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Thank you. Speaking of dairy, there's a whole discussion on another forum why you should use dairy. The concerns about slowing down whey absorption rate is baseless. Milk can actually be superior to whey.

Casein of course, is the best supplementation. Speed of absorption doesn't mean anything much, even post workout, that is if your diet is tip top.

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Thank you. Speaking of dairy, there's a whole discussion on another forum why you should use dairy. The concerns about slowing down whey absorption rate is baseless. Milk can actually be superior to whey.

Casein of course, is the best supplementation. Speed of absorption doesn't mean anything much, even post workout, that is if your diet is tip top.

I don't know about all that. I just said that because I hate milk due to my lactose intolerance.

Anyone got a good sample diet for cutting weight? I think I tend to cut the calories too much, not lose any weight and then end up having some heavy cheat days.

post your diet up and I'll try to help you where things are a bit sketchy

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Well typically I'll have a bowl of Shreddied wheat with semi skimmed milk (which I pour away, I don't like milk) for breakfast, protein shake for lunch after I lift, some kind of lean grilled meat with veggies for dinner and then a protein shake and some wholemeal bread in the evening - about 9-10pm. Only water to drink.

I'm 6'2" 90kg and at that weight I have a decent spare tire around my waist.

I do BJJ 3 times a week (looking to increase it to 4) and at the moment I only lift at home but I do 3 exercises a day and try not to exercise the same muscle groups 2 days running.

I used to be 72kg so I've bulked up a huge amount since then but I'd say at least half of what i've gained is fat so I want to drop down to about 80-83kg really.

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^ id suggest a couple things off the bat:

-skip the shreddied wheat. eat 1 cup oatmeal with water, some whole eggs (you can add splenda and cinnamon, raisins to the oat.)

-some kind of fruit with your post workout shake (berries would be good)

-get rid of the bread in the evening and eat some carbs (brown rice or sweet potato) with your lean meat for dinner

-bed time: peanut butter (all natural, 2 tablespoons) with your shake

*also: i wouldnt lift every day. 3-4 times a week should be good long as youre doing all the muscle groups and compound movements. get plenty of rest, drink your water

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benn on almost no carb for 3 weeks, and lost 3" on waist and 13lbs so far

Damn Kunk, gonna offload jawns soon?

Took me 4 months, high protein/lack of sleep diet to drop a little less than two stone here @ school, but thats because I don't scarf down carbs/am not driving/walking everywhere and I don't eat unless its protein. Surprised I haven't gotten scurvy yet.

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Not really going to have much time to run this semester but I don't want to put on any weight. I walk about 6 blocks back and forth to class maybe 2-3 times a day. Anything specific I should be eating or cutting out of my current diet....here is what I currently am eating



Egg whites/candian bacon

Peanut butter sandwich

Protein shake (just whey + fat free milk)

Apple or some other fruit


Chicken breast w/ veggies and salsa (occasionally have brown rice with this)

that's pretty much it, sometimes I substitute something for the peanut butter sandwich or just put the PB on celery to cut down on the carbs.

I am eating pretty normal servings. Should I stick to this if I don't want to gain any extra weight or what? Thanks.

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Not really going to have much time to run this semester but I don't want to put on any weight. I walk about 6 blocks back and forth to class maybe 2-3 times a day. Anything specific I should be eating or cutting out of my current diet....here is what I currently am eating



Egg whites/candian bacon

Peanut butter sandwich

Protein shake (just whey + fat free milk)

Apple or some other fruit


Chicken breast w/ veggies and salsa (occasionally have brown rice with this)

that's pretty much it, sometimes I substitute something for the peanut butter sandwich or just put the PB on celery to cut down on the carbs.

I am eating pretty normal servings. Should I stick to this if I don't want to gain any extra weight or what? Thanks.

I don't know if I'm missing more info (didn't check previous page), but what else are you looking for? If you want to suck up a lot of fat, you're going to need to do quite a bit of cardio (or sprints, whatever), which you said you won't have time for. After having done the whole "walk to class" on campus thing also, I don't think walking anywhere is any real workout unless it's up a hill. Walking as an exercise (under 6-7mph) isn't real to me.

