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SuperMeetup NYC


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  Liberation1945 said:
si is only as huge as your knowledge of crack spots and mexican enclaves says it is...trust. theres that one ice place thats famous in si thats maaaaaaaaaaaaaad good though i forgot what its called. damnnnnnnnnnnnn nigga CWGS for DAYS.

I don't need you to tell me this. I live there.

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  Liberation1945 said:
chill nigga i was tellin this nigga habia bout it damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

we chillin in your ct backyard or what? smoke blunts and drink 40s all up in your classy little house and shit

hellz yeah


it would be better in the summer

we put away all the lawn furniture n shit.

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  Liberation1945 said:
throw a high school style party there when your parents are away like in a movie...and lemme fall in love with the "nerd" who turns out to be the illest chick there. feel me?

invite the cheerleaders. not the jocks though.

yo man

my house

everything breaks all the time

so i will never throw a house party


it will burn down


we can party in my backyard

i pee in my pond all the time when i'm out cutting the lawn.

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  Liberation1945 said:
throw a high school style party there when your parents are away like in a movie...and lemme fall in love with the "nerd" who turns out to be the illest chick there. feel me?

invite the cheerleaders. not the jocks though.

i can supply hunniez if needed

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  Liberation1945 said:
nigga my cousins live in CT...i always be goin there for holidays cause they got a huge house for no reason and when it snows up there shit looks beautiful wow. shit is all woods though unless you near like the wwf building and shit.


ive driven past the WWF building

some bish i used to go to school with said her pops worked there as a producer

i bet he was a wrestler

du was huge

my house aint that big. shits always broke.

but yeah, backyard looks nice in the winter.

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  jeepster said:

ive driven past the WWF building

some bish i used to go to school with said her pops worked there as a producer

i bet he was a wrestler

du was huge

my house aint that big. shits always broke.

but yeah, backyard looks nice in the winter.

dun forget teh espn building anf the jai alai arena!!

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hey jeepster

please introduce me to your father someday

morning after the party

everything is broken, flaming, whatever.

You are sleeping in late, the night before you demonstrated true chivalry by rescuing, carrying home, etc drunk almost-dopey looking girls from uninvited sleazy guys who somehow showed up at the party. These chivalrous acts proved to be a conversation starter for you to start talking with the most beautiful girl at the party- by the way she is 5' 11"- with whom you proceed to begin falling in love then have sex with (not the other way around!).

so the next morning, your parents find out about the party and are pissed, but your dad is secretly proud of you so he is letting you sleep in.

to kill some time before you wake up your dad is going to run some errands and I offer to help him out since I feel guilty for the part I played in messing up your home. he accepts, and in the car we are talking about school, work, stuff like that. He takes a liking to me and decides to stops to get coffee before we get to the real errands.

Sitting in a small CT coffee shop near the window we begin talking about architecture. Space, time, architecture and art, our conversation resulting in mutual revelations and realizations on the subjects. He silently decides to run the errands later and we keep talking for another 70-100 minutes and then go back to your home.

wooo high school style! yeah house party yeah

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maybe its your writing style but there is definitely a gay undertone to your story.....(or maybe its just me)

not gay like "i have something to put in you...at the CT coffee shop...CT coffee shop" but more like...."as we drove by to the house, he put his hand on my lap and massaged my thigh before he slowly started to unzip my pants......."

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  habia said:
hey jeepster

please introduce me to your father someday

morning after the party

everything is broken, flaming, whatever.

You are sleeping in late, the night before you demonstrated true chivalry by rescuing, carrying home, etc drunk almost-dopey looking girls from uninvited sleazy guys who somehow showed up at the party. These chivalrous acts proved to be a conversation starter for you to start talking with the most beautiful girl at the party- by the way she is 5' 11"- with whom you proceed to begin falling in love then have sex with (not the other way around!).

so the next morning, your parents find out about the party and are pissed, but your dad is secretly proud of you so he is letting you sleep in.

to kill some time before you wake up your dad is going to run some errands and I offer to help him out since I feel guilty for the part I played in messing up your home. he accepts, and in the car we are talking about school, work, stuff like that. He takes a liking to me and decides to stops to get coffee before we get to the real errands.

Sitting in a small CT coffee shop near the window we begin talking about architecture. Space, time, architecture and art, our conversation resulting in mutual revelations and realizations on the subjects. He silently decides to run the errands later and we keep talking for another 70-100 minutes and then go back to your home.

wooo high school style! yeah house party yeah

  Liberation1945 said:
wtf...so you and jeepsters dad fall in love and shit?


  habia said:
nah, not love but mentor style... he teaches me about architecture and whatnot. Dude is down with Fuller and Eames brothers so he must be pretty cool.

plus jeepster came out alright.

  dunkin deeznuts said:
maybe its your writing style but there is definitely a gay undertone to your story.....(or maybe its just me)

not gay like "i have something to put in you...at the CT coffee shop...CT coffee shop" but more like...."as we drove by to the house, he put his hand on my lap and massaged my thigh before he slowly started to unzip my pants......."

  kunk75 said:
"...he said, "to understand love, you must taste an older man. be my protege pretty eyes?"


this was awfully funny



but no homo

this shit

made me fucking


very loudly.

in fact someone walked in the room and asked me what i was laughing about and i was like "semi-homoerotic internet stories about my father". they gave me a weird look and walked out.

fuck dorm life.

but seriously

this is hilarious.

i don't even think its that homo

good story habia.


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I'm the tallest in the family. My dad is next, then his older sister (she's 6'3.5" !), then my brother, then it descends from there in a way I can't really remember right now. But I think the shortest in my family is like... 5'7" ? We keep it pretty tall up in family-Jeep.

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