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Good good. I work in a produce store. so I'm going to start jacking so much organics.

in terms of the supps i mentioned, is it best to go with one of those combined stack products or just buy them all seperately?

also, should i be taking the whey after cardio, or just lifting?

you can just take everything all at once.

whey after lifting. or just a meal whenever. if anything carbs are more important right after a workout. you can hit your protein numbers throughout the day via whatever means possible.

like knucks said - just eat.

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no shit. everytime i think i know something, i read something that totally contradicts it.

im just about to purchase all these supps online on the cheap so i just want to know what is the most basic stuff i should get on

BCAAs are a waste, you need so many MGs to even notice anything, and at that, it's hardly worth it.

Carnitine? What is that for? Did you read somewhere that it does something that converts something?

I swear by fish oil and multivitamins, and at that more the fish oil than anything.

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BCAAs are a waste, you need so many MGs to even notice anything, and at that, it's hardly worth it.

Carnitine? What is that for? Did you read somewhere that it does something that converts something?

I swear by fish oil and multivitamins, and at that more the fish oil than anything.

I'm going to have to disagree on the BCAAs.

they're pricey and, yes, you do need a quite a large dose of them daily, but I've come to find they're almost essential when lean massing, recomping, or cutting.

I would rank them #3 on my favorite supplements. #1 and #2 being fish oil and then multivitamins :)

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I've noticed that I need about 100g less protein intake daily on BCAAs, so once I factor in the savings on food, it costs just as much as any other supplement.

and I meant #4 on my list, #3 definitely has to be digestive enzymes. dirt cheap and makes life so much easier (and less gassy and bloated).

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I'm going to have to disagree on the BCAAs.

they're pricey and, yes, you do need a quite a large dose of them daily, but I've come to find they're almost essential when lean massing, recomping, or cutting.

I would rank them #3 on my favorite supplements. #1 and #2 being fish oil and then multivitamins :)

ok I think ill go with my initial posting

carnitine+caffeine+green tea+multi+bcaa= every morning

then probably just a whey+ glutamine shake after weights strictly

ive got some flaxseed oil for salads and i im thinking maybe add something with the bioflavonoids for the anti-estrogen

I dont think I really need to be taking the shake after running/cardio... is it best just to take the glutamine instead?

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Its more important Pre and Peri workout nutrition than anyhting. Your body goes catabolic or anabolic after 20 minutes of hard workout depending whether or not it has the nutrition (vitamins, minerals, PROTIEN and Carbs) to use as fuel. Thats why I would suggest more than anything around 50 grams of protien before workouts and having something to eat or sip on during. Peri-workout nutrition is basically the window when you are active and working out, your body absorbs everything in way more even more than post workouts. Its another good tip to gain some extra muscle.

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Its more important Pre and Peri workout nutrition than anyhting. Your body goes catabolic or anabolic after 20 minutes of hard workout depending whether or not it has the nutrition (vitamins, minerals, PROTIEN and Carbs) to use as fuel. Thats why I would suggest more than anything around 50 grams of protien before workouts and having something to eat or sip on during. Peri-workout nutrition is basically the window when you are active and working out, your body absorbs everything in way more even more than post workouts. Its another good tip to gain some extra muscle.

good to know. so if im smashing a protein shake after weights, should i do half before and half after?

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What I do is eat before working out, get some proteins and simple carbs in.
what do you eat before your workout?
What I do is eat before working out, get some proteins and simple carbs in.

dude, if you're running the warrior diet right now and you said you're going to time your workout before your meal, then what's the point of asking that question (which he has already answered).

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not for the amount of questions you ask, but for the level of knowledge your questions pertain to, it seems like you should be doing your own research on these things and then asking about things you aren't clear about.

questions like "what do you eat before you workout?" are just elementary my friend.

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I think you should just eat enough throughout the day to hit your desired calories and macros, and not focus on timing too much and put supplements out of your mind until you can put up a simple 200/300/300 (b/s/d).

and by that point, you should know what works and what doesn't work for you.

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I think you should just eat enough throughout the day to hit your desired calories and macros, and not focus on timing too much and put supplements out of your mind until you can put up a simple 200/300/300 (b/s/d).

and by that point, you should know what works and what doesn't work for you.

I usually ask for numbers first, I don't know why I didn't - so, what are your numbers sensible shoes?

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I thought he said he doesn't work out with weights but does cardio and stuff?

edit : Never mind, saw that he does do weights.

Anyhoo, yeah I just experiment with supplements to see which I like/don't like and I think I've settled on the few that most used.

But I take them more to benefit my overall health than to aid in performance (IA mentality)

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Did 20 kipping pullups in a row this morning. pretty pumped about that.

What are some good sites to get protein powder/meal replacers? I need something for after morning workouts. I used to use supplementwholesaler.com, but that looks like it's down.

I used to use ON and Isopure

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Did 20 kipping pullups in a row this morning. pretty pumped about that.

What are some good sites to get protein powder/meal replacers? I need something for after morning workouts. I used to use supplementwholesaler.com, but that looks like it's down.

I used to use ON and Isopure

Look for deals on WheyCheap.com..

but www.fitrx.com is good

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Here's a question: How do you guys track your macronutrient intake? Is it just a Google Docs set up for calories/etc? How do you deal w/ cheat meals and tracking those, or eating out w/ ingredients you're not exactly certain of? I'm slowly getting better @ tracking protein intake, but some days it feels like just 1 EGG 2 EGG 3 EGG, PROTEIN POWDER? so...let me see how y'all be doin thiz shiz.

