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islandboi: im not sure how patient you are but i want to grab some beer from my favorite brewery and i can only get the beers there and i can only make it there this weekend. if you want beer now, i can substitute it for something else i enjoy drinking.

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islandboi: im not sure how patient you are but i want to grab some beer from my favorite brewery and i can only get the beers there and i can only make it there this weekend. if you want beer now, i can substitute it for something else i enjoy drinking.

no problem, take your time.

stylish: i been busy with work, hope to pick up beers this weekend and ship it out by monday. sorry for the delay :o

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I just received my beers from the swap. Thanks Stylish Pilot!! I can not wait til that Rye on Rye gets cold.


Boulevard Brewing Company Rye-on-Rye

Spoetzl Brewery Shiner 101

Diamond Bear Southern Blonde

Diamond Bear Presidential IPA

Diamond Bear Pale Ale

Diamond Bear Irish Red

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I just received my beers from the swap. Thanks Stylish Pilot!! I can not wait til that Rye on Rye gets cold.


Boulevard Brewing Company Rye-on-Rye

Spoetzl Brewery Shiner 101

Diamond Bear Southern Blonde

Diamond Bear Presidential IPA

Diamond Bear Pale Ale

Diamond Bear Irish Red

Grew up in Arkansas, but I've never had a beer brewed there, hah. Let us know how they are, and let us know how the Rye on Rye is too! I want to get some of that if it's good.

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did a little beer run this evening after dinner. was super stoked they had the juxtaposition black pilsner since i've been wanting to try it but missed the release. pity i only got the bottles with brewer's notes from james (brew dog) and will (cambridge) - kinda ironic that i live and sd and couldn't get mitch's bottle (stone). sigh...


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did a little beer run this evening after dinner. was super stoked they had the juxtaposition black pilsner since i've been wanting to try it but missed the release. pity i only got the bottles with brewer's notes from james (brew dog) and will (cambridge) - kinda ironic that i live in sd and couldn't get mitch's bottle (stone). sigh...

you thinking OB oktoberfest on Saturday? im heading down to visit some friends for the weekend and we're pretty intent on going. really hoping it's not a disappointment.

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ren, the Brute is fucking sick man! I had 4 pints on tap to get started tonight =) (fall break, hahah)

The Ubu is a good beer too, strong ale, has some good spices in it for fall/winter but it's very drinkable.. haven't had the Nosferatu but I have a couple bottles that I'll try soon. It's not local (from Ohio) but I knew you liked strong ales so I threw it in there.. Great Lakes usually makes really good beers.

edit: also I second the Hitachino Red Rice Ale, and their Milk Stout is really nice. Actually the Milk Stout is probably my favorite from Kiuchi Brewery.

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you thinking OB oktoberfest on Saturday? im heading down to visit some friends for the weekend and we're pretty intent on going. really hoping it's not a disappointment.

better off waiting for SD beer week or next weeks ballast point celebration week and I think most of the beer will be at obriens.

sigh... wish i could but i have to help a buddy pack up his house cuz he's moving to pdx... icon9.gif

just did this last week if your not in hurry or carrying a shitload of stuff you should take the 101 to the 1 and enjoy the ride up the coast.

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I just received my beers from the swap. Thanks Stylish Pilot!! I can not wait til that Rye on Rye gets cold.


Boulevard Brewing Company Rye-on-Rye

Spoetzl Brewery Shiner 101

Diamond Bear Southern Blonde

Diamond Bear Presidential IPA

Diamond Bear Pale Ale

Diamond Bear Irish Red

Good Deal. Wanted to get some Arkansas brews in there but I figured you'd def be more excited about the Rye on Rye. Do you guys get Shiner in CA?

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Good Deal. Wanted to get some Arkansas brews in there but I figured you'd def be more excited about the Rye on Rye. Do you guys get Shiner in CA?

aye we do. used to buy sixers of it on a regular basis at a local liquor mart in mission beach when i still lived in SD. good stuff although im sure its all sorts of more commonplace to see it in TX.

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The Rye-on-Rye is pretty legit. On my second half of the bottle right now. Stylish Pilot, are you trying to kill me? I hadn't seen that it was 11% until just before I popped the cork.

Incredibly light for a beer of such high alcohol content. The rye and whisky hints are well balanced.

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The Rye-on-Rye is pretty legit. On my second half of the bottle right now. Stylish Pilot, are you trying to kill me? I hadn't seen that it was 11% until just before I popped the cork.

Incredibly light for a beer of such high alcohol content. The rye and whiskey hints are well balanced.

hahah that beer starts kicking your ass halfway through. So smooth for 11%.

Glad you're enjoying it

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Haha from what you guys just said, I want to try the Rye on Rye for sure! In NYC right now, here for 4 days.. was drinking on Avery Dugana and Middle Ages Double Wench earlier.. both were really hefty beers that I probably wouldn't drink again.. I'm mad wasted right now, was drinking a lot of whiskey as most places we hit didn't have decent beer selections.. fuck I love being on fall break and not having to think about class :o

Anyway, while in NYC, going to run by a beer store and pick up a bunch of Allagash stuff (and whatever else) that we can't get upstate, will post pics on Tuesday night when I get back.

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