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not sensitivity.

ACOG+steady aim+m40

the acog has slight auto aim, esp on the m40.

combined with steady aim, it gets fairly accurate from the hip - especially with practice. pretty easy if you do.

it is also extremely annoying - i much prefer quickscoping. im glad the noscope craze is over for the most part.

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my friend beasts with the barret no scoped, people get nuts about sniping, i have little use for it... although i have heard about the m40 acog glitch before...

Acogs give a damage of +5

M40 Acog stopping power has a damage boost that allows you to 1 hit kill on ANY PART of the body if the person doesn't have jugg. Even with jugg you can still 1 hit at the chest or above

1 hit kill on the foot ftw

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campers in FPS games make me mad, as they offer little to the scheme of things. i try to keep moving, keep killing.

it's so easy to anti camp with an offensive ninja class aka silenced weapon, uav jammer, dead silence and bomb squad. Most people don't bother moving. Silenced P90 is usually a good weapon for this since it has the most ammo per clip but I like the silenced mp5.

Lately though I've been annoyed at glitchers, I played yesterday vs some guy that was underneath the creek on overgrown.

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glitchers are always out there, but if you move to a new lobby its usually cool as they are the minority, at least in my experience in XBL.

i have heard that acogs and red dots actually take away damage points. But i dont know how reliable that is.

as far as stopping power and all that go's i really only play HCSD or HCHQ... so i have little use for it. But then part of me thinks that it might help, as it does boost hit damage, and even in HC sometimes you get hurt from getting shot and get the red glow of being hurt... i wonder if putting SP on in HC helps. people online seem to say no when i have looked, but what do people know? i love to use the M4 acog, it does not always do the damage it should, so i want to us SP, but then i wonder if its really helping or wasting a perk slot... ok, rant over.

G3 Silenced is amazing too.

p90 acog is a great gun to make people really mad, p90 anything really just fucks with people. haha.

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I dunno, the way I see it, hardcore takes away the need for stopping power, shit is overkill. And I find UAV Jammer essential and much more useful for hardcore.

I saw a stats site once, I got linked to it by a friend, had all sorts of modifiers and shit telling you what did what when you used certain perks and what not. Personally, I did not give a shit and could not be bothered looking at all that mumbo jumbo.

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yes, there is a lot of mumbo jumbo numbers and stats sites that i have seen and ignored as well.

I think HC is the only way to go, and i just wonder about SP, i have UAVJ on almost all my classes, that or Slight of hand, which i think is more valuble that a lot of people do, but i shoot a lot, so it helps, my accuracy rating is for shit, when i first started i enjoyed spamming with the SAW, it killed my stats.... but if you look at my win rate i am above most people... so i would rather win more than have good acuracy, but having missed out on all the previous COD games i am interested in how i will do in modern combat 2, now that i know how to do things.

extreme conditioning is also very underrated as a perk i think.

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glitchers are always out there, but if you move to a new lobby its usually cool as they are the minority, at least in my experience in XBL.

i have heard that acogs and red dots actually take away damage points. But i dont know how reliable that is.

as far as stopping power and all that go's i really only play HCSD or HCHQ... so i have little use for it. But then part of me thinks that it might help, as it does boost hit damage, and even in HC sometimes you get hurt from getting shot and get the red glow of being hurt... i wonder if putting SP on in HC helps. people online seem to say no when i have looked, but what do people know? i love to use the M4 acog, it does not always do the damage it should, so i want to us SP, but then i wonder if its really helping or wasting a perk slot... ok, rant over.

G3 Silenced is amazing too.

p90 acog is a great gun to make people really mad, p90 anything really just fucks with people. haha.

If you're playing HC which it seems you are, stats pretty much don't mean much anymore. But I'm a primarily TDM guy so its pretty important to know the strength and weakness of a loadout.

Attachment weakness really depends on the gun, for example, AK47/74u get weaker when you put an attachment on it to balance out the gun. Another example of attachment screwing with shit is the G3 Silenced, it's a glitch, but you cannot melee attack with it in free for all.

As for Stopping power on HC, it depends on how many guys are using jugg (which most I feel do, but I don't play HC as much).

Stock health in HC is 30 vs softcores 100.

Most guns do 30 to 40 damage off the bat, chest or above at a decent range, silenced the damage goes down to 20 to 30, this is without damage mulptilers (i.e. shooting them in the head). Most of the time you'll get a 1 - 2 hit kill)

Stopping power basically allows you to kill a person using one less bullet. In contrast, Jugg lets you survive one extra bullet worth of damage (basically, they cancel each other out). But the advantage SP has over Jugg is that health takes about 5 sec to revive to 100%, whereas SP is always there.

It really depends on your loadout it seems, but looking at the weapons chart right now most guns do enough damage to kill a person with 1-2 hits at a decent range, it seems you're better off with jugg.

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@ DUM- i would get COD4 cheap, or wait for Modern combat 2....

i have played it on the pc, its a joke how easy it is there, the compition is just not as good as XBL, but you get to play in games that have 52 people insead of the max 18 in 360 land. there is also no prestige mode in the pc version.

