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I've always loved that rick leather, i also like the nylon version. So annoyed i missed that one on SM a week or so ago. I was considering copping that leather BT but i don't really have the funds, but if you cop and decide to resell in august, well i'll have the funds... haha!

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if Klang says he'll do he'll cop it fo sho..

also buy if you are happy, don't if you have ANY worries..

better to be without for a few weeks/months than to lose your money and get no Jacket..

I also stand by my word, i somewhat dislike that particular Rick Owens reather.. sorry

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Not sure, mine cost about 1200 from Browns London?

Yeah i have seen this jacket in person before, i do like it a fair bit, but im not sold on that price. Ill see what he can offer. If its worthwhile ill take it but if its not a dam good price i will pass.

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i also gotta say that im not totally sold on that style either.. dont like that shoulder knit - they cheapen the look for me :(

Just say you kopped - Will the jacket arrive b4 you go to paris? You'll be tempted to buy something else while you're there imo ;)

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if anyone is interested in the CON bird in cage bracelet I'm looking to sell it for $65 shipped:


posted yesterday, arrived today :) great sale :D


oh and bt, is the official opening invite only? where exactly is your shop on beafort, is it near that park? I google imaged but didn't really know what to look for, google images street view are probs really old though.

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The official opening is invite only and when we officially open the store will be shopping by appointment only.

The store is in the middle of beaufort. The store is just a small gallery space, we are mainly looking for online recognition internationally.

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Pickup is fine, The door wont be locked but im not looking for people off the street.

The product i am seeking is of international appeal, my service will be impeccable in store and online. I believe come august when the orders start going out, you will all be very impressed with what we plan on doing.

Those that have made orders that is :)

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Infact let me re phrase that first sentence.

I am not looking for people off the street, i am not looking for customers at all.

The product is for people who seek it. I am not looking for a get rich business, i am looking to supply people with passion with product that is very hard to find/purchase

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ahaha i love how it happened with a mate... definitely some anger issues there man

haha, I've found in country areas mates having fights is not so uncommon. They are friends like an hour later.

And I think bt you have 80% of sales covered by everyone on here hah

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thanks J, looks like I win :P. too bad T haha.

fuck me, 6 pages of posts to read through since I was on a few hours ago :eek:. heh, knocked out those 2 reports this afternoon, dodgiest shit I've ever cobbled together....

bt please don't buy that jacket unless you want to look like a nascar racer. ribbed knit inserts at the arm holes and all the way down the inner sleeves, fail velcro neck closure and cheap as fuck looking unwashed calf leather, pics here. save your money for something better man, you'll just end up reselling this one because it's shite.

if klang agreeded on a price then it's as good as sold, he's as legit as they get.

ajax and Ivan those ann d sneakers were $1600+ at assin....

50 and Ivan I'm still looking for an RO-esque cardi without the price tag and delicate fabric, the n4 cashmere cardi last season looked nice but not as long as I'd like. only decent cardi I have atm is the Julius cotton/silk ribbed zip cardi...

glad to hear you got the bracelet today E, thanks again man icon14.gif.

heh, bt you got 50 good...

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haha well there's good reason for it bt ;). also the buttons on the pocket look crap, sorry but I really do not like that jacket. at all. plz don't buy. ever.

the preview obscur shots do look amazing, interested to see more pics from the collection. heh, would it be uncomfortable to sit down with the clasps/hooks along the back? :P

nice purchase and good sale JB and bt respectively ;).

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