come with size? I am not trying to bulk up huge or gain a massive amount of weight (I know this would take a long time, regardless), I just want to put on a little bit of size. Strength, I assume, would be a given with size.

Also, one more noob question (for now):

On a day such as chest/tri, should I alternate between chest and triceps exercises? For example, benchpress, then skullcrushers, then incline dumbbell, etc.? Or should I do all exercises for one body part successively?

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Strength doesnt necessarily relate to size. i've seen little vietnamese guys put up 90 lb dumbell chest presses, while i got like 2 inches on his chest and i'm here pushing nothing close to that. sure, work out enough, get stronger and you'll be bigger than you would normally be if you hadnt work out, but this only goes so far.

Think of it this way, you work out enough but not get the right nutrients in and your muscle will still repair itself and most liekly be stronger, but it won't necessarily get bigger.

If you wanna get bigger, you gotta eat the right foods, get in the right protein, carbs, fats, etc.

As for chest/tri days, do not alternate.

Most of your chest workouts will put your tri's to good use. Throwing in tricep workouts in between chest sets will make you chest weaker for a good chest set that you probably need.

On chest/tri days, I hit chest hard and whatever strength I have, i finish some tricep work outs.

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Sorry, I should have been more clear:

-15 min jog

-1 min sprint

-1 min walk

-1 min sprint

-1 min walk

-1 min sprint

-1 min walk

-1 min sprint

-1 min walk

-1 min sprint

-1 min walk

Do you still think I should change this? Longer sprints and longer jogs (instead of walks)?

Thanks for the additions, btw.

Well, its really personal choice i guess...but you gotta hit those sprints really hard.

and yeah, take a jog instead of walk, you dont want your heart rate to drop suddenly. you wanna keep it pumping.

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Which other days?

For days that you are doing back/bi, finish off your back workouts strong before you hi biceps.

Shoulders/abs/legs is ok. I usually have a 45 plate with me on ab days and do weighed side bends in between chest sets or something.

Btw, I would suggest doing legs a seperate day. Legs is a pretty massive workout, you'll exhaust yourself pretty quick doing legs and shoulders.

I do shoulders completely on a seperate day by itself.

M: Chest/Tri

T: Back/Bi

W: Legs

Th: Shoulders

F: Arms

I throw in abs atleast 3 times a week...don't really set it, depends on how exhausted i am.

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