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Damn findmybetterhalf sounds good. I wish I could bulk more but I decided to cut already for summer =/.

yeah i wanna go for another good month or two before i go on a strict cut. im just having fun seeing some good gains.

What do you mean? I'd imagine anyone would look better at a lower BF%[assuming they're not scrawny].

loss of muscle mass i suppose

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Also, I thought i'd add a few pieces of information that have helped me.

-Drinking BCAA's during workout has dramatically reduced DOMS (being sore the next day) and i feel as if it has helped gains

-Squats are imperative,go light,put pressure on our heel and ball of foot!

-eat every three hours!

-don't drink water with meals,only in between,as you start eating 3000+cals, proper digestion is important,and water with meals hinders that

-ZMA is something great that every male coud/should take


-DONT FUCK WITH YOMBINE HCL! whether you are prone to depression or not,that will make you (made me) feel sad and hopeless...

-Hydrolyzed whey for post wo.

-eating carbs soon after working out is important,but i wouldnt fuck with dextrose/waxy maize,or any conventionally grown corn product.go for potatoes/white rice...i myself do fruit,but thats because i get it from work for free

-oh and i dont want to go too far into supplementation,but i think everyone should use an organic food based multi vitamin, fish oil, and calcium supplement if you don't eat dairy.Caclium supplementation is very important if you are not eating dairy and working out/consuming lots of protein.

-creatine,nitric oxide, and subtle test boosters like tribulus, and time/patience are all you need.

you're full of fail.

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This will be my 4th day in a row of not working out. I've been sick and am going insane/not sleeping trying to get my entry(ies) ready for the One Show college competition.

This sucks. I want to run.

iv been starting to come down with something since saturday, but i managed to go for a run the past couple days just because of how much of a piece of shit i've felt like from lots o boozin. its probably not the right thing to do, but i pop a few halls while running and i turn out alright.

3rd year of college is sort of like the 7th grade only instead of bar mitzvahs everyone is turning 21 so instead of pixie stix and cake everyones getting hopped up on booze all the time. its been a bit detrimental to my workout regimen but i don't feel too terribly about sacrificing my super hott bod for a sense of overall happiness and a lot of fucking about with friends. back and biceps today followed by tacos and margaritas. there's some protein and some carbs somewhere inside of there.

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This will be my 4th day in a row of not working out. I've been sick and am going insane/not sleeping trying to get my entry(ies) ready for the One Show college competition.

This sucks. I want to run.

Likewise :( I took Sunday off, didn't leave my bed yesterday and today I still feel pretty shitty. I've basically ate nothing in the past 3 days too. I'm trying to force down as much calories as possible.

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I saw the biggest mangina of a guy in the gym today whilst I was on the last few sets of my workout. I couldn't help but notice someone so damned clueless.

He was some turk with a greasy-semi-fro. Walked around for ages not knowing what to do and looking at a workout chart for God knows how long. Ends up curling some 5kg dumbells, leg-pressing 20kg whilst trying to admire his impressive non-physique when ambling along thinking what else to do.

He spent more time looking at himself than in the gym. The fact that I ended up seeing him again in the changing rooms after my last set only means that his "workout" was so ridiculously short and nigh on worthless. He must have spent a good majority of the time loving himself over actually working out.

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I saw the biggest mangina of a guy in the gym today whilst I was on the last few sets of my workout. I couldn't help but notice someone so damned clueless.

He was some turk with a greasy-semi-fro. Walked around for ages not knowing what to do and looking at a workout chart for God knows how long. Ends up curling some 5kg dumbells, leg-pressing 20kg whilst trying to admire his impressive non-physique when ambling along thinking what else to do.

He spent more time looking at himself than in the gym. The fact that I ended up seeing him again in the changing rooms after my last set only means that his "workout" was so ridiculously short and nigh on worthless. He must have spent a good majority of the time loving himself over actually working out.

I imagined Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear telling this story. :)

In America there's just white dudes with sleeveless shirts that only do curls or bench press.

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I wear sleeveless shirts.....tshirts tend to restrict/disturb my movements. No wife beaters though.

If you actually lift at the gym they're not a problem, but the dudes sitting around talking about the party they went to last night while chilling in the squat rack are annoying. Especially when they're all just benching and curling chanting each other on. You lose your ability to wear a sleeveless shirt to the gym when you do that shit. lol

is it safe to work out even though you're sore and have taken a full days rest and still manage to be sore?

kinda confusingly put

Will you be working the same muscles? It'll give you a greater chance of over training, if anything you'll just be sore than you already are. Personally, I go 48 hours in between workouts.

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