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How would you describe your style?


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Browsing through sufu often has given me a lot of inspiration to try new ideas and somehow incorporate them into my own personal style. I tend to wear neutral colours but im not afraid to throw in a few pastel colours or regular colours.. I like blue a lot as it sortve defines my personality. Not huge on accessories although i love beanies and messenger bags. I like to wear mid/high tops(converse hi's have become a fav to me) often but now and then i;ll throw on lows depending on what im wearing.. Im a jean freak, seldom do i wear shorts or sweatpants. I cant say i have one look as i tend to switch it up quite often depending on my mood.. (Casual/semi-casual, hip, classy/dressy).. I feel the need to customize sometimes..Im more of a spring/fall person as i feel the need to add layers to my wardrobe. I tend to look back at the 90's era for a bit of inspriation as well..

care to share yours..

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I use my clairvoyance to see how people in the future dress, but it turns out that post-apocalyptic streetwear is pretty previous level. So I dress like crap in the most fashion-forward way possible.

But my desired aesthetic would be post-apocalyptic urban ninja soldier bum messenger steez.

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average. i prefer to blend in, but with a slight twist. nothing extravagant like Still for example (respect to still btw, his stuff inspires me to keep at it.).

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i dress like shit most of the time

acne jeanz and spruce (not w+h) hoodie that's a size too big with a uniqlo blank tee

with converses.

the weather sucks way too bad

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i only wear my A+ shit like a couple dayz a week

i wanna look good when i go out but

i know that people will spill beer on my cluthingz so i wear shit clothes.

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