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I have no idea what dudes are talking about in here, but what would be the best multiplayer shooter I could cop (now or later if I should wait for something) for PS3?

COD4 and add me. Then buy MW2 in November.

I really only play HQ and domination... sometimes HCHQ, Team Tac, GW. And I usually play with a full party, I'd say 70% of the time.

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i'd agree, there are better shooters out there if you aren't limited to a console.

i switched over to cod4 for a few matches earlier after i've just been playing w@w. it totally threw me off. but a lot of the guys playing on xbl these days are, admittedly, just really fucking good.

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that was the pc glitch with the P90... they fixed that... but there are countless other things to fuck with in it, like head shot cheats where someone can stand anywhere and just get head shot after headshot, fuck hacks they are.


W@W is good i think, it took me forever to buy a cheap used one but i like it (more than a lot of people who seem to bash it, its no COD4, but what is?) the pace is so much slower than cod4.... its more like hunting people than a extreme sport of shooting them... imo.

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W@W is good i think, it took me forever to buy a cheap used one but i like it (more than a lot of people who seem to bash it, its no COD4, but what is?) the pace is so much slower than cod4.... its more like hunting people than a extreme sport of shooting them... imo.

this may be why i enjoy it more than cod4. bigger, more open maps, you can play a hc game and hardly see anyone for ten minutes if you so choose.

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that was the pc glitch with the P90... they fixed that... but there are countless other things to fuck with in it, like head shot cheats where someone can stand anywhere and just get head shot after headshot, fuck hacks they are.


W@W is good i think, it took me forever to buy a cheap used one but i like it (more than a lot of people who seem to bash it, its no COD4, but what is?) the pace is so much slower than cod4.... its more like hunting people than a extreme sport of shooting them... imo.

Yeah AIM bots are shit.

I got into WAW for a while but after picking up COD4 again I just couldn't go back. Imo SMGs are just too goo in WAW, there's no real reason to use anything else. And the pace bores me (especially the running). Also in my experience (and as experienced by other great players like Blametruth), the hit detection is horrible but the thing that kills the game for me is the random spawning.

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W@W is totally for a certian head space, if i feel tactical and slow, more open maps... when i have that mind set.

I like using the scoped rifles in W@W just to prove a point to EVERYONE else that is using a SMG... although now i have the stg with a scope and i just murder it... almost unfair, the guns no matter how you look at it in W@W, are not balanced, and some are more or less useless. something you cant say about COD4. also bouncing bettys are almost undefeatable, and thats lame, cause with claymores you could be smart and avoid them, set em off and keep moving whatever, the better is more or less just instant death 99% of the time.

My main complaint with cod4 was that the maps were too small... but then W@W, they are too big... i think the second W@W map pack got it right, banzi is really good... so is the sub pen, those are bigger than the average COD4 map, but not too big to feel lost and bored.

this thread makes me think i need to play less games and go to sleep on time.

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I personally hated W@W i respect Treyarch effort in this COD series but at the same time i feel it fell short.

To me it felt like a noob game...for instance TANKS!

Although I haven't played it since it first came out...i should give it another try....

I will agree tho, the Nazi Zombie game is fun as hell (as long as you have good teammates)

can't wait for Modern Warfare 2!!!!!!

The most kills that i have gotten on Modern Warfare is 102 (kills) and 23 (deaths) while playing domination on Shipment (of course)...lol

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Nazi zombie owns, anyone up for a 4 man sufu zombie domination? I don't have a mic though :(

bro you gotta get a mic...its no fun when you can't talk to a guy that is suppose to be watching your back, window, or alley...

i've been killed to many times b/c someone didn't have a mic

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Nazi zombie owns, anyone up for a 4 man sufu zombie domination? I don't have a mic though :(

bro you gotta get a mic...its no fun when you can't talk to a guy that is suppose to be watching your back, window, or alley...

i've been killed to many times b/c someone didn't have a mic

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I personally hated W@W i respect Treyarch effort in this COD series but at the same time i feel it fell short.

To me it felt like a noob game...for instance TANKS!

agreed on that first part, and no more tanks in HC which makes it 10x better but i still can't get into it.

still play cod4 all the time though.

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I personally hated W@W i respect Treyarch effort in this COD series but at the same time i feel it fell short.

To me it felt like a noob game...for instance TANKS!

Although I haven't played it since it first came out...i should give it another try....

I will agree tho, the Nazi Zombie game is fun as hell (as long as you have good teammates)

can't wait for Modern Warfare 2!!!!!!

The most kills that i have gotten on Modern Warfare is 102 (kills) and 23 (deaths) while playing domination on Shipment (of course)...lol

I agree, Tanks are shitty especially when no one on your team tries to take them out. It basically turns into a race to the tanks.

Let's not forget how annoyingly overpowered the dogs are. I mean, at least with Heli's you can shoot them down. But going one on one with a dog is like rolling the dice. Forget it if you're up against 2.

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