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fitday is great.

by the way, i feel like i'm getting too skinny. i'm 5'7.5", 140lbs and my daily intake on average is probably like ~1900 calories and ~140-160g of protein. would just upping my overall protein intake and reducing my carb intake do anything to my body?

i lift pretty religiously.

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Here's a question: How do you guys track your macronutrient intake? Is it just a Google Docs set up for calories/etc? How do you deal w/ cheat meals and tracking those, or eating out w/ ingredients you're not exactly certain of? I'm slowly getting better @ tracking protein intake, but some days it feels like just 1 EGG 2 EGG 3 EGG, PROTEIN POWDER? so...let me see how y'all be doin thiz shiz.

I track every single calorie and every gram of protein, fat, carb, and fiber because I made an excel sheet with formulas plugged in everywhere to track my diet and my diet is the same day to day until I tweak my diet.

(to everyone, please don't ask me for the excel sheet because I won't give it to you.. it's my baby :P)

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Chairy would some LISS cardio on an off day help speed up recovery/increase endurance and be good for overall conditioning/health?

Thinking of making one day cardio day, because I feel I have no aerobic endurance whatsoever.

I know im not chairy but let me help out.

Cardio is very good especially sprint rather than long steady state cardio. for some very good reasons besides increased stamina and burning some calories and keeping your body flexible:

1. sprints active more motor units because of the explosive nature of the workout (just like pylometrics and O lifts), essentially increasing efficiency of your muscles your using

2. sprints, because of their explosive nature and are eccentric-less, also activate growth hormones and quicken recovery.

In addition to this eccentric-less workouts like bands and swimming and high rep, low weight (not HIIT type workouts but bands, pushups, pullups, etc.) actually activates certain growth and most importantly speeds up the the recovery process without putting stress on you muscles.

A good way to add in eccentric-less recovery workout would be using band workouts at night if workout AM or in the morning if you workout in the PM. in addition to foam rolling and stretching.

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I track every single calorie and every gram of protein, fat, carb, and fiber because I made an excel sheet with formulas plugged in everywhere to track my diet and my diet is the same day to day until I tweak my diet.

(to everyone, please don't ask me for the excel sheet because I won't give it to you.. it's my baby :P)

man you must eat boring.

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boring is in the eye of the beholder.

I can see my diet being very boring to most people, but lucky for me I like everything in my diet.. chicken, sweet potatoes, olive oil, veggies, and the occasional beef and seafood.

on top of that I'm lactose-intolerant and I have IBS, so I'm partial to certain foods.

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good to know. so if im smashing a protein shake after weights, should i do half before and half after?

whats often recommended is taking alot more before and just alot after and some during haha. let me explain,

for shits sake lets use some numbers:

50grams of protien before and around 35 after. Lots of carbs during and after as well. Alot of people are scared of taking in alot of carbs, but without carbs you go into a catabolic state, you need carbs to fuel muscle and to grow.

your body goes catabolic (meaning it looses muscle and takes it in for energy) because after around 50 min your T levels drop heavily and your immune system has taken heavy beating. That is why pre- peri- and post- workout nutrition is so important. Keeps your body from being completely depleted and helps support and recover. however you should still keep your workouts to a 50 min ish limit per session.

Olympic lifters (top elite champions) usually never pass the 1 hour mark, however they will train multple times a day but not longer than an hour (50min) per session.

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yo, F2D - read: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/the_best_damn_cardio_article_period

it's probably my favorite article on cardio at the moment

whats often recommended is taking alot more before and just alot after and some during haha. let me explain,

for shits sake lets use some numbers:

50grams of protien before and around 35 after. Lots of carbs during and after as well. Alot of people are scared of taking in alot of carbs, but without carbs you go into a catabolic state, you need carbs to fuel muscle and to grow.

I'm going to have to disagree with this due your specific timing of carbs and belief that you'll automatically go catabolic if you don't have carbs while you're lifting.

I've put on mass in past few months and on training days, I have under 10g of carbs all day before my workouts. I workout around 5:00pm and then my carbs come into play.

and, just letting you know, I'm not saying that there aren't other ways to do it (because there are), but that is just a specific example letting you know that you don't go catabolic just because you do have carbs right before and during a workout.

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I respectfully accept you statement haha because I agree sorta. Let me explain.

You go into a catabolic state when you run out of glycogen and glucose, so your body breaks down the protien in your muscles and use it as energy.

Cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine, testosterone,growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-I, insulin, glucose, lactate, glycerol, and free fatty acids are all things that get depleted during workouts and decrease when your body doesnt have these things to burn, these levels will drop. These are either hormonal anabolic properties (t, gh, insuline, etc.) or nutritional (glucose, lactate, glycerol, etc.) the nutritional factors are easily found many carb sources, thus increased carbs as well as protien before and during workouts decrease the effects of muscle breakdown due to a catabolic state.

Let me say however i easily believe you when you say you gained muscle while on low levels or carbs, mainly because you can grow easily through proper recovery and calorie surplus, however things like utilizing peri nutrition and what i just discussed, helps grow more efficiently, just like building blocks on a foundation ya know? like another tool in a builders toolbox

bottom line; a catabolic state due to carb defficiency isnt as detrimental as it sounds but its all residual and builds up through time.

Idk, I wrote alot but i dont know if i was able to get my point across haha or if you guys can understand at what im getting at. I got some knowledge just not a gift for easy explanations.

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