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I'm having trouble gaining weight. My arms are too big and out of proportion with the rest of my body, so I'm trying to gain size in the stomach and obliques area. What workouts help to get your overall stomach/sides/behind stomach area bigger?

really?pics please. ive never heard of anyone carrying weight in their arms and not on thier torso. in fact its almost always the contrary.

i am at my lightest weight since i was 14 and i am 28 at 155lbs 5'11''(my highest was 190lbs) so as far as the being big thing i am glad i am more cut and skinny than big and beefy.id rather be more like brad pit in fight club(but healthy) than arnie. im part of a minority of weight training meatheads who does not want to bulk. i wouldnt mind getting my shoulders a bit bigger and maybee my glutes so not all my jeans sag so bad but thats about it. i give props to the beasts i see at the gym but i couldnt really see myself putting that much effort into a body that clothes wont fit bro

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196? goddamn

the most ive ever been was 185 for a month it was really hard to maintain.

true that. i barely maintaining 180 by eating a shitload.

really?pics please. ive never heard of anyone carrying weight in their arms and not on thier torso. in fact its almost always the contrary.

i am at my lightest weight since i was 14 and i am 28 at 155lbs 5'11'' so as far as the being big thing i am glad i am more cut and skinny than big and beefy.id rather be more like brad pit in fight club(but healthy) than arnie. im part of a minority of weight training meatheads who does not want to bulk. i wouldnt mind getting my shoulders a bit bigger and maybee my glutes so not all my jeans sag so bad but thats about it. i give props to the beasts i see at the gym but i couldnt really see myself putting that much effort into a body that clothes wont fit bro

theres plenty of "meatheads" who dont want bulk. not sure where you got that assumption as most weight training guys i know want a nice lean figure instead of bulk...

not to be mean but from the pictures ive seen, i cant say i would consider you looking cut and fit to be honest...

for me, i'm trying to find that right balance of bulk and lean. im at 180, 5'10" right now and i wouldnt mind adding another 5 lbs of bulk on. i wouldnt want to look like brad pitt in fight club, i'd rather go for Troy.

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I am very similar in weight/height. 150lbs, 5'10". I am also going for the more lean look but there are some parts of my body that I do want to bulk and parts I do not.

I get continual compliments on my arms being huge, but my waist too tiny. In fact I get a ton of comments about being anorexic, even though my waist size is 30 which isn't too tiny, but from the side view my stomach and back are really skinny. Maybe I'll post pics as soon as I get my camera that I ordered a week ago... I have nothing to take pictures with at the moment.

So heavy squats and deadlifts? Wouldn't that work out my back and legs more then my stomach and abdominal area? I know they are compound workouts but I am not looking at getting my legs any bigger so is there anything that will isolate stomach area more?

really?pics please. ive never heard of anyone carrying weight in their arms and not on thier torso. in fact its almost always the contrary.

i am at my lightest weight since i was 14 and i am 28 at 155lbs 5'11''(my highest was 190lbs) so as far as the being big thing i am glad i am more cut and skinny than big and beefy.id rather be more like brad pit in fight club(but healthy) than arnie. im part of a minority of weight training meatheads who does not want to bulk. i wouldnt mind getting my shoulders a bit bigger and maybee my glutes so not all my jeans sag so bad but thats about it. i give props to the beasts i see at the gym but i couldnt really see myself putting that much effort into a body that clothes wont fit bro

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So for the first time in four months, I decided to work out at the gym two days ago. Three sets of 12 for my biceps, triceps, calfs, abs; all in three circuits; and a 30 minute cardeo on those bike things. I think I might have done too much, I'm sore as fuck! Its even worse than yesterday! Does anyone have any tips on easing sore muscles? I can't stretch my arms out, so i walk like a fucking robot. I FEEL LIKE I'M GOING TO FUCKING CHOP MY ARMS OFF 'CAUSE OF THIS PAIN.

