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Less common/produced non-wingtip version. And I got them on SALE! They were like the only pair left in the country randomly at the NM by my parent's home. Pick them up on Thursday and will get better pics.

(soles are a little bit different than runway pic)

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I want a pair too! lovely shoes.. let me know when you are tired of them!

  kvc06 said:

Less common/produced non-wingtip version. And I got them on SALE! They were like the only pair left in the country randomly at the NM by my parent's home. Pick them up on Thursday and will get better pics.

(soles are a little bit different than runway pic)

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homme.homme was gonna cop those jeans but in black but someone was quicker than me. take a great wayet with those on (please)

jdemotion for once again, bravo. the high street is a crazy damn great collection.

kvc06 please wear the shit outta those pradas.

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Thanks guys :)

If I run into some financial need, I'll contact you guys or make a thread, really hoping I can really wear them out tho, as Will suggested :D

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beyerdynamic dt770 pro 80 ohms. i tried a lot of headphones (akg k272, sennheiser hd25, AT M40fs and M50, sony 7506...) and they were my favorite.

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3 times the same game:


Like a dummy I ordered 3 at 3 different ebay shop because i was coming back from a huge drinking night and really wanted to play it.

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3 times the same game:


Like a dummy I ordered 3 at 3 different ebay shop because i was coming back from a huge drinking night and really wanted to play it.

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