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on the topic of abs, is there a way to make your abs more symmetrical? to my understanding (which is not much) ab muscles, other than obliques, aren't really that independent from one side to another, right? actually, it doesnt appear to be an "upper" and "lower" ab muscle. its all just one muscle (abdominus rectus)-- so why is it that one side is notably larger (left compared to right) and usually the upper part of the abs develop faster? is it all just diet and where fat accumulates in the body? bloating?

sorry for all the questions.

haha emil's abs are crooked like his peepee. jk at least you have abs.

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I've been sitting in the sauna lately instead of running to get a sweat going. Is it safe to sit in a sauna for 10 / 15 minutes 5 days out of the week?

This also won't do other great things like warm up the juices and tendons in your joints so they work better. Ask my knees how they know!

I've been so good about lifting but I can't afford the time and money to cook all the time, eat right and still graduate :confused:

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I need more ideas of stuff to eat for CDK - It's too early in the game to be getting tired of salmon/chicken/cheeses/eggs/sausage/bacon. Low carb, high fat, high protein foodz NAO.

(on a related note, I'll have access to ground beef this coming week now that I'm home - yessS)

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This also won't do other great things like warm up the juices and tendons in your joints so they work better. Ask my knees how they know!

I've been so good about lifting but I can't afford the time and money to cook all the time, eat right and still graduate :confused:

you gotta make the time. pick 2 days a week where you can cook everything you will need for the next 3-4 days. im guilty of this too though, i usually rush meals or cooking in between classes or very early/late in the day

I need more ideas of stuff to eat for CDK - It's too early in the game to be getting tired of salmon/chicken/cheeses/eggs/sausage/bacon. Low carb, high fat, high protein foodz NAO.

(on a related note, I'll have access to ground beef this coming week now that I'm home - yessS)

lol sick of cheese, sausage and bacon? right.

try some different cuts of pork

that beef will be nice too

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I am mostly complaining cause i'm in a dorm room - my last night is tonight.

before I even heard about all this CKD shit etc, cooking eggs in olive oil always seemed to make them take longer and not cook as well as compared to butter. that maybe my mind though

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I am mostly complaining cause i'm in a dorm room - my last night is tonight.

before I even heard about all this CKD shit etc, cooking eggs in olive oil always seemed to make them take longer and not cook as well as compared to butter. that maybe my mind though

im in a dorm room for my 3rd year in a row. ill be living here until june this year because my university was on strike and classes are extended 1 month+.

anyway, olive oil works fine for me.

when do you guys take your glutamine, if at all? i usually take 5g with my preworkout shake and 5g with my bedtime shake, i dont really know if its effective, i heard you shouldnt take with food but i think with whey is ok

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IIRC he mentioned just everyday sportsdrinks. he even mentions candy and sweet tarts for pre workout carbs if thats what your refering too. if that torrent is the same one i posted earlier it might not actually have the lyle mcdonald books FYI. the other links in this thread will sort you out though.

I'm actually getting sick of eggs every morning for breakfast. I need to find a seasoning or something so I actually have something to look forward to when I wake up.

i know what you mean. i switch it up with dif types of hotsauce, cheese, cottage cheese, chili pepper, veggies, even wierd shit like ranch powder(great on turkey burgers/beef also) and even jerk seasoning.

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The lyle diet talked about commercially available glucose/carb drinks - anyone recommend some brands?

I hate most sport drinks as they give me gut rot and are made with crappy carbs ( usually liquid invert sugar)

Pedialyte at your local pharmacy is fantastic. Originally made for sick kids ( dehydrated kids) it has everything you need to keep hydrated and upkeep your carbs

I use E-Load. Its a readily available carb/refresh drink designed by a olympic cyclist . He was sick of using overly sugary crap so he designed his own. And its made with vitamins and minerals that are lost when you get de-hydrated. Its cheap and the best stuff I have ever used

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Haha no problem

Just wondering, does anyone take BCAA? Just wondering if there are any extra benefits....

Now I do find that they help, but not enough to justify the cost. The suggested dosage is like 5 grams which doesnt do very much IMO, I know of may who superdose like 25-30 grams to get results, but this also raises prolactin levels which hinders testosterone and reduces gains.

I wouldnt waste my money on it. There used to be guys back in the 80s who would chug this syrupy nasty tasting shit ( amino acid drinks) and swear they were getting them gains. And then scientists pointed out you would need to chug massive massive doses to get reults and the products dissapeared

WIth whey protein and a proper multivitaimin ( as well as diet) you can do just fine. Whey protein is high in BCAA, and many brands have a mix of whey concentrate ( highest in BCAAS) and whey isolate ( quick absorbtion, which would suit you fine

Now many suppllement dealers will go on and on about how the body needs them, as well as the fact that our body needs roughly 8-12 amino acids from outside sources which we cant produce ourselves.

True, but what they wont tell you is get enough from a regualr diet though ( as long as ytour eating well of course)

Bottom line, your better off just getting a good protien mix and eating well, dont beleive the hype

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thunder thighs (25-26")

i just wanna fit into skinnyz, mang

edit: my bf was 17% when i first started the diet 2 months ago

Holy shit 25 inch thighs...

Im 5 foot 8 and weigh in at a lean 176 ( with big legs) and my thighs are no were near that huge

Good effort man, keep it up and let us know what your down to when your done

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