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im a size 2 in julius blazers but i dont know how his basics fit.

By memory i believe zekka is in Perth and im in Melbourne like you, so do they ship to Melb?

Ill have to look into it more as im after julius stuff from 07/08 AW as well and the AUD is shithouse against the YEN. btw i run by 'Diss' on SZ if you wondered.

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yeah, I've had some RO basics shipped to melbourne from Zekka. most of the Julius basics fit true to size (a jersey tee will be slightly loose and drapey, a ribbed tee will be tight clingy, etc.), so if you're an EU46 then you should be fine with a size 2.

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haha, I saw some dude going for a run at about 5pm this afternoon, he must have been nuts.

um, can't remember how much the tees were as I bought them a long time ago (last S/S I think). the RO tanks are ~$290 which is reasonable (for RO lame basics anyway :P).

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yeah to be honest was expecting them to cost more... although there is still no way I'm buying a 300 dollar tank/muscle tee(polish's looks dope)/t-shirt...

does zekka go on sale? ahahaha

also I went for a run today at 5.... 0_o

about 1/4 of my usual distance...

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damn that's keen man, I nearly keeled over and died just walking to the car haha.

zekka does have proper sales, it isn't like Assin which has a 30% discount for pieces that are 2 seasons old.

I realised just how damn expensive those RO tanks are today, it would cost well over a grand to buy a set of 4 colours (milk, dust, darkshadow and black). don't think I can stomach the price, the cash can be better spent elsewhere so the hunt for cheap(er) alternatives continues. so far the best I've found are these N4 modal/cotton tanks, problem is I only like the white, the other 2 colours are shithouse. gotta keep searching...

no worries wept, happy to help mate icon14.gif

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yeah I do like the tank, but I definitely arent going to wear two layered just for cock flapping at those prices... if something good shows up for about half the price, I guess I could stomach that, maybe hang out for sales here and in US (if dollar improves)

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from what I've seen BBS tanks are even more expensive than RO so their out of the question unless I win the lottery haha. btbam I emailed you RE: preordering some CON basics, let me know if you can hook me up when you get back from Paris icon14.gif

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fuck I'm bored. I've had next to nothing to do all day and my manager is away so I can't ask for more projects to work on. need more safe for work sites to browse to kill time haha.

any items on your wishlists from the recent FW09 runway presentations in Paris? so far the only things that have really caught my eye are the RO coats (probably get the peacoat style one because I'm not that tall haha) and the Julius rider (which I'd probably get in black. the red is amazing but the colour would likely be too much on me). the Ann D combat boots looked nice too, but I'll pass on them because I like the pair I got last season better (prefer the toe box shape and distressed finish, and the strap on the new boots make them look a bit busy).

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DJI, Tyro1,

were you guys in the city when the power konked out on friday night?

People said Crown was crazy. Security asked everyone to leave there gaming machines and go outside, but they were reluctant due to their money inside the machines.

Non gambling onlookers said it was such a pisser to watch.

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not really sure about FW09, thought RO, Ann, DD, Julius, and most the other regulars showed really solid stuff. Will wait on more detailed shots of the production pieces I guess.

I'm tempted by the Damir Doma wide pants on SZ at the moment, and watching some stuff on the bay... all depends on birthday money :P

wasnt in the city on friday, but heard crown was crazy. tbh I usually am never around crown

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yeah they were solid shows but very few stand out pieces to me. not so sure about the DD show personally, it was interesting but there wasn't anything that I would wear.

ditto with crown, only times I'm there is if friends want to see a movie or go to a bar there.

i agree with all of that DJI. The julius red was to much for me as well.

I didnt know you had a pair of last seasons Distressed boots. They were a stand out in my mind.

I think the colour would only really work for someone with really fair skin and hair like the model.

love the ann d boots :D. they are the perfect height for me, and the subtle details like the waxed/distressed finish and extra long laces you wrap around it set it off. they are very comfortable too icon14.gif

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I actually quite like the details on damir doma pants, was thinking about getting the slim pair they have at CM but I didn't like how they fit through the knee (didn't like the price either :P). that said I think the wide pants would be fairly hit and miss in terms of whether you can pull off the look or not, you need to be confident that it will work for you or be willing to resell if it doesn't. not so sure about the drawstrings at the bottom though...

if you dont mind me asking DJI, whats your ethnic background: black, white, asian etc?

I dont know why but i always pictured you of asian decent.

half chinese, half anglo-australian. I've got a pale olivish skin tone and dark hair hence why the red jacket probably wouldn't work for me.

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Yeah, I figured I it would really depend on how they look when on... I guess I'm tall enough for them, I quite like the option of slimming the silhouette of the pants with the drawstrings also.

If they are still there in a few days and the dollar improves, I may cop, if they didnt work out could always resell I guess...

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go for it man, I just noticed how cheap he is selling them for. I'm pissed off that our dollar is dipping again, lucky I pulled the trigger on a pair of Julius engineer boots last week. just hope that they fit, I've been after a pair for ages and have come to realise that the back zip is kind of a Julius signature so there isn't a point in waiting to see if they release a short pair with a side zip.

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nice cop on the julius boots, I actually really like the back zip design, makes for a really sharp shape at the back ( in a good way)

yeah the cheap price is what makes me think I will... but waiting around a few days for aforementioned birthday... hahah

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