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You too, can enjoy drinking games.


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There seems to be some hate on this board towards beer games, or drinking games of any kind for that matter...and while certain members of this board would describe me as a "bro", I can assure you that this is not the case. However, I do take a fair amount of pleasure in part-taking in that most bro-ish of pastimes, beer pong. I'm okay with that, and you should be too. Beer pong is fucking fun. It's like ping-pong, but with beer, and those are two great things. For the uninitiated, there are 2 simple ways of playing beer pong.

1. With Paddles

Arrange 6 plastic beer cups in a trangular format on your end of the ping-pong table. Open 2 beers and distribute evenly amongst your 6 cups. Your opponent does the same. Essentially, the game is the same as a standard game of ping pong, except the objective is not to get the ball to bounce past your opponent, but to land in his cup. When a ball lands in a cup, the contents of aformenetioned cup are consumed immediately. Continue play until all beer has been consumed. The loser (also known as the "Winner") is the person who drinks all 6 cups of beer first. In some rules, the loser is also forced to drink all remaining beer left untouched by his/her opponent.

2. Without paddles (recommended)

Slightly slower paced and more tense than with paddles, this game consists of the same setup, but instead of standard ping pong rules, the objective is simply to toss the ball into the opponents cup (preferrably without bouncing...a suitable punishment for bouncing-in is to publicly shame said bouncer's play). I find that despite the slower pace of the no-paddles game, the rounds tend to be more spirited.

Other Great Drinking Games:

Drinking Songs

Roxanne drinking game is played out, but Rasputin is an excellent game to which one can drink. (Drink for ever "ra-ra", and continuously drink--or "chug"--through the chanting of "hey, hey, hey"...particularly challening is not spraying beer out your nose whilst laughing at the absurdity of this).


Each player chills 6 beers. At a previously decided upon starting time, each player locks themself in their room, and procedes to imbibe these beers as quickly as they can. Whoever drinks all 6 beers is the winner. (Tip: Slow and steady wins the race, sprinters tend to vomit profusely...on second thought, sprinting is hilarious).

Flip Cup

This game sucks and only bros play it.

Feel free to add your own!!

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the last time i played drinking games, it was caps, sit on teh other side of the room toss the bottle cap if it lands in their cup they have to drink. after a few rounds, my friends pull out some coronas that were in his fridge since he moved in, so tehy were aged. i ended up drinking 2 of the old coronas, i got so fuckin sick, spent most of the rest of the early morning throwing up in the bathroom. my friends still even talk shit almost a year later about if i want any aged corona. fuck drinking games

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i lurve beer pong(w/o paddles, actually never tried w/ paddles). everyone that i've introduced to it used to think that shit was mad bro-ish until they actually tried it. it's just plain fun. and it takes skill to consistently get the ball into the cups when you're hammered.

i hate the people that want you to re-rack in a straight line when theres like 3-4 cups left, like wtf? i might as well give you the game. triangles or diamonds, nothing else.

the rules my friends and i usually play by are...

-10 cups or more

-take turns or shoot at same time eye to eye for first turn

-re-rack at 6, 4, 3, 2 or re-rack twice whenever

-elbows behind the table.

-drink before you shoot.

-bitches blow if spinning, no fingering for guys.

-if both players get it in bring it back.

-bounce off anything. table, wall, ceiling, lightbulb, bodypart, etc

-blocks if opposing team bounces, if the bounce gets it in, drink 2 cups.

-accidental cup knock-overs, count.

-if both players get into the same cup game over.

-if opposing team gets it in your last cup, shoot till you miss.

-3 cup overtime.

i'm not even gonna lie, shotgun is mad bro-ish, so are kegstands but they're fun to watch when you see people choking on beer or spitting it out their nose. flip cup is cool only when theres an equal amount of girls and guys. drinking games are best played though either in the summer outside, at a house party or at a bar.

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Last drinking game I played was on a boat off Western Australia in 2000 with a bunch of Marine Biologists. There was me and another guy surrounded by a bunch of others and we had to neck 100 individual shots of beer with a recognisable salutation in the style of a different movie character after each one.

I can't remember what happened exactly but I know my opponent threw up at about 65.

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