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how do you bigger guys like kunk, knucks, mrchairybrown keep from overtraining?

ive been doing 4-5 days on every week for what seems like forever, and lots of postworkout cardio... thinking of doing something completely different for awhile because it only takes a few weeks until im overtrained(?) since im imsoniac, stressed and without appetite

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I stopped intaking carbs for about a month now.

Only crackers, oatmeal, cheese, eggs and a lot of chicken&steak.


carbs make you fat?...

don't believe every shit you hear. carbs are essential for building muscle mass, just like prothein. that said, try to eat right ones and at the right time.

there's nothing better than eating one or two bananas after a good weight lifting session.

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how do you bigger guys like kunk, knucks, mrchairybrown keep from overtraining?

ive been doing 4-5 days on every week for what seems like forever, and lots of postworkout cardio... thinking of doing something completely different for awhile because it only takes a few weeks until im overtrained(?) since im imsoniac, stressed and without appetite

well, I wouldn't consider myself one of the "bigger guys" like kunk or knucks, but I only train 3 days a week for 60-90 minute sessions.

that usually keeps me from overtraining. I've tried 4 days a week but I can't seem to recover fast enough. I usually go about 8 to 10 weeks on high intensity for those 3 days a week and then take one full week off.

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I train 4-5 days a week. the extra days are usually cardio. I think you can lift however many days you want as long as you have the muscles recover. Like I squat on mondays but don't do more legs til thursday when I deadlift. I might run Wednesday but that won't hurt me too bad. I do "bench assist" (tri/shoulder light chest) on tues but don't hit it again til friday w/ a more chest-based workout. so as long as you give your muscles (specifically) time, you should be ok.

*I think i'm bigger than both knuck and chariy, but they're both 1,000 times more ripped than i'll ever be

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Training 4 days a week is perfect for me. I also like to throw in a 45 minute cardio session somewhere in the middle. I feel like training one muscle group 1 time a week leaves a good amount of time to recover, and you will always have intense workouts.

I workout as follows: Chest/tricep, Shoulders/abs, Back/bicep, Legs/abs.

For my back day and my chest day, I always make sure I do all of my chest and back stuff before I do my bicep or tricep stuff. Your arms will always tire out way before your back or chest, so you should hit the back and chest really hard. When you're done that, use whatever juice is left in the tank to do your bicep or tricep depending on the day.

Also, I have a pull-up bar and do pull-ups and push ups and stuff randomly in my room.

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gonna change to

day 1 chest, calves, cardio

day 2 back, abs

day 3 shoulders, hamstrings

day 5 quads, cardio

day 6 biceps, triceps, abs, cardio

which is basically the same except maybe drop the amount of sets per bodypart.

day 1 chest, calves, cardio

day 2 back, abs

day 3 shoulders, hamstrings

day 5 quads, cardio

day 6 biceps, triceps, abs, cardio

so you're working out 5 days a week...that's a lot if you're not eating enough.

and arm days are stupid.

besides, if you've been doing the same routine for a while, switch it up. and i don't mean change what you train when but completely change up routine.

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so you're working out 5 days a week...that's a lot if you're not eating enough.

and arm days are stupid.

this is my diet right now:

1 - 5 whole eggs, 1 cup oats, 1 tablespoon oil

2 - 8oz chicken, 1 cup rice, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, 1/2 cup almonds/cashews

3 - 8oz lean red meat or fatty fish, 2 tablespoons oil, 8oz sweet potatoe

4 - 8oz lean red meat or fatty fish, 1 cup veggies, 2 tablespoons oil

5 - 2 scoops whey protein, 2 tablespoons peanut butter

Pre/Post workout - 2 scoops whey, 2 scoops waxy maize

Off days (2) - ill throw a regular whey shake with some glutamine in somewhere in the afternoon or mid morning

i think its enough. ive never worked out the macronutrients or the cals though.

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this is my diet right now:

1 - 5 whole eggs, 1 cup oats, 1 tablespoon oil

2 - 8oz chicken, 1 cup rice, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, 1/2 cup almonds/cashews

3 - 8oz lean red meat or fatty fish, 2 tablespoons oil, 8oz sweet potatoe

4 - 8oz lean red meat or fatty fish, 1 cup veggies, 2 tablespoons oil

5 - 2 scoops whey protein, 2 tablespoons peanut butter

Pre/Post workout - 2 scoops whey, 2 scoops waxy maize

i think its enough. ive never worked out the macronutrients or the cals though.

well maybe you should do that because that's kinda important.

how much do you weigh?

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actually its 5 days jay... Nya

Well whatever. You could easily consolidate that routine into 3 or 4 days. I would do quads and hammies on the same day, and do isolated arm lifts on your back/chest days. Shoulders can have their own day, then do abs and cardio everytime.

This depends on what you goals are, but I think your proposed routine is overkill, days wise. Especially if you're already overtraining. You need to plan some recovery time.

Me personally, I'm beginning Rippetoe's Starting Strength program so i'll be focusing on compound lifts like squat, bench, deadlift, presses, etc. With a few isolations thrown in for good measure. Squats three times a week baby. Fuck machines, barbell all day.