PS: Yeah, i'm a whimp. :o

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commbat --

the sore is nice :) embrace it. anyway if i were you, perhaps do more big complex movements that work all your muscles (eg. squats, deadlift, bench, pullups)

isolations like calfs is not gonna do much for you. but if u are that worried about soreness next time stretch after ur workout or before bed.

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So for the first time in four months, I decided to work out at the gym two days ago. Three sets of 12 for my biceps, triceps, calfs, abs; all in three circuits; and a 30 minute cardeo on those bike things. I think I might have done too much, I'm sore as fuck! Its even worse than yesterday! Does anyone have any tips on easing sore muscles? I can't stretch my arms out, so i walk like a fucking robot. I FEEL LIKE I'M GOING TO FUCKING CHOP MY ARMS OFF 'CAUSE OF THIS PAIN.

PS: Yeah, i'm a whimp. :o

super bitch status..

but to help, do some extreme stretching.. yeah, hurts like a mother fucker and probably 10x more when you're sore but it will lessen your soreness after you do it

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extreme streching... DC ? how do you work it into a program..? always wanted to learn more about it. in between sets or after everythign is done with the muscle group? please advise

well in DC training, you're supposed to do the extreme stretching after you've hit that muscle group.. and the stretches last close to a minute and are extreme

but since I'm not on any sort of DC training regimen, I like to incorporate short 15 second mini-extreme stretches in between sets..

I've been doing them for the past couple weeks and think I'm going to keep doing them indefinitely.. they've helped with soreness.. but more importantly, I get better pumps and I seem to be able to get "that one extra rep" since I've been doing it

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well i no longer am going to compete. my numbers just aren't amazing and i don't really care to "show off" to my friends in competition mode.

if i'm not going to break any records, it's not worth it for me right now.

in other news i barely have gone to the gym and have eaten too much ice cream this week :(

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well i no longer am going to compete. my numbers just aren't amazing and i don't really care to "show off" to my friends in competition mode.

if i'm not going to break any records, it's not worth it for me right now.

in other news i barely have gone to the gym and have eaten too much ice cream this week :(


wait, what happened? didn't you pull a mid-500 deadlift? that's mighty impressive at your weight I'd say

oh wow haha all this time i thought your name was mrChairybrown

oh understandable

but now I'm totally crushed that there will be no supermeatheads gov't

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in other news i barely have gone to the gym and have eaten too much ice cream this week :(

don't give up! there are days where I go on a total binge (a bucket load of ice cream, cake, box of cereal, steak..all in a day) and don't feel like excerising at all and each time I do it's harder (for me) to get back on track. right now I'm just doing a quick wake me up (lunges and kicks) in the morning for fifteen minutes and a bit more intense workout at night for 30 minutes everyday. I can't sleep without doing at least that.

I'm thinking of going to a gym but I can't decide between gold's gym, club, 24, etc. most people I know are at 24 so I'm kinda turned off by that cos I like to excerise by myself without distractions

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don't give up! there are days where I go on a total binge (a bucket load of ice cream, cake, box of cereal, steak..all in a day) and don't feel like excerising at all and each time I do it's harder (for me) to get back on track. right now I'm just doing a quick wake me up (lunges and kicks) in the morning for fifteen minutes and a bit more intense workout at night for 30 minutes everyday. I can't sleep without doing at least that.

I'm thinking of going to a gym but I can't decide between gold's gym, club, 24, etc. most people I know are at 24 so I'm kinda turned off by that cos I like to excerise by myself without distractions

today is a day where i just ate 4 corn dogs...just cuz...and i really dont plan on hittin the weights today.

But for girls, i'd check out 24 hour fitness...alot of Golds Gym from my experience have meat head asssholes who will sit around and check girls out

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wait, what happened? didn't you pull a mid-500 deadlift? that's mighty impressive at your weight I'd say

oh understandable

but now I'm totally crushed that there will be no supermeatheads gov't

Just too much going on right now (school, life, etc) I know I'm stressing out for no reason as a competition really isn't that big of a deal, but in my mind it's too much :/

I did pull 525 last week and it was easy. I know I can pull at least 550, which is fine. I just want to focus on some other things right now. Competing isn't something I want to do right now.

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