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College Acceptance Letters

Mr Calvin Oscar

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LSP'd, you know about it? What do you guys think about it?

I'm just psyched I got in :)

yeah i know about it. i'd be just as happy if i got into that if i did CAS. i've had a perpetual knot in my stomach waiting for my decision to arrive

but i have gotten into:

temple in philly with $4,000 scholarship

university of pittsburgh

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ru-pharmacy instate tuition

usp-merit aid

waiting on u-mich

prob applying to other schools, but tooo lazyyyy since im most likely going to ru-pharm

good luck to all ED/EA sufuers!

good luck with michigan

if you go there, remember to dress warm

crissyw congratulations on NYU, they waitlisted me back in the day.

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^ cool

i just submitted my agreement, but I'm hoping for more financial aid... tuition for privates is a bitch.

Grats on that scholarship, how'd you get it? Any tips? haha

its a merit schoarship, they usually accept people with like a c+ average and over 1100 on sat's and im pretty above that. probably won't go there but i'll take whatever i can get.

but if you're lookin for schlarships i'd check these sites:




and be smart: http://www.ftc.gov

finally, the new sufu is pissing me off so much right now

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Just got Penn State U Park.

watched these "webisodes" documenting these 4 bitches' first month there.

now I'm definitely NOT going there.

3.5 GPA, 1980 SAT

want: <10,000 students, east coast, not mad fucking far from a city

all i know i'm applying to is skidmore and a bunch of reaches.

any recommendations?

what's "mad fuckin' far"? try syracuse. i mean, its like 3-4 hours away from NYC. boston u and boston college are prolly attainable. Amherst?

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Just got Penn State U Park.

watched these "webisodes" documenting these 4 bitches' first month there.

now I'm definitely NOT going there.

3.5 GPA, 1980 SAT

want: <10,000 students, east coast, not more than an hour from a city

all i know i'm applying to is skidmore and a bunch of reaches.

any recommendations?

edit: BC and Amherst are both reaches from what i've looked at, and BU is too big.

syracuse is one of my safeties.

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one with minimum greek life, decent tuition/good aid(25 grand a year maybe?), not a party/drinking school, and somewhere that has a good name, as superficial as that sounds. don't really know academic wise cuz i'm still undecided, but nothing engineering based.

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one with minimum greek life, decent tuition/good aid(25 grand a year maybe?), not a party/drinking school, and somewhere that has a good name, as superficial as that sounds. don't really know academic wise cuz i'm still undecided, but nothing engineering based.

drexel is underrated. there co-op program is amazing. you'll score excellent opportunities there. pretty easy to get into as well.

anyone hear back from ED yet?

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i have a friend who deferred from columbia to do a year of social service

he loves it there now

yeah stuff like that is cool. my friend deferred before she went there and lived in paris for a year. i guess i was asking why HE deferred more than why anyone would defer... i took two years off after high school before i applied. it's nice to have a break.

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How did you survive? Just work an average job?

I'm having trouble with the possible debt I'll be gaining from my NYU. I'll be a freshman and looking at the financial stats..... man I'm in deep shit for the rest of my life.

Financial aid, anyone? I've applied to scholorships but yet to hear from them. Done freeweb and all that jazz, but since FAFSA doesn't open till Jan 1, is there anything more I can do? How much does FAFSA usually give?

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How did you survive? Just work an average job?

I'm having trouble with the possible debt I'll be gaining from my NYU. I'll be a freshman and looking at the financial stats..... man I'm in deep shit for the rest of my life.

Financial aid, anyone? I've applied to scholorships but yet to hear from them. Done freeweb and all that jazz, but since FAFSA doesn't open till Jan 1, is there anything more I can do? How much does FAFSA usually give?

i have a merit based scholarship from columbia that's pays for a little over half of my tuition. the rest is federal stafford loans. and my dad pays for all my living expenses, books, misc. so i'm racking about $5k/semester in loans.

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i have a merit based scholarship from columbia that's pays for a little over half of my tuition. the rest is federal stafford loans. and my dad pays for all my living expenses, books, misc. so i'm racking about $5k/semester in loans.

sorry, but i thought ivy leagues don't give you merit based scholarships; they only give financial aid.

the only way you can get merit based scholarship at columbia is if you're a john jay/kluge/etc scholar who gets their loans turned into scholarships isn't it?

as you can tell, i care way too much about columbia :(

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sorry, but i thought ivy leagues don't give you merit based scholarships; they only give financial aid.

the only way you can get merit based scholarship at columbia is if you're a john jay/kluge/etc scholar who gets their loans turned into scholarships isn't it?

as you can tell, i care way too much about columbia :(

meh. i dunno they told me it was merit based. i doubt if it is need based. i think my parents make too much money for me to get any "free" money.

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