Having said that, to each his own. Switch it up and see what works best for you. A healthy appetite and solid sack time can do wonders.

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I would do quads and hammies on the same day, and do isolated arm lifts on your back/chest days.

you would.. lol

anyway i dont see the big deal with having an arm day. its not like i dont do any compound movements.

having a day just for shoulders is one of the main things i would critique in my routine.

furthermore, squatting 3 times a week sounds pretty awful to me,

but each to his own!

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The main emphasis on Rippetoe's program is core strength, hence the squats. You're not supposed to go to failure each time, but instead increase the load each workout.

I'll update to let everyone know how it works. Beginners are supposed to gain 30-40lbs on average.

Also, quads and hammies ALWAYS work in unison, so exercising them separately doesn't make much sense IMHO.

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i guess the plan was to hit quads hard as possible in a single workout and im usually unable to walk or unwilling to train anything else after 15-17 sets of them.

tbh i guess the 5 days thing was worked out in a way to try and prevent overtraining but while hitting everything equally, so it might seem like some days are simple and short (ie. chest/calves/abs whatever) or extraneous (10 sets for both bis and tris on their own day).

one issue is i hate training bis/tris after either a chest or back workout but i might have to start. i dont mind doing delts after back, i get a tremendous pump and feel strong...

anyway dont you guys find training chest/tris or back/biceps takes forever? i need a good 40 min to hit chest or back alone and if im doing cardio as well id be in the gym for like 2 hours.. id be more fearful of losing mass or overtraining if i was working out 2+ bodyparts each workout.

feel me?

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15-17 Sets? What is your rep count like?

For awhile I did chest/biceps back/triceps which wasn't too bad.

I'm going to do shoulders with my back day which consists of squats, deadlifts, rows, and I'll probably throw in horizontal pulls, shrugs and a few others.

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i guess the plan was to hit quads hard as possible in a single workout and im usually unable to walk or unwilling to train anything else after 15-17 sets of them.

tbh i guess the 5 days thing was worked out in a way to try and prevent overtraining but while hitting everything equally, so it might seem like some days are simple and short (ie. chest/calves/abs whatever) or extraneous (10 sets for both bis and tris on their own day).

one issue is i hate training bis/tris after either a chest or back workout but i might have to start. i dont mind doing delts after shoulders, i get a tremendous pump and feel strong...

anyway dont you guys find training chest/tris or back/biceps takes forever? i need a good 40 min to hit chest or back alone and if im doing cardio as well id be in the gym for like 2 hours.. id be more fearful of losing mass or overtraining if i was working out 2+ bodyparts each workout.

feel me?

The deltoids ARE your shoulder muscles. I think you might mean traps though? The shoulder's have 3 different heads to hit. The anterior deltoids (front), the median deltoids (middle or side) and the posterior deltoids (the back deltoids). Each has their own function for moving the arm, to the front the side or to the rear respectively.

I always include my traps in my shoulder workouts. My traps react very strongly though, so I only do shrugs once every other week.

As far as training your back and chest, I agree that it takes a long time to properly hit the back and the chest. your back has tons of big muscles in it, and to get a proper workout you need to hit them all pretty hard. Row variations, pull downs, pull-ups etc.

I find chest to be a bit easier because there isn't as much movements necessary. You do some flat bench, incline and decline press, some flys and then your chest should be finished.

You wont overtrain though. Overtraining is training the same muscle group while it is in recovery, which will hinder it's growth. Doing a back workout followed by a bicep workout will not overtrain your muscles.

To be honest your routine doesn't seem bad. As long as you give each muscle group ample amount of recovery time, it doesn't really matter how many times a week you're in the gym. I just pair my back/bi, chest/tri because the biceps get worked during a good back workout, and the triceps get worked during a good chest workout. Throw in a couple isolations for each one and they should be good to go.

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pulled a str8 bitch move at the gym last night

got there late, trying to get it all in before they closed so i'm going low rest

put up a new max on db bench, so i'm feeling pretty good

go to do incline barbell, which i always suck at

hit fail on my second set, go to rack it, get the left side set and bang the bar on the bottom of the right rack

awkward position, can't recover, yell at some dude for a little help...and then manage to shake the weights on that side off in time to almost crush his feet


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current workout:


Squat 4 sets of 4 (increase weight last 2 sets)

Lunges: 3 sets of 6

Ham Curls on the swiss ball: 3 sets of 12

Back extension: 3 sets of 10 w/ 20lb medicine ball behind the neck


Close Grip Bench Press: 3 sets of 6

Clean and Jerk: 3 sets of 3

Row: 3 sets of 8

High Pulley Tricep Extension w/ Rope: 3 sets of 8


Deadlift: 4 sets of 4

Lat Pulldown: 3 sets of 8

Good Mornings: 3 sets of 6

High Pulley Row (can't really describe it): 3 sets of 10


Bench: 4 sets of 4

Decline Bench: 3 sets of 6

Pullups (Wide Grip, angled bar): 3 sets of 8

High Pulley Cable Flyes: 3 sets of 8

Whatever you do, make sure you write down what weights/sets you're doing. I used to think "Oh, I can remember." No. I can't. Writing it down will help stop you from being lazy.

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