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WAYWT shit talking thread


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Sunglasses: Random vintage Wayfarer replications

Shirt: Le Tigre

Undershirt: LIDL!

Watch: Casio Poptone

Shorts: Peak Performance Sweden

Socks: Nike

Shoes: Nike Tech Challenge

this is some doodoo that even flies wouldn't touch. nigga must have just discovered urban outfitters and bought the shittiest on sale shit. worst colorway for tech challenges ever. i dunno...this is like the international uniform for a white rectal douche.

i was just about to post this, but it was so bad i was sure i couldn't be the first

it's also so bad i almost suspect troll

anyway, the le tigre is icing on the shit cake

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Intrinsically that shirt isn't that bad. But the rest is completly shit, and the pose is mad ghey. It looked fake, but after going through this nigga antecedent, it looks legit. I feel bad for him.

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Guest jeffvyain

not everyone here gives a shit about your high top nikes. your shit got old about 10k posts ago. your fashion sense is about as arbitrary as your posts.

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i repeat... and will continue to do so


please schlep your pathetic corny self to a forum that actually tolerates wearing seasonally conflicting outfits. is a shearling balaclava + cutoffs the new uggs + miniskirt?

I don't want to know.

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Guest jmatsu
not everyone here gives a shit about your high top nikes. your shit got old about 10k posts ago. your fashion sense is about as arbitrary as your posts.

wtf are you babbling about? i nvr posted any fits with hightop nikes. were you even around to witness my first couple posts? no, so shut your piehole and go make some stupid babies with bitcharella.

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Guest jeffvyain
i repeat... and will continue to do so


please schlep your pathetic corny self to a forum that actually tolerates wearing seasonally conflicting outfits. is a shearling balaclava + cutoffs the new uggs + miniskirt?

I don't want to know.

we praise those who go out into the summer heat in a t-shirt and 2 scarves wrapped around their neck, yet we're gonna rag on someone for wearing what was the only hat in our house with a brim.

fashion is arbitrary. if the rest of you can't get that, shit...i don't know how else to explain it to you... wouldn't be worth my time

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Guest jeffvyain
wtf are you babbling about? i nvr posted any fits with hightop nikes. were you even around to witness my first couple posts? no, so shut your piehole and go make some stupid babies with bitcharella.

i went back and tried to find a post where you actually showed what you were wearing and finally gave up. i don't even remember how you dress; it was merely an envelope statement regarding what we deem here as fashionable. i really don't give a shit how you dress, just like i really don't give a shit about what you think about how i dress. keep it up though. maybe one day you'll get through to me.

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yo i hate bitches who wear scarves in summer too i will make a blog called 'douchebags who wear scarves in summer'

but anyways jeffy

who r u to talk abut fashin? u even said u r only here for superdenim, dat shit don't encompass all fashin so i dont think u in any position 2 talk abut anythin other than denimz and even den 9999 ppl pwn u at dat 2.. shit man i dont even own pair of blue jeans n i pwn u at jeans dawg

also stop wearing some grimy girl everyday and soak dat shit already

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yo also jeffyvain shit r u this dumb in real life? no wonder u with retard girl, did u find her in special ed class dat u dropped out of ? fuckin lowlife loosing...


shit u r most ignant shit i eva seen for real "what we deem fashionable" if u havent noticed, most of the time high top nike is HATED not loved.. fuck ur raw deims n fuck daniway too who the fuck u think u r, do u think u r ollie great wall? NO ONLY O.G. DANNY WAY DO DAT.. do u have pro model shoe wit DC? no, ONLY O.G. DANNY WAY..


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I for one, do not understand how people can wrap winter scarves around their neck in the summer and much less praise them.

Fashion is arbitrary, yes, but it should be interesting (to not say aesthetic as it is more subjective).

your girlfriend is not the first person to dress plainly/badly on this board. hell, one or two of her outfits were even acceptable. she is getting so much negativity because of her absolutely shitty attitude. why is she even posting here? is she interested in fashion at all? or is she just doing it to showcase her body, fish for compliments (or in this case, insults) and shit talk with no coherence whatsoever?

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Guest jmatsu
we praise those who go out into the summer heat in a t-shirt and 2 scarves wrapped around their neck, yet we're gonna rag on someone for wearing what was the only hat in our house with a brim.

fashion is arbitrary. if the rest of you can't get that, shit...i don't know how else to explain it to you... wouldn't be worth my time

i disagree. fashion can be arbitrary, but the industry has cohesion. this board's overall collective has a certain cohesion. that is what makes this forum's community. not saying that everyone has the same aesthetic, but i'm sure that most here have respect for shit that is real or done properly (no matter what aesthetic). it is usually those with inferior sensibilities, impoverished wardrobes, and a general lack of fashion knowledge who say throwaway-evasion sentiments such as your last one. MOST contributing/respected members of this board HATE shit that is of no significance too that of this forum. namely that of your (your bitch included) ridiculous posts, shitty clothes, and doodoo attitude..

nigga why you trying to sound smart? fashion can at times be arbitrary, but that is such a blanket statement. coming from the likes of you, i imagine that you just learned the word, then decided to practice it in a sentence here.

this is better: that bitch, daniway's vagina is arbitrary.

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i went back and tried to find a post where you actually showed what you were wearing and finally gave up. i don't even remember how you dress; it was merely an envelope statement regarding what we deem here as fashionable. i really don't give a shit how you dress, just like i really don't give a shit about what you think about how i dress. keep it up though. maybe one day you'll get through to me.

he posted one like yesterday, with the detachable penis.

like everybody here, i don't understand why you don't go posting your bj pics and unfashion shit where you belong, like in authentic forum or some shit.

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who is anyone on this forum to judge intelligence or character when this website is mainly a joke. everyone posts their pics to get attention and fish for compliments. if anything, this website was created for narcisism. i joined this site because my boyfriend had an account. i posted a picture because i don't think, i KNOW i have a good taste in fashion. the first picture i even posted was a complete joke... every picture after that was before i went to work... at a GARDENING shop. i'm a fucking hippie. i wear what i want, and i like it. i put it on here to get your negative AND positive attention-and look at that (!) i get what i want. as a matter of fact, after i post a picture it's all you fuckers can talk about. why? because if you saw me on the street you'd be those nasty rubber neckers or those dumb jealous bitches who like to glare to intimidate. I WIN I WIN I WIN! so, a. stop giving me the attention i "want" or b. keep giving it to me. i like both choices.

i'm going to keep posting my fit pics... so get over it.

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Guest jmatsu
who is anyone on this forum to judge intelligence or character when this website is mainly a joke. everyone posts their pics to get attention and fish for compliments. if anything, this website was created for narcisism. i joined this site because my boyfriend had an account. i posted a picture because i don't think, i KNOW i have a good taste in fashion. the first picture i even posted was a complete joke... every picture after that was before i went to work... at a GARDENING shop. i'm a fucking hippie. i wear what i want, and i like it. i put it on here to get your negative AND positive attention-and look at that (!) i get what i want. as a matter of fact, after i post a picture it's all you fuckers can talk about. why? because if you saw me on the street you'd be those nasty rubber neckers or those dumb jealous bitches who like to glare to intimidate. I WIN I WIN I WIN! so, a. stop giving me the attention i "want" or b. keep giving it to me. i like both choices.

i'm going to keep posting my fit pics... so get over it.

okay, brief pause from hating.

i would really like to know about the bolded statement. how do you know that you've got good taste in fashion? seriously...

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