So you don't want to get bigger, and it doesn't seem like you want to cut fat. So are you one of those "maintain" people? Logically, in order to maintain, wouldn't you just to the same stuff you've always done? I mean, eating clean is good and everything, but i just think there should be something else to support it.

and yest i DL 425/445/450 x 2 (did 450 for only 1). I think 1RM may still be about 470ish

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Use the mirror. I hate it when people care so much about the number on the scale. You should focus on how you look and your body composition. If you're looking to lose fat, then keeping a solid diet under maintenance (burning more calories than you eat) is the only way to really do so. So either eat less or do more cardio. I would suggest lifting weights still, and having a diet high in protein. This will help you keep muscle while losing fat.

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Following up on Calvin Oscar's post, how do you maintain body weight but increase muscle tone/decrease fat %?

Cut down on carbs, but don't overload on protein?

Kinda confusing...

Anyways my workout is

30 mins on tread mill (aim for a setting with 1100 kcal/hr)

4 sets of 12 with free weights targeting upper & lower body (in total 32 sets, 16 lower body 16 upper body)

then depending on fatigue level 100 pushups followed by 100 squats


8 sets on cable/machines (4 upper body, 4 lower body)

Am 5'11, 160 lbs approx now. Waist 31. Max bench is 180-ish...can do 12-13 pullups.

from wat i can guess from wat you hjust said, you basically wanna add some muscle mass on your body and cut some fat.

easy way to say this is...you need to eat alot good clean, loaded calories...with that said, you need to work out heavy. your workout right now isnt gonna do anything but eat away at the calories that your body needs to maintain and build the muscle.

as for carbs go, you need carbs....idk why alot of newbies think high protein, low carb will get you fit. your muscles need carbs for energy and to grow...just make sure your carbs are good carbs...whole wheat bread, brown rice, oats, etc.

with that said, it is that time of the year again....

my cut this past year failed miserably unfortunately as my work took up too much time and i just ended up gaining some fat in the off season. so once again, i'll be bulking up again for the next 3-4 months.

i'm at 5'10", 180 lbs right now with maybe 16-18% bf, aiming towards 195 in the next 3-4 months of good clean solid muscle mass. then ill cut and hit single digit bf :)

my diet conists of

2800-3200 clean calories

220 protein

360 carbs

79 fat

131 sugar

I've never really calculated my diet before so im not completely sure how this is gonna go so any input from kunk, knucks, leeacto, mrcharleybrown or anyone for that matter will be very helpful. before i used to just eat a shitload of watever was around but this time around, i'm looking to put on some muscle weight.

m: chest, tri

t: back, bi

w: legs

th: shoulders

fr: arms + core

sat: off

sun: off

anyway, input will help. gracias.

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benn on almost no carb for 3 weeks, and lost 3" on waist and 13lbs so far

Damn. This is true torture. How did you feel during these 3 weeks? Describe, pls. Did you use some "supplements"? I know that pro-builders use some to lower their appetite and desire for carbs.

How much did you excercise during these 3 weeks? Did you do any cardio? 3" on waist is quite impressive. Are you planning to continue this torture (aka diet)?

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i'm at 5'10", 180 lbs right now with maybe 16-18% bf, aiming towards 195 in the next 3-4 months of good clean solid muscle mass. then ill cut and hit single digit bf :)

my diet conists of

2800-3200 clean calories

220 protein

360 carbs

79 fat

131 sugar

anyway, input will help. gracias.

I always went with the motto "eat how you want to look"

I'm a big fan of getting at least 1.5x your bodyweight in protein. and if you're aiming for 195, I'd get in at least ~290g a day.

other than that, as long as you're splitting up your caloric intake properly and getting it from the right sources, your diet looks good.

Sugar is carbs. How are you getting so much anyway?

yes, sugars are carbs. but if you calculated his caloric intake, you should have came to the realization he meant that 131g of the 360g carbs he eats are chosen intentionally as simple carbs. [(220+360)*4]+(79*9)= 3031

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Kind of a dumb question:

Doing cardio = lose muscle mass?

I understand that excessive cardio will lead to muscle wasting to synthesize glucose from amino acids. Running 3mi / day while trying to get toned (NOT JACKED) = too much?

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